The fattening of severus snape

chapter 2

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I could feel his fingers through my suddenly wet knickers. I swallowed. His index finger with the family ring was teasingly tracing the edge of the fabric from the back to the front.
“My dear girl, you are soaking”

He looked me straight in the eyes as he started to massage my pussy through the cotton fabric. I couldn´t turn away from his magnetic stare. It was as if he stripped my soul naked. A moan escaped my lips, which made his eyebrows contract in pretended surprise.
“Oh… enjoying ourselves, are we?”

His hand groped my left titty, squeezing it softly, his thumb stroking the stiffened nipple in circles. I shivered as I felt his warm breath against my ear.
“So… Helpless” he hissed. I could barely contain myself, and he knew it. His snakelike tounge started to caress my nipple. The very same sharp tongue which had removed countless points from Hufflepuff on my behalf, the very same tongue which had given me tons of extra homework and late night detentions.

His lips closed fondly over my nipple, as he started to suckle it, with muffled groans. I grabbed his shoulder, my eyes rolling back.
Through his robe I could feel his hard, throbbing cock. My mind flashed with desire. I wanted to ride his wand so badly. I reached out to feel it, but Severus rapidly gripped my wrist, preventing me to touch him.
“Ouch!” I squeaked.
“Not. So. Eager.” He snarled through clenched teeth.
“P-please…” I whined.
My hands were longing to explore his body. I wanted to undress him, to unbutton his robe one button at a time, as I had done so many times in my imagination sitting in my classroom bench, pretending to innocently listen to his lectures.

He let go of my wrist, and as if by an invisible force I was pushed hard against the gobelin decorated wall. We were now standing a few feet away from each other, and he was slowly eying me up and down, moistening his upper lip with the tip of his tongue. I tried to move, but it was as if I was glued to the wall.

“Tss tss tss” he said mockingly. He came forward, stroking a sweaty wisp of hair out of my face. He softly held my head between his veiny hands and leaned forward as if to kiss me. His lips had almost touched mine when I dared to interrupt him.
“Professor… Sir… I have never done this before… I´m afraid I- I might not be a great kisser…” My face flushed with shame.
“Oh is that so?” Severus said amused. “Well, miss Avory, about time we get you a lesson in that matter. And as you might know, I happen to be a quite decent teacher. Just you… follow my lead, miss”

He placed his thumb on my under lip, pulling it down slightly. Then he let his thin lips softly touch my half opened mouth, and gave me such a delicate, slow kiss, leaving me breathless.
“Well that wasn´t so bad was it?” He chuckled “Far better than making out with some fumbling boy under a mistletoe at yule ball I dare to assume.”

I boldly kissed him back hard, biting his lip to show him my hunger. He groaned. As he pressed himself closer to me I could feel the outline of his protruding, fleshy belly against my body. I swallowed.
“You like this do you… “ He purred. “Don´t lie to me. You like my new… Additions?” He grabbed my hand, and gently forced it to rub his doughy belly through the robe. The new houself really hadn´t let him starve over the summer.
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 3 years
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HueOrdner 4 months
I absolutely love this story! ❤️