The fattening of severus snape

chapter 3

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“..Uhuh…” I confessed in a trembling voice. I was ashamed to admit it even to myself, but it had been such a pleasant chock when I first saw the new meatier version of Severus a month ago, when he opened his door at Spinners end, surprised to see me sitting there on his door step, shuddering in the rain. It had been an even sweeter delight for me to see the former svelte potions master grow steadily fatter over the next following weeks under the loving care of his house elf. His once so sharp jawline softening. A double chin slowly forming. Watching the seams in his robe stretch and creak as a witness of his weakness for creamy treacle tart, buttery bacon and sweet drinks. Hearing him reprehend the poor elf for repeatingly shrinking his favourite robe in the wash (“Blinky is so sorry master… Blinky promise it wont happen again dear Sir”).

With quivering hands, I slowly started to undo the straining buttons of his robe. His hairy chest was puffy. As I opened the last buttons, a pale, flabby belly oozed out. I put my thumb in the navel, and jiggled the belly with the rest of my fingers.
“Gosh professor, what has Blinky been feeding you?”
He opened his mouth to answer, but no words came. I pinched a pudgy love handle between my fingers and massaged it. His face grimaced in pained pleasure.
“You need to control yourself, Sir… It’s a shame really, letting yourself go like this. No discipline, eating yourself out of your own wardrobe. Getting fatter and fatter. What will people think when school starts?”

I noticed the ring with the Snape family weapon on his right hand, squeezing a pudgy finger. I lift his hand to investigate it. With a cheeky smile, I kneaded the fleshy finger teasingly.
“Mmm… I can tell you have been eating really well lately… Oh poor Severus... Getting too fat for the family heirloom, are we.”
“Enough.” He growled. “Bend. Over”
He took a firm grip around my neck. I met his gaze stubbornly. His sparkling eyes narrowed. He nodded against the ebony desk.
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 3 years
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HueOrdner 4 months
I absolutely love this story! ❤️