The fattening of severus snape

chapter 4

“You heard me, girl”
I draw a breath and opened my mouth to protest, but was silenced with a raised eyebrow. Obediently, I walked to the desk, placed my elbows on the table top, bending over. The air in the room was satiated with tension.

There suddenly was a timid knock-knock. My heart skipped a beat. We both turned around against the closed door. I didn´t dare to move.
“Sir..?” a shrill voice on the other side of the door exclaimed.
“Not now, Blinky. I´m busy.”
“Oh. Sorry dear professor Sir. Blinky is just wondering if you and missy would be home in time for - .”
“I said. Not. Now”
“Oh. forgive Blinky dear Master Sir, Blinky is so utterly sorry –“
I could hear her tiptoing away in the hallway, still making excuses while her voice was fading away.
“Stupid elf.” Severus muttered. “Now, where were we. Oh. Right!”
My knuckles were whitening as they clenched around the edge of the tabletop. I could feel his hand stroking my hair.
“Oh yes, oh yes.” He chuckled “We still have a certain… lesson to learn, haven´t we miss? We don´t want you to get… Out of bounds again do we?”
A taste of iron was spreading in my mouth.
“Do we?” He repeated silkely.
“…No” I answered, trying to keep my voice steady.
“Well then, take off your trousers then, miss Avory, if you would be ever so kind”
With my hands shaking, I straightened up, opened the belt, and the manchester trousers fell to my ankles.
“The knickers too, deary”
I pulled down my knickers as well. Tears of shame and anger were filling my eyes. Strangely, my pussy was pulsating with anticipation of what was to come. He reached out his hand palm up, flickering his fingers.
“Give them to me”
I handed him my knickers. He pressed them to his crooked nose, inhaling.
“Ahh… Yes” He said airly, smacking his tounge “that’s quite an amortentia, isn´t it”
Then with a nod, he commanded me back to my bent over position by the desk.
Standing right behind me, he placed his hands firmly over mine, pressing them against the surface of the desktop. He leaned over my upperbody, his fat belly squeezing me flat against the surface of the table. His stiff cock was pulsating. His lips were so close to my ear, I could feel his warm breath.
“Not too heavy for you… Am I?” He softly bit my earlobe.
I shook my head, even though his weight over me made it slightly hard to breath. My juices were trickling down the inside of my thigh. I wanted him inside me so badly.
“Well then… Since this is your first time…” His hips started to sway slightly, he rubbed himself against me.
I groaned.
“Oh sorry… What was that?”
“…fuck me…”
“Language, Miss Avory!”
“Please, just fuck me professor…”
“Oh be sure I will. Forgive me if we won´t have enough time for Hogsmeade deary”
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 3 years
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HueOrdner 4 months
I absolutely love this story! ❤️