The weight of a marriage

Chapter 2 - the reception

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The newlyweds made their way around to their guests at the various tables of the reception hall, taking photos and participating in the occasional toast and kiss as demanded. Clint and Eva made their way to the table with her father. “Oh honey, you look so beautiful in that dress, I can’t believe how the time has gone by.” The middle-aged man began.

As Eva’s father began to reminisce, she whispered into Clint’s ear “Babe could you go and grab my contact case from Samantha, my eyes are getting dry.”

“Sure thing.” Clint replied.

As Clint made his way across the reception, he did a scan of the room to make sure everyone was enjoying themselves. His eyes again landed on Eva’s mother Sabrina. He remembered Eva telling him that her parents had divorced not long after she had been born and her mother had not taken it well. Sabrina had a look of distracted focus as again her lips moved mumbling something. As he passed, he caught the trailing end of whatever she was saying “…. marriage is transformative, placing a great weight on some…….” Before he passed by and couldn’t hear anymore. Clint retrieved the contact lens case and returned to his bride as she was finishing with her father.

The evening carried on and Clint and Eva were seated at the head table as the meals were brought out. A plate with a sizzling steak and side of asparagus was placed in front of Clint, in front of Eva was placed a large fried chicken breast with an overly generous portion of lobster mac and cheese.

“They must have messed up my meal, I ordered the fish” Eva exclaimed.

“I’ll say something,” Clint said as he stood up.

“No, I don’t want to make a scene, besides what better day to have a cheat day on?” she smiled.

The duo began to eat, enjoying the overpriced work of the reception’s chefs. Clint was cutting another piece of steak off when he began to hear smacking and chewing beside him. Eva was shoveling bites of chicken and pasta into her mouth at a rapid pace, chewing and swallowing. He wasn’t the only one to notice, with a few guests glancing over from their own meals to see the slender woman inhale the fatty foods. “She must have skipped breakfast this morning” Clint thought to himself before his thought was interrupted.

“BBBBUUUURRRRRPPPP” Eva’s face was glowing red, her hand covered her mouth in embracement.

Everyone in the reception hall paused for a second before pretending not to have heard the gluttonous blech of the bride. Eva wiped her face with a napkin before resuming eating at a normal pace. “God I’m so embarrassed, I don’t know what came over me”

“What was that you were saying earlier about making a scene?” Clint chuckled.

“You Suck.” Eva smiled as she lovingly pushed him.

After the plates were cleared away the lights changed and music filled the venue. Clint and Eva shared their first dance before the music changed to an upbeat pop hit and the guests joined in on the fun. All the standard wedding fare was played to get everyone engaged along with some of Clint and Eva’s favorites. As the music began to slow down Eva spoke into Clint’s ear “I think that dinner was a bit much for me, I’ve got to use the ladies’ room, be back as soon as possible.” She left him with a kiss and made her way off.

As a slow dance song came up Clint found himself face to face with Sabrina, Eva’s mother. “May I have this dance?” she asked him.

“It’d be my pleasure.” He said as internally he grimaced. Sabrina was nothing like her daughter. While they were of similar height, Sabrina must have weighed at least three times as much as the slender beauty. Her skin was pale, and she sported a massive gut that stuck out and sagged down and was capped off with a thick padded shelf butt that Clint could only guess helped the woman’s paunch from keeping her falling face first into the ground.

As Clint placed his hand onto what he assumed to be Eva’s mother’s waist he felt rolls of flesh as his fingers sank into the soft excess flesh. He took a deep breath and began to dance with the rotund woman.

“Clint, I know you and Eva have been together a long time now, but marriage is a real test of a man’s character.” As they stepped and turned in the next part of the dance, Sabrina’s belly pressed into Clint. The soft doughy midsection jiggling. “When I married Eva’s father, I must have been not much bigger than her, and things went well at first.”

“Yeah, I’m sure.” Clint thought sarcastically to himself.

“But not everything is how you expect it to be. When I got pregnant with Eva, I gained a quiet a bit of weight, and even after she was born wasn’t able to lose it. I found out that he was more concerned with his image than me. I hope that you never put my daughter through something like that, because your relationship is going to carry a lot of weight.” Sabrina ended placing a specific emphasize on the last word, looking him straight in the eyes as that word reverberated and seemed to echo.

“I don’t think anything like that is going to happen, you've got nothing to worry about.” Clint spoke.

Not more than a few seconds later Clint felt a hand on his arm, and she saw Eva pulling him away. The evening carried on into the night with all of the couple’s friends and family slowly petering out. After everyone was gone the newlyweds were finally able to return home to their apartment, eager to consummate their marriage and prepare for their upcoming honeymoon.

____________________________ _____________________

Clint and Eva lay together in bed, Eva laying her head on Clint’s defined chest and she ran her finger up and down the contour of his shoulder. The two had just spent the last thirty minutes entangled, finishing with a satisfactory climax from both parties. The apartment was tastefully decorated in a Scandinavian style with clean minimalist furniture. The apartment was well kept and clean with the walls being decorated with the couple’s various athletic achievements. Eva worked as a trainer at a local gym and the closet was filled with various kettlebells, yoga matts, and resistance bands.

“I’m going to grab a glass of water, want one?” asked Clint.

“Sure” Eva yawned, stretching her arms into the air.

Clint made his way out into the hall from the bedroom towards the kitchen. He grabbed two glasses from the mostly empty cupboards. The couple tried to avoid any foods that were not fresh or preserved. He then opened the refrigerator and began pouring water out of a filter within. The fridge was stocked full of vegetables, fruits, berries, nuts, and a smattering of protein shakes. After finishing with the kitchen. Clint returned to the bedroom. As he went to hand Eva her glass, he noticed that she had already fallen asleep. He set the glass down on the nightstand and began to drink from his own glass.

He took in the sight of his wife laying naked. She was gorgeous to him, a small, firm tight ass, and not an ounce of fat on her slender runner’s frame. Her hips were framed on either side by her lithe waist and toned thighs. His mind flashed back to the conversation with Eva’s mother, but he dismissed it. There was no way his athletic active wife could balloon like that whale of a woman.
12 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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LeDebonaire 3 years
Story is complete, Went back and fixed a LOT of grammatical and spelling errors to finish everything up!
JoeBillyBob 3 years
No worries, I'd wait an eternity for this amazing story.
LeDebonaire 3 years
For those that have been following the story, sorry I've been slow to update! It will be finished.
Karenjenk 3 years
Dream Sequence??
Peeve 3 years
Love it! please write more!
LeDebonaire 3 years
Trying to write something a more akin to a short story this time, so it's a change in writing style, let me know your thoughts.