The weight of a marriage

chapter 12- epilogue

The return flight back from their honeymoon had been difficult to secure. Eva’s increased proportions resulted in the couple having to buy a second seat just to fit her well appointed hips. Eva returned back to work, but she was no longer a fitness trainer. Instead, she worked in human resources for the Pepsi bottling plant. She was never seen without a bottle of soda, some salty snack, or candy bar around her desk, which she rarely got up from. Many of the plant workers noticed that ever since her arrival, all the other women who worked in the offices surrounding her had started to thicken up as well.

A few weeks after returning from their honeymoon, Eva’s mother Sabrina invited the newlyweds over for dinner at her apartment. The two massive weighty women putting down plate after plate of thick lasagna as the sipped wine. Eva Singing Clint’s praises about what a good husband he was. As dinner wound and the ladies each helped themselves to their third serving of cake Eva’s phone rang. It was the HR office and they were having an issue with some of the processes with a newly retired worker. She excused herself to the living room to take the call undistracted.

As Eva was on call in the living room, Clint got up and wandered over to Eva’s old bedroom. It was still filled with various trinkets and bobbles from Eva’s youth. He gazed over the pictures of her with old friends, teen romance novels, old DVDs, and pop punk CDs. As he was turning to leave the room, he spotted a twinkle from the floor of the open closet. Moving over to inspect it, he raised the glittering object, to discover that it was a medal attached to a faded ribbon.

The medal was an award for first place in a State Cross country competition. Suddenly Clint’s head ached as his memories of how this could be were cloudy and hard to recall. Now standing in the doorway to the room was Sabrina. “There’s always something left over after you cast a spell. You can never fully wipe the past away.” She said to him.

“What are you tal….” Clint stopped as brief flashes of his old relationship re-entered his mind.

“When my ex-husband left me after having Eva due to the weight I gained I was devastated. I was depressed for years and being a single mother was a difficult painful process. I swore I would never let my daughter experience that same pain. Any man my daughter chose was going to have to be tested to prove that he really loved her, no matter what. I was pretty skeptical about you, but you’ve surprised me.”

Clint’s headache was now a migraine, and he kneeled down in pain as the events of both realities co-existed in his mind. “What are you….some kind of witch?”

“Let’s not focus on labels dearest, but yes I cast a spell that transformed your wife into what she is now.” She said as she waddled over to him.

“What gives you the right?” Clint growled through clenched teeth.

Sabrina knelt down towards Clint looking into his steely gaze. “Dearest, genetics were almost certain to make it happen, I just sped up the process.” She gently placed one of her hands on his cheek whispering under her breath. “But it’s alright, you love my daughter, and given what she tells me you love her new body. You’ve always wanted a super-sized wife. In fact, you’re the one who turned my chubby little girl into the big fat woman she is today”.

In a flash of light all of the memories Clint had of courting the young runner were forever sealed, replaced by his current reality forever.

______________________________________________ _

Clint and Eva were enjoying the night together alone in their apartment. Eva was quite the homebody, loving to spend her nights binge watching her favorite shows while snacking, or playing video games. All the while Her loving husband was by her side. This evening Clint was in the kitchen, frying up come mozzarella sticks and prepping a plate of nachos for Eva. Leaving the kitchen for a brief moment to ask Eva what she wanted to drink with her meal. He found her standing near the bathroom, wearing nothing but a size of sweatpants that was now several sizes too small. They were stained from various food binges and showcased every fold and curve of her overflowing abundant flesh. Wearing no top he could clearly see the tattoo above Eva’s right breast that was hanging down that she had gotten soon after the two had started dating.

After the night the two of them had hooked up at the bar, Eva told Clint that if they were going to be in a serious relationship, there were some kinks her lover would have to be into as well. She wanted a feeder, a man that would stuff her to the brim in more ways than one, and love every pound that came with it. Clint responded by saying he would propose to her after she reached 350 pounds. Soon after she got the tattoo that simply read “Clint’s Cow”.

She smiled at him and wrapped her broad arms around him, giving him a long kiss. “I’ve got something to tell you.” She said

“Of course, babe. but first what do you want to drink with your meal?”

“A strawberry smoothie sounds good,” She said, placing her hand under her second chin, her finger tapping her lip.

Eva sat down on the couch sinking deeply into the cushions and Clint worked in the kitchen and brought everything over. He sat down next to her, raising a chip covered in all of the toppings towards her mouth and rubbing the other against her belly.

“What I wanted to tell you” She said as she smiled even wider “Was that you should make more, I’m eating for two.”

The End
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LeDebonaire 3 years
Story is complete, Went back and fixed a LOT of grammatical and spelling errors to finish everything up!
JoeBillyBob 3 years
No worries, I'd wait an eternity for this amazing story.
LeDebonaire 3 years
For those that have been following the story, sorry I've been slow to update! It will be finished.
Karenjenk 3 years
Dream Sequence??
Peeve 3 years
Love it! please write more!
LeDebonaire 3 years
Trying to write something a more akin to a short story this time, so it's a change in writing style, let me know your thoughts.