The weight of a marriage

Chapter 4 - the checkup

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Eva cried nearly the entire car ride over to Doctor Michaels office. Even after borrowing a pair of oversized sweatpants and hoodie from Clint, nothing came close to covering all of the excess flesh she had accumulated, and her belly sagged over the waistband of the sweatpants, resting between each chunky thigh. Each turn and slight dip in the road would send ripples through her flab. As they entered the reception of the Doctor’s office Eva did her best to try and pull the hoodie down over her belly as she tried to quickly waddle out of sight of any onlookers.

When they were finally able to meet Doctor Michaels, he cocked an eyebrow but kept a professional manner. He ran the normal array of tests, blood pressure, height and weight, pulse and heartbeat, and drew a few vials of blood for testing. When he was done with his checkup, he invited the couple into his office. He stood behind a standing desk and made a few clicks of his mouse to bring up Eva’s medical history.

“Mrs. Jager, I know you're very concerned about a bit of weight gain, but after reviewing your medical history and doing the checkup I have to tell you I’m not that concerned. Your blood pressure and labs look good, and while you do need to diet and exercise more, a gain of fifty pounds since your last checkup two years ago isn’t unheard of.” The Doctor was cut off by Eva.

“What do you mean fifty pounds?” She exclaimed. “I’m nearly as large as my mother, I’m a fitness trainer, I was in peak condition two days ago!”

“Mrs. Jager, you’ve just had some big life events, getting married is not a small thing, you’ve likely been under a lot of stress preparing for your big day. If you have a honeymoon planned, I recommend getting a lot of rest and relaxation. Bring your stress levels down and begin a regimen of diet and exercise and I think that will do a world of good.” Dr. Michaels said as he typed on his laptop and then closed it. “Now I hate to run but I’ve got my ten thirty appointment now, see heather in reception if you need any follow ups.”

And just like that the couple was left confused and upset at how their world continued to be turned upside down.

“Come on Eva, another half mile, lets go!” Clint shouted as he waved his arm forward.

“Please…. Please…. slow, slow down Clint. I just can’t.” Eva panted as sweat poured down her face, taking several quick shallow breaths wheezing.

Eva shuffled to a nearby bench and sat down. She looked absolutely ridiculous in a pair of leggings and tank top that displayed eve roll and fold, completely drenched in sweat. She had been trying hard to find clothes that would hide as much of her body as possible, but it was a wasted effort. Over the past week on Clint’s insistence, they had been going to the gym or trying to run in the park. She had found she was still able to lift a decent amount of weight, and had retained much of her flexibility, but her once boundless stamina and endurance were completely gone. She was not able to make it much longer than two minutes on the treadmill doing a light jog.

She had been eating nothing but salads, egg whites, raw vegetables, with sides of green tea and water, but after each meal her new mountainous stomach would roar in displeasure, demanding a more substantial meal. It was hard to not let loose, but she had a reserve of willpower to persevere.

Clint sat down beside her, a sad look flashing briefly on his face before he perked back up. “Don’t worry, we will get you back in top shape, it’ll just take time.”

She looked back at him. He was right, she couldn’t quit yet, she knew what she was capable of. “I was thinking of what the Doctor said, maybe some rest and relaxation is what we do need, and it would be a shame to waste our deposit for Fiji….” She trailed off upon saying it. “I Think it’ll let me get my nerves right and come at this even harder!”

“Maybe your right babe” Clint said, stroking his chin. “We should still be trying to make the most of our honeymoon regardless of the surrounding circumstances.” Although he would never admit it to Eva, her transformation had him tangled and in disarray. He still loved her, but he had never imagined being the husband of a fat wife. Holding her now was off-putting and made him uncomfortable, but he set that aside to comfort her as best he could. They hadn’t had sex since the night of their wedding, and while her face still had a kind of beauty, what would his friends and family say when they saw this blimped up version of Eva? Clint cast aside these thoughts and tried to be a good husband. “We should start packing, we only have two days before that flight heads out.”
12 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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LeDebonaire 3 years
Story is complete, Went back and fixed a LOT of grammatical and spelling errors to finish everything up!
JoeBillyBob 3 years
No worries, I'd wait an eternity for this amazing story.
LeDebonaire 3 years
For those that have been following the story, sorry I've been slow to update! It will be finished.
Karenjenk 3 years
Dream Sequence??
Peeve 3 years
Love it! please write more!
LeDebonaire 3 years
Trying to write something a more akin to a short story this time, so it's a change in writing style, let me know your thoughts.