The weight of a marriage

Chapter 5 - the airport

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Eva swayed her wide hips back and forth as she waddled towards the moving walkway at the airport. She breathed a sigh of relief as the belted walkway took over the effort of moving her three-hundred-pound body forward. “No wonder fat women hate exercise so much; everything takes four times the effort.” She thought to herself. She didn’t mention to Clint that the past two mornings she had skipped her morning calisthenics, the effort just seemed so momentous, especially at such an early hour of the morning. She promised herself that she would make up for it later.

As the walkway moved her farther through the terminal, the rich scents and aromas of fatty fried foods and greasy sandwiches came from the fast-food restaurants littering the sides of the upcoming concourse. As the smells hit Eva’s nose her soft doughy midsection let out a greedy rumble as it gurgled a complaint. “God it just doesn’t stop, I’m always hungry now…”. As the conveyor came to an end, she stumbled a bit on the lip as Clint reached out to stabilize her. He smiled down at her and she smiled back and began again to walk. With each step her pillowy thighs loaded with fluffy chub rubbed together, chafing the poor sweatpants she was wearing. She had ordered a series of billowy clothes from online that wouldn’t hug and grip her plump figure so tightly. The result was that while before her style had been preppy and smart, with lots of form fitting athletic wear, she now looked like a sloppy college student spending all morning sleeping in.

As they reached the center of the concourse Clint’s phone began to ring. He picked it up and stared at the display. “Oh crap, that’s right, Devin at the Bristol office needed me to walk him through some of the new project developments, it’ll just be a few minutes babe.” Clint said as he picked up the phone and sat down at an open table. As he began to converse on the phone Eva looked around, again her stomach let out a dull roar and demanded to be recognized. Nearby was a burger restaurant with no line. “Well, a small snack won’t hurt, maybe just a grilled chicken sandwich.”

Eva made her way to the employee working the counter and gazed up at the menu. Looking over the selections her mind glazed over the calorie counts as her mouth began to water at the thought of warm crisp fried potatoes and a juicy sizzling beef patty smothered in cheese. Before the attendant could even take her order, she blurted out “I’ll have two double cheeseburgers with extra bacon, an extra-large fry, and a large coke.” After the words left her lips she was stunned. What had just happened?

She was about to retract the order when the attendant called back to the kitchen. “Two stackers with pork, XL munchies, and a large coke”.

In what seemed like an instant a tray was placed in front of her with the substantial meal. She looked back across the concourse to see Clint was still deeply involved in his conversation and was not paying attention. She quickly paid for the meal and walked to a nearby table. She set the tray down and forced her thick ass into the undersized seat. She unwrapped one of the burgers, eyeing it guiltily. “You’re never going to slim back down eating one of these.” She thought. Again, the smell of the cooked meat and cheese attacked her nostrils and her bulging belly moaned. In a split-second Eva shoved the Burger into her face, grease smearing on the chubby cheeks. In a flash the burger was gone as she began to inhale the fries, taking sips of coke in-between to try and satiate the urges of her rapacious tummy.

When the food was gone a deep wave of guilt and shame washed over her. She had never given into temptations like this in her life. It made her feel confused and bewildered as she quickly wiped her face with a napkin and shoved the waste into the trash. As she began to walk back towards Clint, head hung in shame her own phone began to ring. Glancing at it she saw that it was her mother calling.

“Hi mom, what’s up?” She asked, picking up the phone.

“Hi dear, just calling to check in on you, making sure everything is going okay, you’re on your way to your honeymoon, today right?”

“Yeah, we’re at the airport now, sorry I haven’t chatted lately, I’ve been feeling a bit…. offbeat the last week or so.” Eva bluffed.

“Oh sweetie, just let me know if you need anything, I know how hard it can be being a newlywed, sometimes you just have to treat yourself, and not care about the consequences to stay sane.”

They spoke for a few more seconds before Eva hung up. A bit of relief came to her and she completely forgot the guilt of eating just prior. As she walked by a newsstand and her eyes spotted a candy bar, she thought that It would be nice to have something sweet to balance out all the salt.
12 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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LeDebonaire 3 years
Story is complete, Went back and fixed a LOT of grammatical and spelling errors to finish everything up!
JoeBillyBob 3 years
No worries, I'd wait an eternity for this amazing story.
LeDebonaire 3 years
For those that have been following the story, sorry I've been slow to update! It will be finished.
Karenjenk 3 years
Dream Sequence??
Peeve 3 years
Love it! please write more!
LeDebonaire 3 years
Trying to write something a more akin to a short story this time, so it's a change in writing style, let me know your thoughts.