The weight of a marriage

chapter 10 - acceptance

Clint was on his canoe as gentle waves rocked it back and forth several dozen yards off the coast of the resort. His rowing instructor had left him to enjoy the rest of his afternoon and he now took in the view of sandy beaches in the dazzling Pacific sun. His life was flying by at the speed of light and he had barely had time to register all of the changes that had been happening. It was almost as if some external force beyond his control had been acting upon him. His mind was brought specifically to the previous day, and the amazing blow job his wife had given him. Long stretches of time bookended his thoughts as he studied himself and weighed his decisions.

He had never really given much consideration to being with a fat woman. He had simply lived his life going along with what was normal. The changes in Eva had disturbed and embarrassed him. But as he continued to dig deeply and really reflected, he discovered that her new sexuality and figure were deeply arousing and intoxicating in ways he had never pondered. Eva was still the woman he loved, the core of her personality retained all of the things he had wanted when he had proposed, and he had made a vow of till death do us part. He was the only thing standing between himself and happiness. With this in mind he began to paddle his canoe back towards the resort and to join his wife. This was their honeymoon and he should be spending time with her after all.

______________________________________________ ___

Clint and Eva had joined back up together and had decided to use the sauna of the resort’s spa. The couple sat next to each other on the wooden benches of the sauna, of which Eva managed to fill a substantial portion. The warm moist air extracted beads of sweat from both of them, Clint with a towel tied around his waist, and Eva just content to cover her front with one due to being unable to wrap it around herself. After they had both settled in Eva posed a question. “Clint, I’m going to ask you a question and I want you to be honest, even if it hurts.”

Clint pushed out conflicting memories of Eva’s Southern drawl, and answered “Of course.”

“Am I really the woman for you? Am I everything you’d hoped for in a wife?”

“I love you Eva, I wouldn’t have married you otherwise.”

“That’s not what I’m asking though, am I the woman for you?” She asked him again, her eyes locking on to his.

Clint returned her gaze, his determination hardened. “You are.”

Eva removed the towel she had draped over herself, full exposing her gratuitous fleshy expanse to Clint. “This is my body now” She said as she lifted her soft jiggling belly and released it, having it smack against her thighs, sending waves across her adipose riddled form. “I want you to worship and cherish it.”

“I will.”

“Prove it.” Eva grabbed her husband’s hand and pressed it into the blubbery flesh.

Clint slid over closer to Eva and wrapped his other arm around her, using the hand she had pressed into herself to begin rubbing the doughy paunch. The soft supple flesh flowed through his firm strong hands as he rubbed and massaged his wife’s corpulence.

Eva moved her face close to his “You aren’t going to try and change me?” she said, giving him a gentle peck on the cheek with her lips.

“No,” he answered, kissing her soft cheek back.

The two of them began to kiss back and forth, the worries and stress of the past month finally melting away.

Eva looked down at the towel covering Clint to see he was at full mast, shifting it nearly off of him. “Good,” she said quickly before ripping the towel off of him.

Before Clint was able to react, Eva had shifted her mass on top of him, and had positioned his member at her glistening wet entrance. As she slid onto his shaft, he felt the new soft flesh surrounding her pussy and she engulfed him. He released a loud pleasured moan as he took in the drenched tight soft flesh enveloping his dick. Her belly rested on top of him as he grabbed handfuls of her abundant ass and began to thrust up into her.

“God Yessss, finallllyyyyy” She yelled as she began to gyrate and buck on top of him. Her bosoms slapped against his face as Eva let loose with her assault on Clint’s rod. Clint felt the weight of his 300-pound wife come down again and again on him, he remembered back to when they had met in the bar on a dare from his buddies to take home the biggest fatty in the bar. His past was being rewritten as he remembered drunkenly plowing then then 225-pound sophomore and becoming addicted to the creamy fluffy curves of a BBW.

The small sauna filled with the sounds of slapping wet flesh as Eva screamed out “CUM FOR ME BABY, CUM IN YOUR BIG FAT PIG OF A WIFE.” She slammed on him even harder, the slick lips of her pussy and feat FUPA now popping as Clint lost himself in euphoria. Grunting he blasted deep ropes of cum into his lover’s slit. The steam of the sauna having completely surrounded them and leaving the room in a dreamy haze.
12 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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LeDebonaire 3 years
Story is complete, Went back and fixed a LOT of grammatical and spelling errors to finish everything up!
JoeBillyBob 3 years
No worries, I'd wait an eternity for this amazing story.
LeDebonaire 3 years
For those that have been following the story, sorry I've been slow to update! It will be finished.
Karenjenk 3 years
Dream Sequence??
Peeve 3 years
Love it! please write more!
LeDebonaire 3 years
Trying to write something a more akin to a short story this time, so it's a change in writing style, let me know your thoughts.