Happily married

chapter 11 another christmas

The second Christmas into their marriages Fiona invited all the family and friends to come and see them once again. They were all glad to come! They’d had a great time last year and looked forward to doing it all this year. Then they saw George. Oh my! What had happened to him! He’d put on a couple of pounds last year, maybe more than that, but he looked like he’d doubled in size since then. He had to be twenty five stones at least, maybe even thirty!
His giant belly no longer expanded outwards, it hung down, resting on the top of his thighs, even when he was standing up. He had somehow managed to squeeze his belly into his trousers and pull them up and over it, securing the top with the usual flies and a belt. His shirt was tucked into his trousers, but there was still a deep groove caused by the fat oozing over the top of his belt and fat oozing underneath it. His shirt was actually a good fit, hiding his breasts that some women would be proud to have.
Meeting the new George was a shock for some family members, but then, they saw how lazy he was. Poor Fiona was running around preparing the dinner, tidying away all the paper after the present wrapping, laying the table pouring drinks, yet still managing to socialise. Meanwhile, George just sat around, eating his way through a bowl of nuts.
At dinner time he waddled to his seat. Fiona helped him get him pull his chair underneath the table. He found it difficult to bend down far enough, of he had really short arms. Then she tied a napkin around his neck for him. Could he not to that for himself? How could she tolerate someone who ordered her around, treating her like a slave, while he sat around living the life of Riley?
Fiona served a simple vegetable soup as a starter, with a nice crusty bread roll and butter. George received his first and did not wait for Fiona to serve everyone else and sit down before he started eating. That was not only bad etiquette, it was bad manners. By the time Fiona was ready to sit down, he had already finished his bread and half of his soup. He asked for more.
She gladly refilled his bowl and gave him another two bread rolls.
The guests looked at each other without saying anything. Something peculiar was going on here. So far, none of them had worked out exactly what was happening. It looked like George was well in control, forcing her to run around doing everything, while he just sat and ordered her around. They needed to watch more to see if there were any more family dynamics going on.
The starter course was cleared away. Fiona started to serve the main course. There was roast turkey breast, chipolatas, a little crispy bacon that had been cooked with the turkey, potatoes - roast and mashed, parsnips - roast and mashed, carrots - roast and mashed, Yorkshire puddings, sage and onion stuffing, sausage and cranberry stuffing, Brussels sprouts, and gravy. She had one of the guests open a bottle of wine and pour it out. George just sat there and waited for Fiona to spoon all his food onto his plate and place it in front of him. It was a massive serving, piled up and overflowing the sides. She gave herself only a tiny portion. The guests helped themselves to a bit of everything, which made a large portion, but it was no where near what George was currently guzzling. No wonder he was so fat, if he was eating like that every day!
Nothing slowed him down or stopped him eating. If he joined in the conversation, he spoke with his mouth full. His napkin was covered in drips of grease and gravy, but he made no attempt to wipe them off.
The guests ate what they could, but started to struggle and many gave up. George kept going and surpassed them all, clearing his entire plate and the seconds that Fiona gave to him.
Many guests were too full to contemplate consuming Christmas pudding as well. George, of course, insisted on his! How could he eat two extra large servings after everything else he had eaten?
Once all the plates were cleared away, Fiona had to help steady him as he stood up. Then she had to walk with him as he waddled slowly over to his reclining chair. Once there, it became much more apparent how much he had eaten. His belly was now huge and round and solid. George pulled his shirt out from his trousers and loosened the belt, button and zip to give himself more room, hiding the large gap with his shirt. His belly flopped out of the new gap and rested on his thighs.
‘Mmmmmm’ he groaned, rubbing the lower part of his belly. ‘I enjoyed that!’
Some of the guests were disgusted with his gluttony. Christmas was all about excess, but he had taken it too far! Many of those who lived nearby made their excuses to leave early, after helping Fiona wash a mountain of dishes and clear away the table. They had seen enough!
Later, Fiona’s mother took her aside to ask some pertinent questions. Did George not realise how much weight he’d put on? Why did she serve him such huge quantities of food when it was evident he needed to go on a diet? Did he not realise how bad it was for his health to eat so much? He ought to be helping around the house, not relying on Fiona doing everything for him. How much was he controlling her? Was she in an abusive relationship? Did he hit her?
Fiona told her their relationship was not was it appeared to be on the surface. They were both very happy. George liked eating. She wanted to do everything for him. He worked very hard. He did not boss her around. He had tried dieting and didn’t like it. He didn’t lose weight either. He deserved the treats he received. She did not mind him being fat. He didn’t seem to mind either.
Her mother did not believe her, she was putting on a front to hide the emotional abuse behind her story. Wasn’t it about time she put a stop to it and left?
Fiona had to stop herself from throwing her own mother out of the house at that point. She loved George. She loved every inch of him, as he was, and she was not going to give him up for her mother.
Her mother was most put out. Within the hour, she had gathered her things and the rest of the family and left.
Fiona should have been upset about that, but she wasn’t. There was going to be more Christmas tea now than even George could handle, but she was going to make sure he was going to make a damned good job to try!
In the mean time, she had some unexpected alone time with him. She selected a box of chocolates she’d been given and opened them. She took them through to where George was busy dosing. Excitedly, she took one out of the box and teased him with it before eating it herself, then she sat on the arm of the chair and fed him one chocolate at a time. She told him what had just happened. The family did not like their chosen lifestyle. She had not chased them away, they had left of their own accord. She presumed they would not be back.
George wanted another chocolate more than he wanted to discuss his relatives. He did not care what they thought.
Fiona loosened her blouse and gave him a good view of her breasts. They had no idea what went on behind closed doors and it was also none of their business.
George agreed. He liked being fat because it enabled him to eat like a pig every day. PLEASE could he have another chocolate?
Fiona stood up and wiggled her breasts in front of his face. NO he couldn’t have any more, he would spoil his appetite for tea!
11 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 3 years
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MikeTehCakeBoy 3 years
Such a lovely story! George and Fiona are such a lovely couple! I can imagine George becoming a huge blob as big as a house well after where this story ends smiley
Kjdfduhfjdf 3 years
I love it! 😍 I need another story with more chapters. You're the best.
Nibler 3 years
brilliant story, it's just how id like to gain weight smiley
GrowingLoveH... 3 years
I love your stories! This one is perhaps the best yet.
Built4com4t 3 years
Excellent as usual!