Happily married

chapter 6 one year anniversary

George's weight had stabilised around fifteen stones. His belly stock out from the rest of his body and tended to hang over his trousers. But Fiona was no longer satisfied with him eating standard portions with the occasional weekend treats. She wanted to watch him stuff himself, the way he had at Christmas. She wanted to see him so full that he could barely move!
So she organised an anniversary dinner for him. She booked the meal at a restaurant that was renowned for it's large portions.
As they sat their looking at the menu, he was contemplating whether to have a starter and a main meal, or a main meal and a pudding.
Fiona stressed that they were out to celebrate. They ought to at least try three courses.
Fiona tried to keep her choices small and light, which she encouraged her husband to choose the more richer dishes. She settled for the soup, while he settled for the pate.
She made an excuse to go to the toilet between the two courses and stopped the waitress when she was out of sight. She asked for an extra side order of chips for her husband, and some garlic mayonnaise to dip them in.
She smiled at George when she returned with a pint of beer from the bar for him and a small white wine for herself. She wanted him to be slightly drunk so that he would not be as aware of how much he was eating. She was going to stuff him so full!
When the meal arrived, it filled the plate. He had steak, roast potatoes, Yorkshire puddings, roast carrots, parsnips, peas, cabbage, and lots of gravy, plus the extra chips and mayonnaise. His eyes bulged at he saw the amount on the plate that he was expected to eat. He would not be able to eat all of this!
Fiona had chicken with pasta in a tomato sauce, with a little bit of cheese on the top.
she looked up at him. "You don't have to eat it all" she said, knowing that he would not be able to resist the challenge. She knew he hated wastage and he would have to try to send a clear plate back to the kitchen.
She distracted him, but changing the subject, while watching him put mouthful after mouthful between his lips. When he reached the halfway stage, he leaned back in the chair. He already felt full but there was still so much more to eat! He ate a few chips to take a break from the steak.
Fiona ordered him another pint of beer.
Then he resumed eating again, he was slightly slower, taking rests between every three or full mouthfuls to sip at his beer or eat some chips. He sat back again after getting three quarters of the way through. He said he'd had enough, but he did not want his plate to be taken away. He was not beaten yet!
The beer helped to get more food down, but did make him more bloated. A trip to the toilet helped and he resumed eating, even though he was even slower.
He finally finished and sat back, once again in his seat, groaning about being to full, but he had enjoyed the food so much! It was good to get out of the house once in a while.
The waitress came to take their plates away. Would they like to look at the dessert menu?
George shook his head. He claimed he could not eat another thing. Fiona asked if she could come back in ten minutes. She was not going to let him to go home without having a pudding! Watching his discomfort was turning her on! She couldn’t wait to get him home!
The dessert menu had lots of traditional puddings plus cheesecakes, profiteroles, tarts and cakes. Fiona would have preferred George to have chosen one of the stodgy puddings, but she knew it was probably too much on top of everything else he’d eaten.
She was satisfied with his choice of apple crumble and ice cream.
She did not want him to struggle on his own, so she ordered ice cream for herself. Despite not eating as much as her husband, she too was feeling stuffed.
When they got home, she could hardly wait to strip him. His belly was so round, the skin, so taut. She could not help putting her hands on it. She lightly stroked him across his belly, while her other hand lifted his soft side flab and then let it go. She kissed him, then made love more passionately than they had on their wedding night.
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MikeTehCakeBoy 3 years
Such a lovely story! George and Fiona are such a lovely couple! I can imagine George becoming a huge blob as big as a house well after where this story ends smiley
Kjdfduhfjdf 3 years
I love it! 😍 I need another story with more chapters. You're the best.
Nibler 3 years
brilliant story, it's just how id like to gain weight smiley
GrowingLoveH... 3 years
I love your stories! This one is perhaps the best yet.
Built4com4t 3 years
Excellent as usual!