Happily married

chapter 7 plans

The anniversary night had proved to Fiona one thing... well two actually. She wanted to stuff George full more often and she wanted to see him get bigger... much bigger! For her to notice the difference, his weight gain had to be more rapid. To put on weight faster, he would have to eat more. To eat more a greater capacity would be needed, which was why she needed to stuff him full more often.
The only drawback was, he did not want him to realise that she was deliberately making him fat! She spent a week thinking of how she could do it, without forcing him. He needed to think that he was doing this to himself.
Making him feel hungrier more often might work. She did some research online. She didn’t want to do anything illegal. She didn’t want to buy anything from dodgy street dealers or obscure websites selling items with dubious contents. She still loved her husband. She didn’t want to kill him by accidentally giving him something that could give him hallucinations or impair his judgement at work. She did not want to turn him into a junkie!
On the other hand, going to her GP and saying “I want something to help fatten up my husband!” would not work either. The doctor would try to talk her out of it. It was bad for his health. She would be putting him at risk of developing diabetes. He could have a stroke, heart attack, A thrombosis. If his diabetes was not treated correctly, he could go blind! His kidneys could be damaged, he could lose a leg due to poor circulation and nerve damage. He would be in constant pain due to the extra pressure put on his joints. She had found all of that out herself. She had tried to think of a slimmer version of him. Maybe he could put on muscle instead of fat? No, it didn’t work! Her mind wandered back to fat George.
No doubt, if he continued the way he was now, he would still get fat. His attempt at ‘dieting’ had been an abject failure. On the other hand, did she want to wait 5-10 years to get him to the size she wanted him.
She was starting to think that there was nothing out there that could help without a prescription and remaining legal. Then she thought that she’d try looking in the health food shops. There it was! An appetite stimulant that was odourless and tasteless, that had minimal side effects. She left it in the shelf, came home and looked the supplement up on the internet. The ingredients did not scare her, ginger, fenugreek and other herbs. It was expensive though. £65 for one pot that would only last a month. It was a big outlay. She put it in her online basket, but then she chickened out of going to the checkout. She needed more time to think about this!
The next time she was at the shops, she returned to the health food shop. She didn’t want to draw too much attention to herself. So, she put some chocolate covered nuts in her basket as well.
The assistant said there was a special offer on all supplements. Buy one, get a second one for a penny. Did she not want to take advantage of it? Fiona was aware of someone else joining the queue behind her. Could he see what she was buying? What would he think of her, buying appetite stimulants. Clearly she was no athlete. ‘It’s for my mother’, she blurted out. ‘She’s been in hospital and lost a lot of weight. I thought this might help!’
The assistant sighed. Did she want a second bottle or not? She agreed before she had time to think it through. The supplement was supposed to just be an experiment. What would she do with 60+ tablets if they didn’t work?
When she got home, she scrutinised them further before she started preparing the dinner.
The leaflet said the supplement was aimed at anorexics, cancer and AIDS sufferers or the elderly and frail, or it was for athletes who needed to eat more because they were using up so many calories or body builders who wanted to add muscle. It said it worked by increasing gastric emptying, stimulating the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Some had found the increased acid gave them indigestion and bloating. Some found that it increased saliva production. All the reviewers stated that taking the supplement had increased their hunger, increased their stomach capacity and increased their ability to eat more.
This was exactly what Fiona wanted! She would not mind a bit of extra bloating on George. Maybe it would allow his skin to stretch more, so that he would get even bigger faster!
The next question she had to think about was how she was going to administer it, without him realising. She could not crush it because it came in a gel capsule. She made a cup of coffee and placed one of the capsules in it. She stirred the drink, watching the capsule dissolve. She let the coffee stand for a few minutes undisturbed. She didn’t want a film forming on the top of the hot beverage, or a greasy slick. She was tempted to have a little taste, but had to stop herself. She didn’t want to inadvertently increase her appetite too!
Satisfied with her experiment, she put the coffee cup to one side. She would heat it up in the microwave when George came home. All that was left to do was administer it!
11 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 3 years
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MikeTehCakeBoy 3 years
Such a lovely story! George and Fiona are such a lovely couple! I can imagine George becoming a huge blob as big as a house well after where this story ends smiley
Kjdfduhfjdf 3 years
I love it! 😍 I need another story with more chapters. You're the best.
Nibler 3 years
brilliant story, it's just how id like to gain weight smiley
GrowingLoveH... 3 years
I love your stories! This one is perhaps the best yet.
Built4com4t 3 years
Excellent as usual!