Happily married

chapter 9 giving in to hunger

George did not know what had come over him lately, but since his anniversary, just about all he could think about was food. If he’d not eaten anything for a couple of hours, he could not concentrate on anything until his satisfied his hunger. He was more tired than usual as well. He dropped off to sleep more often too.
He guessed he must have put on at least a stone and a half, maybe two stones in the last month. He really was not surprised with the amount of food that he got through every day. All his clothes were tight. He had to creatively drape his tie across the centre of his shirt to hide the gaping buttons. Most of the time he sat with his trouser zip undone, using the desk to hide his overflowing flab. He’d even seen clients like that, although he was careful not to get up from behind his desk!
He was settling into a new routine. He’d eat his breakfast at home, drive to work, eat a second breakfast at the greasy spoon caff. His lunch was eaten before lunchtime, so he’d go out and buy some savoury pies at the bakery, plus a family bag of crisps, plus half a dozen little cakes. He pretended he was placing an order for the whole office, not just himself.
He’d eat the pastries throughout the afternoon, have a nap, eat more pastries, then head home to eat the first of two dinners.
It had to stop!
Cutting out the sweet stuff was probably the first thing he should do. The cakes, the biscuits, the puddings, desserts, chocolates. He should avoid all of them. Then he ought to concentrate on getting rid of his second meals. He didn’t need his greasy spoon breakfast. It was too much! He didn’t need a huge supper before he went to bed When he’d already eaten at six. He needed to stop going to the bakery as well! Fiona’s breakfast, packed lunch and dinner was substantial enough without adding on all the extras.
He felt guilty for eating so much. Maybe there was something wrong with him? However, he could not go to the doctors. He knew what their reaction would be. He was too fat! He needed to stop eating so much unhealthy food and exercise more.
He hid his overeating from his colleagues as much as he could. If the weather was inclement and he could not eat his second lunch in the park, he’d eat it in the car.

Despite thinking about cutting down on his food intake, he didn’t follow it through and take action. If he didn’t eat, his hunger would return worse than ever. Besides which, he liked the feeling of being full.
Of course, his recent gains had not gone unnoticed. He’d seen the stares, heard the whispered asides. They should have made him feel ashamed of himself. Strangely, they didn’t! He found him pushing his stomach out even further to make them even more horrified at the changes in his figure. He made more appearances in the other office with his jacket off, so that they could have a better view of his bulging stomach and over-tight trousers. Their shock at his appearance turned him on. Whenever he was randy, he wanted to eat even more!
At home, did not go anywhere, he did not see anyone. Fiona did all the socialising. He was not interested. Food was his constant companion and it was all that he wanted. His reward for eating so much was the most fabulous sex from his beautiful wife.
11 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 3 years
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MikeTehCakeBoy 3 years
Such a lovely story! George and Fiona are such a lovely couple! I can imagine George becoming a huge blob as big as a house well after where this story ends smiley
Kjdfduhfjdf 3 years
I love it! 😍 I need another story with more chapters. You're the best.
Nibler 3 years
brilliant story, it's just how id like to gain weight smiley
GrowingLoveH... 3 years
I love your stories! This one is perhaps the best yet.
Built4com4t 3 years
Excellent as usual!