
chapter 2

Listen to this chapter - just press play:
(I'm putting this story on here cause I keep thinking I'm gonna accidently post it somewhere else. This is my first WG story so it may be a bit rough around the edges)

We sat down at a table as I looked around seeing the theme was retro. I guess it's cool. 

"Ready to order?" the waiter asked. I looked up. 

"No. Can we get menus please?" Xades asked and he nodded giving us them. I rubbed my neck glad to know there was low calorie stuff. A few minutes later the waiter came back. 

"Ready to order?" he asked. 

"Yeah I'll have the burger combo with a side of Fries" Xades told him. 

"I'll take the Fish and salad on the side" I said.

He nodded and left. Xades raised a brow. 

"What?" I asked. 

"Nothing just.... Thought you would've ordered something bigger than that" 

I shrugged. 

"It's really all I eat" 

"Well no wonder you're so skinny" she said chuckling a bit.

I smiled a little but it quickly faded away. 

 "I saw that" 

"Saw what?" 

"You smiled. I like it" 

I shrugged and we finished about a half hour later. 

"Well, it was nice seeing you Shadow. I did miss you" 

"Yeah uh.... I missed you too" 

I paid, she went home and I went back to my house. 

"Oh hey. Back so soon?" Dark asked.

"Yeah uh, flashbacks ya know?" I answered.

He nodded and I sighed. 

"I saw her again" I added.

"Really?" he asked confused "Thought she didn't want to see you again after last time"

"Probably just for old times sake" I answered rubbing my neck.

He went back to his homework and I sat on the Couch.

"...... Dark can I ask you something?"


&q uot;...... Do you ever think I have self conscious issues?"

"Well, yeah but everyone does once in a while. I myself wish I was taller. What about you?"

"....... I tend to monitor what I eat cause I'm afraid of my past" 

"Well, the only thing you gotta know, is to try to put it behind you. It was 100 years ago" 

I nodded and went to my room. I laid down falling asleep wondering if I would see her again.


I got up and put on a black undershirt with jogging pants working out downstairs for about an hour. The doorbell rang and I got up opening the door. 

"Oh, hey Xades"

"Hey. Listen um.... Did I do something wrong?"

"No not at all. Just my stomach was upset last night and had explosive diarrhea to take care of" 

Niiiiice. The girl you have liked since high school comes on your door and you say that. Very not pathetic. 

"Haha yeah... Um.... Listen I was wondering if maybe we can try again? Not there though I kinda figured you didn't like it. Maybe at the Taco lounge" 

"Yeah sure" I answered and she smiled. 

We drove in my car there and sat in a booth. Hmmm.... I stay incorrected. The healthiest thing they have is taco salad, and that's packed with calories. I gave up and ordered it anyway telling them to go low on the sauce. 

"You really do try to stay in shape" she said and I nodded.

"Past experience dealing with weight issues I just think it's best" 

She nodded and our food came. Ugh, I said low on the sauce but they just made it into a pool.

"Excuse me I said low on the sauce" I told the waiter.

"Oh. That must have been the salad that our cook got mixed up with. Would you like to order something else?"

"No it's fine I'll just portion it out manually" I answered and they nodded walking away. I dumped out most of the sauce, and felt a bit better eating. 

Me and Xades caught up what has been going on with our lives. I told her about how I adopted Dark 7 years ago and he's very smart for a 17 year old. Meanwhe she told me how all of the originals live together, and how she gets tired of having to seperate Dragon and Draco.

We must have been talking for a while because she finished her food. I didn't even realize I started to eat mine until it was almost gone. I felt full but it could be worse. At least It's just veggies.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing just. Kinda feel sick cause I normally don't eat this much"

I burped silently and covered my mouth while doing so as she chuckled. God she must think I'm disgusting now. She paid the waiter and I got back in my car. I lifted up my shirt and nearly had a heart attack. For the first time in 100 years my stomach was bloated. 

This is bad. This is really bad I can't keep eating like this, or else I could get fat again for sure. I put my shirt down still having a mild anxiety attack and started the car. Someone knocked on my window and I jumped looking up seeing Xades. I rolled it down.

"You forgot your wallet" she told me and I took it.

"You okay? You seem scared" she asked.

"Yeah I'm fine just...Kinda tired from that calorie overload"

"...... Look Shadow I really do like you. But I think you may be hiding something. Can you please tell me what's wrong?"

"...... (Sigh)....... I..... I have Pocrescophobia"

"What' s that?"

"It means I have an irrational fear of gaining weight. It's why I've always been so strict and why I just had an anxiety attack"

"Oh.... I didn't know. Sorry"

"It's fine it's not your fault. Just kinda been traumatized from my childhood"

"I do remember you were pretty big"

"At 18 I was 456 pounds. I hate thinking about it"

"Can I ask how did you..... Lose it all?"

"I just ate better and got my wife unhypnotized. She's the reason why I got so big. Plus I did a shit ton of exercise"

She went around and sat in the passenger seat. 

"Well, I can say I will care about you whether you're built fat or skinny. I didn't fall for you for nothing. You may not wanna admit to it but you have a big heart. And someone who's the son of Lucifer, I can say that it says something"

I rubbed my neck and nodded. 

"I gotta go home. Did..... You wanna come?"


I drove home and we got to my apartment. She got out and I had to lose my belt on the next loop. I tried to ignore my anxiety and got out as we went inside. 

"Hey Dark"

"Hey. How'd it go?"

"Not bad"

Xades walked in and Dark nodded. We went in my room and I sat down on my bed as she did the same. I tried to think and got up popping in a horror movie on my TV.

I laid down beside her and she smiled a bit doing the same. Then suddenly she held my waist going closer to me. I bit my lip and started to feel my heart beat faster remembering when Molly did this. I tried to remind myself though she wasn't her.
21 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 3 years
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Glitch454 3 years
Nope. It'll be explained later in the story.
Emberfeeds 3 years
do mean 1974?