
chapter 11

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Well, guess it could be worse. Yeah I'm going home but I do want to show Shadow what happened to me. 

"Hey Dark" 

I turned around seeing Xades. 

"Oh, hey Xades"

"Dark I told you when in school, call me miss violet" 

"Right, sorry. I keep forgetting my dad's girlfriend is also my history teacher"

"Well, I don't really know if we are" 

"What do you mean what happened?" 

"Well I went to his house 2 weeks ago and he kinda just kicked me out. He wouldn't come out of the bathroom and he seemed on edge"

Oh geeze. I was afraid this was gonna happen. 

"Xade-miss violet I swear Shadow is completely into you. He has been since high school" 

"Well why didn't he want to talk to me then?" 

"..... I don't think it's my place to say. He's picking me up though so you can wait here. He should be here in like 10 minutes" 

She nodded and sat in a chair. I got out my Phone texting Shadow. 


I walked into the airport wondering where he was. Could have sworn he said to meet him by the front door. I took .y Phone out seeing he texted me. 

You never told Xades??? 

I rubbed my neck surprised. 

No. I didn't know what to do. Why? 

Cause she's right beside me by the stairs. 

Oh no.

Well you better tell her because I'm not walking down there and sneaking off. She has the right to know.

He's right. As much as it pains me to be nervous I gotta tell her.

Fine just bring her by my truck.

Stop being a pussy and get up here.

I grumbled under my breath and put my hoodie on putting the hood up taking the stairs. I didn't see anyone until I saw Dark with his Phone looking annoyed.

I swear though he lost weight. He wasn't the size he was before he started gaining weight but his clothes didn't look as tight anymore. The only thing that was noticeable still was his face didn't look as sharp and he still had a spare tire on his waist.

Then, I saw Xades. She had her white hair down and had her usual black eyeshadow with cherry red lipstick on. She wore a black and red dress and combat boots that went up to her knees. To say the least she was absolutely beautiful.

She is so gonna be disgusted when she sees me. I would be as well-

"Hey Shadow" she told me smiling. I waved awkwardly and walked to them.

"How was your trip other than that incident?" I asked.

"Was really cool. I saw your name in one of the transcripts and had a bit of a chuckle. You didn't tell me you were 163"

"When you put it that way I feel old as shit"

"Eh. I heard that's young compared to most demons"

I shrugged. I looked down at my boots not knowing what to say to her.

"Why haven't you called?" She asked.

"You don't see why?"

"No. I just know you look like you're about to run away"

"Xades I gained weight"


"S o? I didn't want you seeing me this way. It's embarrassing"

"I don't see why. It's just weight"

"Just weight? Xades I'm not attractive anymore. I was pure muscle now I'm just fat again"

"Oh for the love of- Shadow you're not fat"

"You're just saying that"

"I really don't care Shadow. You're handsome no matter what size you are. Your eyes glow a different shade of red depending on your mood, your hair and clothes are always neat, and your smile always makes my day. Now for the last time, I don't care that you gained weight if anything I think you're more attractive"

".... What was that last part?"

"I don't care that you gained weight?"

"No after that. You said I was more attractive. What do you mean?"

"You haven't figured it out yet? Put the pieces together"

Don't tell me-

"Yes. I like bigger men. I never wanted to tell you because I didn't know how you would react. But yes, I do"

Now it makes sense. Her looking nervous when I ate, her sleeping with me when I was overfed, and now her trying not to notice my obvious once six pack was now replaced with a snug hoodie. I didn't know what to say or do. I was kinda put off, but I did love her.

"Well I guess that's fine. Just know I'm not keeping the weight on. I'm doing this for Dark I'm losing it next month"

She nodded.

"Just for one night though.... can I try something?"

"Sure. I still have to bring Dark somewhere my father won't find him" 

"Hey Shadow" 

I turned around seeing mother and father. Great. 

"You must be Dark" mother said smiling and Dark nodded awkwardly.

"Um, I'll bring Dark back to Xades's place. We kinda need to have a discussion" I told them and mother nodded.

We went in my truck and I put my seat belt on just noticing how much bigger I was. I never really noticed probably because I didn't want to, but I noticed how my seat belt showed the spare tire on my waist more. I no longer had it clinging to me due to muscle, it just made my new belly show. 

I wasn't the only one looking either. Dark was a bit happy that I kept my word, and Xades tried not to stare. I shook my thoughts away and drove to her place feeling insecure and awkward. 

We got to her place and Dark kinda passed out in the guest room. It was just me and her. 

"So, what did you want to do?" I asked. 

"This is gonna sound very weird..... but..... Can I....." 

"I really don't know what that means" 

"It means can I feed you without you doing it?" 

"..... um..... I guess I never really heard of that. But sure" 

"Okay. Follow me" 

I got up and did so as she led me to a room. She got me to sit in a chair and take off my hoodie. Without the hoodie, my stomach was noticeable a bit. She smirked and handcuffed me to it so I couldn't use my hands. 

She got her Phone out and called a Pizza place asking for a large Meat Lovers and a 2 litre of Root Beer. There's no way she expects me to consume all that. 

An hour later the Pizza came and she brought it in the room putting it on the bed. She opened it up and took a slice out. She went to me and I opened my mouth hesitantly taking the first bite. 

I mean it wasn't Salmon, but it still was pretty good. Weird for the past few weeks my tastes have changed. I felt the Cheese that was gooey, the Pepperoni was just right, the sausage tasted home made, and the Dough was made crispy but perfectly. Before long I was done the slice, and she got another. I felt a bit more comfortable now that I knew she was okay with this, but also was wondering why she wanted to. The sauce got a bit on my lip but she whiped it off with a cloth kissing me. I kissed back and she got another slice feeding it to me smirking. 

"I've wanted to do this since I saw you at the dance. You were so skinny and I couldn't bear it. I knew a part of you was miserable because of it. I want you to know you'll always be amazing in my eyes" 

I finished the slice and she got the Root Beer out making me chug it. I felt the fizzines go in my stomach and expand it with every gulp. I was halfway done it and my stomach was on my Lap with my shirt visibly starting to round out. She smirked rubbing it and I burped a few times. I blushed embarrassed. 

"You look so cute being this shy. Maybe you need more Pizza" 

She got out another slice and fed it to me. We had two more slices about 10 minutes later and I felt uncomfortably full. My stomach was fully rounded out and my shirt was riding up exposing a few inches. My belt was still in tact weirdly enough but barely. It felt like a piece of Yarn that wouldn't break. 

She got the Root Beer again and made me chug it. She rubbed my belly soothing it while I felt my stomach expanding again. Finally, my belt snapped and my stomach plopped on my waist 3 inches jiggling a bit. She smirked. 

"The little baby broke his Belt. That deserves a punishment" 

She made me finish off the last few slices and finally included me. I held my stomach surprised how much I ate and took off my tight shirt. There was no denying it, I'm chubby now. Even without that monster meal I just consumed I could feel the few inches of fat I already had. 

She came back with a funnel and a giant jug of something. 

"Oh no I can't possibly consume (burps) any more. I may explode" 

"You'll be fine. This is just a weight gain shake. This will help you pack on the pounds faster. Now open wide" 

She cuffed me again and put the funnel in my mouth. She started pouring and I drank the liquid in pain with every gulp. I felt my stomach balloon out and felt my jeans getting tight. I finally finished and she rubbed my rock hard food baby. 

"For a skinny guy you definitely can eat a lot. I'm impressed" 

She then kissed me and I kissed back as she reached into my pants rubbing my dick. I moaned a bit and she smirked rubbing it faster until I leaned back moaning louder cumming. She smirked and unzipped my pants relieving pressure and took them off.
21 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 3 years
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Glitch454 3 years
Nope. It'll be explained later in the story.
Emberfeeds 3 years
do mean 1974?