
chapter 3

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I was at the Gym working out like always when I saw a familiar face. Oh great it's Monika. She saw me and smiled walking in my direction. Just don't make eye contact and everything will be fine.

"Hey Shadow. Didn't know you went here"

"Everyday just usually not in the morning"

"Well, maybe you can show me how to do a few things"

I made a face. 

"Oh my God not that! Get your mind out of the gutter!" she told me embarrassed but also laughing.

"I meant by using the step ladder" she added.

"Oh. I guess that’s fine then"

I put the dumbells back and we walked over to it.

"Basically it's just like climbing stairs accept they are moving"

I got on and showed her. She nodded but I had a feeling she wasn't really paying attention to what I was saying though. I got off and she tried.

"You gotta put your hands on the bar. Like this"

I took her hands and put them on it. She smiled and blushed. Ugh, kill me now. I let go. 

"I gotta go back home but I'll see you later"

"Are you busy later?"

"No not really"

"You should come by to my place. I would like to catch up"

Oh geeze. I looked at my Phone seeing Xades texted me asking if I wanted to go out for dinner.
So either I go with Monika, and most likely get laid or stuff my face again. Can't believe I'm gonna do this.

"Yeah sure. Is 4 okay?"

"Sounds good. I'll give you my number and address"


I got in the car knowing this was a bad idea, but didn't want anxiety again with Xades.

It's been almost 3 weeks since I've last seen her but it's not like I didn't want to. I just don't want her to feel guilty if she found out. 

I got to the address and knocked on the door. Monika opened the door smiling gesturing to come in. I did so and took my Coat off. 

"Well I have a movie set up and some fruit for us to snack on while we watch it. Figured you hated unhealthy stuff"

"With a passion"

She nodded, went to her room as I took off my combat boots, and sat down on the couch waiting.

She came back low and behold, in revealing clothing. Her tank top showed half her cleavage and she was wearing short shorts that made her butt look more perky. She smiled and turned the movie on sitting beside me while taking a small bite from an Apple slice. 

Fuck it. It's not like she'll want to do this again anyways. She leaned on my shoulder and I put my hand on her shoulder seeing her smile. She looked at me and gently kissed me. I kissed back and held her cheek as she smiled putting her arms around my neck. I ripped her tank top off with my bear hands and she unbuttoned my shirt to reveal my abs. She stopped for a second admiring me and used her fingers to touch my rock hard six pack. 

She brought me to her bedroom and I grabbed her waist pinning her. She laughed. 

"Guessing you like it rough?" 

"Fuck yes" 

"Good. So do I" 

I kissed her and she started to unbuckle my pants as I unzipped her shorts. 


I woke up remembering what happened and it was morning already. I rubbed my eyes sitting up and Monika woke up smiling.

"You definitely know some moves"

"That's just scratching the surface"

"Well, maybe we can test that in the future?"

"We'll see"

I got up and put my pants back on.

"What happened to your back?"


&qu ot;Sorry. I just noticed you had a few scars there"

"..... My dad kinda liked to punish me more than usual"

I put my shirt back on. 

"I didn't know... I'm sorry Shadow"

"I hid it pretty well back then. Didn't see a point in involving anybody"

"Well, if there's anything else you wanna talk about I'm here"

I nodded and stretched a bit. 

I left shortly after and Dark was just getting up. 

"Long night?" 

"Oh yeah I got laid" 

He rolled his eyes. 

"Didn't need to know where my dad put his testicles" 

I laughed and got some Coffee. 

"Shadow can I ask you something?" 

< br>"Any other reason why you wanted to lose weight accept for your health?" 

I bit my lip and rubbed my neck. 

"....... Well..... There was-this-girl" 


"She honestly made me speechless whenever I saw her, or my heart raced when she did a few small talks"

"Did it work?" 

"..... I never really got a chance. She moved away. I saw her at the reunion though and we hung out a few times" 

"And does she seem attracted?" 

"...... I don't know" 

"I can tell that's not the truth" 

"I really don't know. We're just kind of friends now" 

He left and I sat down at the table drinking my coffee.
21 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 3 years
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Glitch454 3 years
Nope. It'll be explained later in the story.
Emberfeeds 3 years
do mean 1974?