
chapter 21

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This is bad. This is really bad. How am I supposed to leave when everyone's down there??? I felt my Heart racing and for the first time in months, I was having an anxiety attack. And worst part was, I didn't have my medication to stop it. 

"Honey you okay?" Mom asked and I just shook my head. 

Father came out and I said nothing. He was back to his regular size. Not surprised, but didn't think he would be able to lose it that fast.

"We going or what?" He asked and I stood there still staring into space. I can tell he was getting impatient but he wouldn't touch me if mother is here. He never has laid a hand on me when she is around, and I never told her. 

"I think something's wrong. He's not responding" she told him. 

"Hey, Shadow!" I heard and looked seeing Xades. She came over and hugged me smiling. I hugged back my hands still shaking and she let go confused. Father rolled his eyes and went downstairs putting on a facade shaking hands with everyone smiling. 

"Well no point standing here, dinners getting cold" she told me and walked downstairs. 

"Shadow, what's going on?" Xades asked. 

".......It was a setup" 


&q uot;.......He knew about the school meeting.......about me having to live there for a was all a setup to....."

"......Shadow, you're scaring me" 

".......Father wanted me to gain weight so he could humiliate me even further. He knew I wouldn't do it for a good reason, and he found one" 

"........I'm here with you. I won't let anything happen, okay?" 

I slowly nodded. She held my hand and brought me downstairs while everyone went silent looking.

"Shadow?" Monika asked.

"No it's fuckin Danny Devito" I said sarcastically making a few chuckle. 

"Just, didn't recognize you at first" she said. 

"Well I did" Xades answered. "He's not different at all" 

"Got that right" Jake commented making a few snicker. 

Mom shooed everyone into the dining room and everyone was sitting down. I sat down and felt the arms digging into my sides. Great. Now I may get stuck. For the love of crap mom you better not have overcooked again.

 She left the room.

"Uh, dad?" Wedigie said. 

"What?" He asked.

"Er..... I am way too tall for this chair" 

"Yeah well, Shadow's too fat for his but it's all I got" he told him and I rolled my eyes. 

"He's not fat dad" he said annoyed and father looked unamused. 

"You need to get your eyes checked Wedigie. 4 months ago he was completely in shape, and now he's a fucking Pig again"

My jaw clenched and I tried to control my anger. That. Fucking. Word.

Mother walked in and put the food down. Why am I not surprised she cooked this much? There's 20 people here not a damn army. And also of course, she served me too much. I sighed.

"What's wrong?" She asked. 

"Nothing" I lied not wanting to hurt her feelings, or complain in front of everyone. We all ate but I could tell I was getting stares. Xades rubbed my shoulder to reassure me she was still here and not leaving. I finished and put my plate to the side in about 30 minutes of struggling. 

"To think I slept with him just 2 months ago" I heard Monika whisper to someone. 

"He was so hot before. Now he's just disgusting" one of her friends whispered to her. 

Xades tapped me on the shoulder and I turned around to her kissing me. It caught me by surprise but I closed my eyes kissing back. She let go and smiled.

"Xades honey, do you mind helping me for a minute?" I heard mother call and she looked at me.

"I'll be fine. Just go" I told her. She nodded kissing me on the cheek and walked out quickly. I love that woman so much. 

"Hey bro" Wedigie told me and I looked at him. "Congrats man. I knew you've liked her for a long time"

I nodded. 

"No idea what that girl sees in you" father commented. "She probably just feels sorry for you so she gives you pity. Pathetic" 

Xades came back and put a few napkins down around the table. She also placed Forks and some wine glasses filling them with Chardenae. I swear though father was looking up her skirt a few times. He better not think about touching her or I'll kill him. Xades sat down beside me. Mother came out with a few silver tins I'm guessing to make it more fancy. 

"The dessert choice was my idea. I want this night to be very memorable" 

Mother took the Tin off, and I nearly bolted out of the house. I knew he would chose cream pie out of all things. I tried to get up, but the chair was not moving. Great, I'm fucking stuck. Perfect timing. 

Mother cut the Pie, and I froze as she put it in front of me. 

"I want to make a toast for this fine evening. And especially to my loving wife and kids" 

My mind started to go into panic. I'm having an anxiety attack.

"We found Shadow on our doorstep in a basket. I didn't know at the time if we made the right choice taking him in, but I am glad he's in our family" 

Xades looked at me and saw my eyes were wide as saucers. She got up and wrapped her arms around me trying to calm me down.

"All I need to say now, is I hope he feels as grateful as I am proud to call him my son"

"Awe" mother said.

I got up, picked up the plate and smashed it onto the table making everyone jump.

"You son of a-THAT WAS MY BEST PLATE YOU LITTLE SHIT!!!" Father yelled angry.

Then, I saw it. I looked at Xades and pointed to a piece of string that was hanging out of father's shoe. She smirked and walked over stomping on it as soon as he started to walk away.

The corset came undone, and his clothes ripped and his belly hung out of his broken shirt. He didn't lose any weight at all. He was even bigger. He was just hiding it. Everyone laughed, and he ran off red in the face.
21 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 3 years
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Glitch454 3 years
Nope. It'll be explained later in the story.
Emberfeeds 3 years
do mean 1974?