
chapter 4

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Dark was sitting at the table with his head on it.

"What's wrong?"

"...... One of the kids that bully me at school made a comment today making everyone laugh"

"What was it?"

"That I got fat"

"Dark what the actual fuck? We both know you're a twig"

"Yeah well, according to him I got a belly now"

I raised a brow and he lifted his shirt up. Now that I can see it without his baggy clothes, he has gotten kinda chubby. Probably from all the video games and junk food he eats.

His stomach was softer making a small pudge, his muscles were less defined and his jaw was forming a small double chin.

"I don't know maybe exercise more? You do tend to not go out as much anymore"

"Yeah well, I got no friends so I don't see a point"

"Maybe not eat as much junk food then. You do tend to do that during your gaming sessions"

"Eh, I'm not one for veggies. You know that"

I shrugged and he put his shirt down. 

I went to my room. He left for the day and I sighed and laying down falling asleep.


I had a pretty bad nightmare, but I knew it wasn't just a normal one. I woke up with my arms chained to the chair, and my shirt was off. My father was sitting at the far end, and smirked calling mother. She smiled and had a big cart with her. 

"My my Travis. What happened to you?" she asked worried.

"What do you mean?"

"You're wasting away. You were so healthy the last time I saw you"

"No I wasn't, I was the complete opposite"

"Now now Travis it's okay. That nonsense about how you have to be skin and bones is silly. I'll fix it though"

I raised a brow and she took the cover off the Cart to reveal that it was full of cream Pies. I pulled at my restraints as hard as I could and my father picked up one of them. Mother restrained my neck and put something on my head so I couldn't turn it. I still pulled and father laughed as mother started making me eat slice after slice. She didn't stop even though I was painfully full already. My belt snapped after 3 pies and my bloated belly hung on my lap rock hard.

"Well boy guess you really haven't changed. You're a complete Piggy aren't you?" father told me amused.

I growled at him but was interrupted by more Pie. After about an hour of non-stop feeding I felt like I was gonna burst. My belly was cutting into my jeans and completely lost of definition. All that was left was a big round ball on my middle. She fed me one last slice, and the button on my jeans came off breaking the zipper, and my stomach lurched forward. 

I felt my body expanding from the overstuffing. My arms got softer, my legs pressed together, and felt my double chin again. My ass filled up the chair, and my stomach was big and jiggly on my thighs. The restrains were gone, and I tried to get up but was wedged between the chair and table. I tugged and pulled but it just made him laugh harder.

"Awe looks like the piggy is stuck"

I pulled harder but still no use. My stomach was just too big to get out. My mom pinched my chubby cheeks. 

"It's okay Travis, I'll make sure you won't starve ever again. You're still way too skinny"

I woke up drenched in sweat and breathing heavily. I got up and walked to the bathroom turning the fan on, and stuck my fingers down my throat. I kept doing this until I lunged forward, and puked out the continents of my dinner. 

I am not getting fat again. I don't care what it takes.
21 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 3 years
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Glitch454 3 years
Nope. It'll be explained later in the story.
Emberfeeds 3 years
do mean 1974?