
chapter 5

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I was sitting on my bed feeling dizzy, and had painful knots in my stomach from hunger. I looked at the Tattoos on my arms, and traced one of them. 

Just then someone knocked on my door, and Dark opened it. To think he was in shape just 2 months ago, now he's probably considered overweight. He tries to hide it with baggy clothes and a beanie, but probably soon even that's not gonna work. 

"Shadow we need to talk"

He walked in and sat down on the couch in front of me.

 "Look..... You're not well. I can tell your phobia is winning, and it's scary seeing you like this"

"I'm fine"

"We both know that's a lie. Look at yourself, you haven't touched a thing for 10 days and you're barely on your feet"

"I'm fine"

"I'm worried you may turn anorexic again. You won't eat a thing, and you barely sleep anymore. You need to eat Shadow"

My Lip twitched. 

"Walk away Dark" I warned.

"No. You're my father and I don't want you to hurt yourself-"

"Oh please you're the last one that should lecture me about eating"

"What do you mean?"

"Dark, I may eat less but you eat way more than you should. You're constantly eating when you're gaming, the only excersize you get is when you walk around school, and even then you always eat burgers from there at lunch. And better yet, you wearing a baggy ass shirt isn't even hiding it anymore. I may be skinny, but you're fucking fat. A big fat Pig"

My words jabbed at him like Knives. In tears, he got up. 


And with that, he walked out. I face-palmed feeling incredibly guilty. I just called my only son a Pig. The one name that my father loved to use, and the only one that hurt. He is right, I'm no better than him.

I got up ready to go looking for him when I got a text. 

Hey Travis. Just wanted to let you know me and your father are in town. We'll drop by in an hour~Mother

Oh great. If anything couldn't get any worse my parents are in town. The second my mom sees me, she'll flip and try to make me eat. I rubbed my neck and called Xades.


"Xade s I need a favor. My parents are in town and coming here. Can you stay for the afternoon? They won't be as bad if someone else is there"

"Yeah sure...... Are you okay? You sound pretty tired"

"Yeah I'm fine. Just have anxiety right now"

She didn't seem convinced but agreed hanging up. My stomach growled loudly and painfully making me hold it. No, I'm not hungry. It growled again and I sighed. The front door knocked and I opened it seeing Xades. I motioned for her to come in. She did and looked worried.


"... ... What, happened to you?...."

"I got the stomach flu real bad and couldn't for 3 days or else I would have thrown it up. Just got over it today"

"Oh my God you must be starving then"

"Not really" I lied and my stomach growled loudly again. She raised a brow. "Well not enough to risk hurling. 24 hour wait is usually a good way to make sure"

"Well, tomorrow I want you to come to my place then. I'll cook something up for you"

I hesitated but nodded. The door knocked again and I opened it. My mom smiled and hugged me. I hugged back a little. 

"Oh Travis I missed you so much" she told me.

"You too mom" I answered.

We let go and she looked me up and down.

"My boy don't you ever eat???"

"He had the stomach flu for a few days so that's why he looks kinda like shit" Xades told her.

"Oh really?" I heard and got goosebumps out of fear.

I turned around to see father. Despite his cruel nature, people tend to mistake him as the opposite. He looked in his 30's, jet black hair and black eyes. He had the body of a muscular model and had a bit of a scruff. 

"Yeah. I'll be helping him out starting tomorrow"

"I hope so. He's far too skinny" mom said worried. 

Memories of that dream made me shudder.

"I don't believe that bullshit"

"Lucifer-" Mom started. 

"Demons don't get sick, even half breeds like you"

My Lip twitched. I hated that word. 

"You're saying he's lying?" Xades asked.

"Only one way to find out" he answered.

I raised a brow and he did nothing. What is he doing? I heard my stomach growl yet again quietly. Oh I get it. He's just waiting for that sound. Well he's not gonna hear it again. Unfortunately though, it happened again and this time louder for everyone to hear.

"Think I made my point. Molly please whip something up for him before he dies on us" he told her.

"That's it. Sick or not you're gonna eat" she told me and I froze. She went into the freezer and started cooking. I sighed and sat down at the table defeated. There's no way I can get out of this now. Xades is probably disappointed that I lied and my father is just sitting in the chair on the other end drinking Tea waiting for my humiliation.

"Laura be sure to give him a large portion" he told her.

"Oh I will. And I'll be sure to make lots. This is a family meal after all"

"Come again?" he asked raising a brow.

"Well you were so busy today with your meetings and at the Gym did you eat today?"

"Yes I ate this morning"

"Well that was this morning. It's the evening now so we're all gonna be eating"

He glared and I couldn't help but feel amused. If anything, his weakness is also his figure. He treats it very well and stays away from anything that would ruin it. 

Mom set the table and brought over the feast she prepared. I looked at Xades and she had her legs closed together tight. Then I remembered what she told me about how it turned her on me being full.

This, is gonna be super awkward.


I ate the last bite of Potato on my plate and sat back. Oh my God I haven't eaten this much since I was a kid. 

I'm just glad I'm not the only one. Considering how my mom tends to make father happy, he didn't say no to having seconds. He didn't look as full, but he still looked uncomfortable.

I looked at Xades and she looked fine. However, she kept looking down trying not to look at me struggling. 

Mom cleaned up and put the leftovers away. 

"Well, I'm glad to know my son hasn't lost his appetite. And I'm also glad my husband enjoyed it" she said poking his bloated belly. 

"Yeah well, you know I can't say no to you"

She smiled and kissed him on the cheek walking away. He got up and put his British jacket on along with his scarf. He tried to do it up but the bottom button was having trouble. He gave up and unbuttoned it walking out to his car.

Mom smiled and kissed me on the cheek. 

"I'll be back tomorrow. I really want you to not do that again. It's not healthy"

I nodded and she walked out the door closing it. 

 I rubbed my neck and sat on the couch feeling my stomach resting on my belt. I'm pretty sure mom put some kind of drug in my drink so I'm not getting anxiety, but I can still feel my body screaming at me. I felt embarrassed. I just ate 3 plates worth of food and feel like she's now disgusted. Here I am, a very fit 167 year old man who's been working out since he was 19, now sitting on a couch feeling like I'm gonna burst.

Xades sat beside me and I felt humiliated. To my surprise though, she held both my shoulders gently and kissed me. My Heart raced and I was trembling but kissed back closing my eyes. She put her one leg over my lap and sat on top of me continuing to kiss me. I deepened it and she took off her coat unbuckling my Belt afterwards. I felt a lot more better for a second, then realized what that meant. I looked down and saw my stomach an inch on my lap. I started to freak out but she just made me look at her again kissing. I forgot about it, and she took off her shirt while I did the same. She admired me and to my surprise, held my stomach deepening the kiss again while I took off my Jeans and she did the same. 


I don't believe it. After all these years, it finally happened. I was so afraid of being an embarrassment to Xades, but after all these years I now know she feels the same way. I was on my side looking at her and she smiled at me. I then remembered this evening and frowned.

"..... What's wrong?"

"...... I called Dark a fat Pig"

"What the fuck?"

"I regret it entirely. He's looked up to me since I took him into custody and I may have just broke his heart"

"Well of course. He sees you as his father and you just commented on his weight. You need to go apologize Shadow, now"

I nodded and got back up putting on a baggy hoodie, and went in his room. He was laying down with his back to me and saw a few tissues next to him. He had his headphones on and was gripping the bed tightly shaking. What the fuck is wrong with me.

I walked over and slowly put my hand on his shoulder. The second that I did it he pushed me off. 

"Leave me!" he said coldly.

I sighed and took his headphones off making him even more mad. He sat up.

"What part of leave me don't you understand???"

"I'm your father I'm not gonna leave till we talk"

"Why? So you can tell me how disgusting I am again? No thank you"

"Dark you have to understand that I didn't grow up in a normal household. I was never taught how to be a father cause mine was absolutely cruel"

"That's no fucking excuse for what you did. I'm tired of you using that same victim card for your actions. I thought you would have understood considering your past"

"I do understand that's why I'm apologizing. Please just tell me how to make it up to you, please"

"Nothing you can do. All I know is that I'm constantly being bullied at school, and I'm gonna be having to bring my athletic parent there because it's parent teacher night in 4 weeks. It's making me even more insecure just thinking about it"


" What?"

I put my head in my hands then run them through my hair sighing. 

"Oh don't even think about it. You won't go through with it"

"Will it make you hate me less?"
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Glitch454 3 years
Nope. It'll be explained later in the story.
Emberfeeds 3 years
do mean 1974?