
chapter 6

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(Noticed how this site only lets me send 10,000 letters which is foreign to me, so sending this last part so it's not cut off)

"Well yeah but I don't want you to gain weight because of me. It would make me feel bad if you have an anxiety attack when we're there"

"I have to get over it sooner or later. And now it's time for me to overcome it"

"..... Shadow if you do this not gonna lie, it will make me respect you more"

I nodded and walked out. If I'm gonna do this, there's only one thing to do. I looked at my Phone and dialed a number.


"... ..Hi mom"

"Oh hi sweetie. What can I do for you?" 

"How long are you guys gonna be in town?"

"31 days. Your father has to try to make an alliance with the Amazon demons, why?"

I paused for a second but gained my composure.

"Are you guys staying in a hotel?"

"Yeah. But don't worry we got a discount"

"(deep breath) you guys can stay in the guest room at my house if you want" 

"Well, I would have to ask your father. He probably won't say no since you guys haven't really seen each other for 30 years" 

Probably cause I beat the shit out of him last time we met.

"Alright. Oh, and mom?"


".. .....Do you mind cooking for a while if he says yes? I......kinda miss it-"

"Oh, of course! I love to cook for you Shadow you know that"

"Yeah, I do. I'll call you tomorrow then-"

I heard mumbles in the background.

".......No he probably just wants to see you.........Okay then he probably wants to see me. Plus, we haven't met Dark yet......his son?.......Yeah.......sorry about that Shadow. He said it's okay we'll go there tomorrow"

"Okay see you then"

"Bye Shadow"

I hung up and accidentally crushed my Phone with my hands. Damn it I still don't know my own strength. I threw it out and ordered a new one online. I looked in the mirror seeing my muscular figure, and sighed knowing in a month it'll be gone. I laid down and fell asleep nervous about what was to come.



My dad knew how to humiliate me more and more every year on parent teacher day. Today, he made me wear a shirt that clung to my massive stomach, and jeans that were cutting into my legs making my belly even more noticeable. He also cut my hair but on purpose made it uneven and bald in some places, and made me shave so it showed my double chin.

While he himself looked lean, in his business suit, and had a neat perfect haircut. He greeted teachers with a smile, but a few gave me worried glances not trying to make it obvious. 

Father looked around the gym and saw a woman. He smirked.

"Hey Shadow, go ask her to dance. Think she wants you"

I looked in his direction and went wide eyed. The second I saw her, it was as if the whole world stopped turning. 

She was tall, slender but slightly muscular. Her red eyes were glowing under the disco ball, and her short white hair sparkled in the lighting. She was wearing a short black dress, and black combat boots that were up to her knees.

"Shadow it wasn't an option. Now go"

I snapped out of it and felt my anxiety kicking in. I knew if I didn't he would probably beat me once we got home. I rubbed my neck and started to walk over. My dad made Pig noises making me embarrassed. 

She was dancing seductively making a bunch of guys stare, including the one guy I absolutely hated.

She could've looked at any of these attractive men, any of them that were practically drooling. But weirdly enough, she looked at me curiously. Not in a disgusted way, or a 'let me suck your dick' way. Just in a curious way.

"Hi" she said.

"H-hi" I answered still nervous. She walked to me but low and behold, Jake blocked her path.

"Say princess how about ya ditch this fat loser so you and I can go some place real nice?" he asked while his friends snickered.

She gave him a look and crossed her arms. 

"You know I'm pretty sure I know your story. Popular, jock and gets anything he wants. Gonna break your future down in a few sentences. The only reason why you pick on people like him is because you want to seem better to your little friends behind you, who you probably have orgies with already. In 10 years though, you're gonna be a washed up mess who never went to college, will probably be a male stripper who gets minimum wage, and eventually die of Aids Considering how much sex you've probably had already. How is that for your answer?"

He went wide eyed silent and his friends laughed. He walked away along with his friends and I rubbed my neck. 

"..... Thanks.... Those guys are always teasing me"

"No problem. I hate people like him"

Just then a slow song came on and she looked around but shrugged. She put her hands on my neck and I shakily put mine on her waist. 

We swayed to the music and I was trembling the whole time. Why the hell does this beautiful goddess want anything to do with me? It's as if what I look like doesn't matter to her.

"You need to wake up" she told me.

"What?" I asked.

"Wake up Shadow"
21 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 3 years
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Glitch454 3 years
Nope. It'll be explained later in the story.
Emberfeeds 3 years
do mean 1974?