
chapter i should've done in the first place

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So no one’s confused about this universe, I wanted to talk about a few things first before I go into another chapter.

First off, all but Laura (Shadow’s mom) are demons. The setting is in hell, and it is very similar to Earth. Only, there are quite a few rules that are changed. Here are a few things I forgot to mention, but I didn’t include them cause I didn’t know I was gonna publish this.

First and foremost, his father is the king of hell. He sets all the rules there, and no one can hurt him or he can have them executed. His only known weakness appears to be Laura.

Secondly, Dark is Shadow’s adopted son. He died from a Car accident a long time ago, but Shadow took him under his wing when he heard that Dark was gonna be tortured forever. He didn’t want Dark to be going through the same things he did.

And finally, Xades is something called an Original. She is one of the very first demons created along with 2 others. They are known to be very fast and strong, even stronger than Lucifer.

If you guys want me to add more chapters about the details let me know, cause I’d be glad to. I've always been interested in making more action based chapters, and love talking about this universe I made years ago.

~~~~~~~~~~ ~~

I made Dark leave to his graduation trip to Europe before they got here. I knew my dad would try to do something and I wouldn't forgive myself if he did. 

I checked my wardrobe, and tried to find anything that would be considered baggy on me. Unfortunately, I was shit out of luck. I went with a dark grey shirt that clung a bit to my muscles, and baggy blue jeans. I used a belt putting it on the 5th loop, and put on my combat boots ruffling my short curly hair. Ugh, so not looking forward to this. 

The doorbell rang and I took a deep breath remembering I was doing this for Dark. I opened the front door seeing my parents letting them in. I helped mom with her bags bringing them to the guest room putting them down. 

"Laura will you excuse us for one second?" Father asked and I froze. She nodded and left as he closed the door crossing his arms glaring at me. 

"What is your game?" 

"What I can't be nice?"

"You hate my guts and I hate yours. There's no way you would suggest something that involves me" 

"Just drop it it shouldn't matter to you what is going on. You get a fucking free month of no hotel and you're gonna complain? Also, we both know by the end of the month who's gonna be laughing at the end. I know you just want to see me humiliated and that's why you even agreed"

His lip curled but he sighed. 

"What the fuck ever it's your funeral"

He left and I sighed in relief leaving as well. He left out the door for work and I rubbed my neck. 

"Did you eat yet Shadow?" 

I looked at her and shook my head. 

"I just woke up" 

"Well I'll make us some breakfast. What would you like?" 

My usual meal would be homemade Oatmeal with Berries, but I knew it had to be more than that. 

"Surprise me I guess" 

She smiled and got to work. I made Coffee bringing a cup to the kitchen table, and sipped it trying to keep my nerves calm. You're doing this for Dark. 

Mom gave me a plate and knew instantly I wasn't gonna finish all of this. 1 Omelette, 3 pancakes, 4 Bacon, 2 Toast, and 4 Sausages. None the less, I started eating. I remembered she used to cook like this all the time, only back then I would still be hungry. Maybe because I could eat more back then, but i never really wanted to. If anything I despised it.

I was 3/4 done when I started to feel unpleasantly full. I could feel my belt tight around my waist and saw my mom left to the bathroom. I unbuckled it putting it on the 4th loop feeling a bit better, and tried to continue to eat. I popped the last of it in my mouth and stretched a bit. I looked down and saw my stomach was rounded out a bit and rock hard. Ugh, I hate this feeling. My mom walked in and smiled picking up my plate. 

"So glad you enjoyed it Shadow. I didn't know if it was too much" 

"No, It's fine. Listen um..... I don't want you telling dad, but i've been trying to gain a bit of weight" 

"That's wonderful Shadow. I really do think you're too skinny" 

"Yeah my thoughts exactly. Do you mind helping me out?" 

"I Don't mind at all dear. If it's only okay with you though" 

"Yeah it's fine. I was gonna gain maybe 50 pounds in a month" 

"Well, definitely is not impossible. I do warn you though it's gonna be more than just eating. You can't do much exercise and you will have to snack regularly" 

I nodded and started to feel tired again. She handed me a bottled shake.

"Oh no I can't possibly consume anymore" 

"It's a weight gain shake. It will help"

I hesitated but nodded chugging it. Every gulp was painful, and I could feel my stomach expanding until I was done. She put it the empty bottle in the garbage, and I got up holding my bloated stomach. I went to the couch laying down, and fell asleep a few minutes later. 

I woke up a few hours later to mom tapping me on the shoulder. I popped an eye open groggy and she put down a few sandwiches on the coffee table. I sat on the couch still full from breakfast but started to eat.

After I was done,  she took it away and I put my belt on the third loop. My stomach was painfully full again, so I leaned back trying not to put any pressure on it. I checked the Clock and got up burping once going back to my room laying on my bed. I turned on my side feeling more comfortable and felt my eyes droop falling asleep again. 

When I woke up, father was home. I could hear his muffled voice along with Mother's. I got up surprisingly still full but saw mother put a shirt neatly on the nightstand. I put it on, and it was really baggy. By really baggy that was an understatement. Oh geeze now I recognize this. It was one when I was a whale. Guessing she saw the shirt i had on and thought it was getting tight around the waist. Not gonna lie, my anxiety is pretty bad because of it now thinking about it. 

I came out and mom was cooking Chili. Father was sitting in a chair reading a newspaper, so guessing he didn't notice me coming out yet. Mom put a bowl in front of him, and he put it down to the side. I sat on the other end, and he raised a brow seeing the shirt. She gave me a slightly bigger bowl, and I thanked her starting to eat. 

"You sure you should be eating that?" he commented. I stopped for a second and then continued. He shook his head amused and started to eat his. I was getting full again, and looked down seeing I was only halfway through it. I made a face, but continued until I was done. I could feel my belt getting tight again, but knew I couldn't undo it right here. Especially with father amused seeing me struggling already. 

"Lucifer do you mind getting the bath started? I think we can both have some relaxing time" 

"Sure" he answered and left. She then got a giant slice of Chocolate Cake and made me go in my room. She handed me another weight gain shake and left closing the door. I just unbuckled my belt at this point and let my stomach be loose in my jeans. I ate the cake slowly feeling my stomach at its limit, but finished the rest downing the Shake. At this point I could not move. I was way too full and felt like my stomach had a giant rock in it. I gave up and just dozed off for the rest of the night.
21 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 3 years
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Glitch454 3 years
Nope. It'll be explained later in the story.
Emberfeeds 3 years
do mean 1974?