
chapter 8

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A week later I had a bit of trouble putting on one of my skinny jeans. I got it up my thighs, put had to wiggle into them pulling them over my ass. I sucked in my stomach a bit, and got them done up. I released my stomach, and could tell I was putting on weight already. My legs had less of a thigh gap, my arms were still muscular but still softening, and my face was starting to fill out. My ass had a bit of roundness to it, and my stomach had a small layer of fat growing on it losing a bit of definition.

I went on the scale and sure enough, it said 170 pounds. 10 pounds I put on in the last week. I put my shirt on and it felt a bit tight on my belly. I took a deep breath feeling my heart race again. I grabbed the dresser taking in deep breathes. You're doing this for Dark, you're doing this for Dark.

I left my room and saw mother cooking. To my surprise though father was still here. Usually he would be gone by noon. Today he was sitting at the table with a newspaper drinking Coffee.

"I told your father he should be here when you woke up. I think we should all have a family breakfast"

Great. I was gonna leave to my bedroom so I could change when he put it down drinking his Coffee.

"You just gonna stare or are you gonna sit down boy?" he growled and I did so not wanting to piss him off.

Mother gave me my usual bigger portion while father had the Oatmeal with Berries.

"You okay honey?"

"Yeah. Just trying not to get annoyed. The Amazon leader has been insisting on trying to get more land. I gave them almost half of a village what more do they want from me?"

"You're just stressed honey. You should try to rest more though you're starting to get bruises under your eyes"

I smirked a bit.

"Get that fucking look off your face Shadow you don't look any better"


"Sorry Laura but come on. Ever since we got here he's been eating non stop"

My Lip curled but I ignored him continuing to eat.

"He's finally learning to enjoy himself don't be mean"

"Whatever. It's his funeral. Also pretty sure all of Hell is gonna be amused when they find out my former fat son is blowing up again"

I finished and left the table going to my room slamming the door locking it. What the hell was my mom thinking? She knows how he gets and she tries to make us be buddy buddy anyways. I heard my door knock and I glared.

"Go away mom not in the mood"


O h no it's Xades. I ran into my bathroom closing the door locking it. The door opened.

"Shadow where are you?"

Gotta think of something quick.

"Taking a dump"


"Oh. Well, I'll wait then"

I facepalmed. Great, now what? I can't let her see me like this.

"Listen Shadow um..... There's something I need to tell you..... what happened between us.... I don't know why I got like that there was a problem-"

"Nope, no problem"

"Um..... is there a reason why you won't come out and look at me?"

"Cause I'm in the bathroom?"

"Look Shadow-"

"Xades, would you mind, getting out of here?"

She went silent for a few minutes.

"..... yeah..... sure..... sorry"

And with that, she left. What was I supposed to do? Let her see me and know that I'm not as attractive anymore? It's better for now if she doesn't know.

I got out of the bathroom and sighed in relief.
21 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 3 years
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Glitch454 3 years
Nope. It'll be explained later in the story.
Emberfeeds 3 years
do mean 1974?