
chapter 9

Listen to this chapter - just press play:
"Mom I can't" 

"Well I already told your father and he agreed" 

"Of course he did" 

"Hurry up I can't be late Shadow!" 

I got in his truck and he drove off. 

"I still don't get why you agreed for me to come" 

"Because then they'll stop and understand that we don't have the same culture" 

"The hell do you mean by that?"

"The reason why they're being stubborn is because they say I don't look like a 'king'. I'm the king of the underworld and they expect me to know what that means"

"Maybe you're just fucking dumb"

He stopped the Truck and grabbed the back of my neck slamming my face against the glove department. I felt extreme pain and was gushing out blood from my Nose. He then unbuckled his seat belt and got on top of me punching me. He hit blow after blow until his knuckles bled, and then spat in my face getting back in his seat. 

"You're a complete waste of space and I would not care if you dropped dead tomorrow" 

He put his seatbelt back on and drove again. My shirt was all bloody and I had a few cuts on my face. I had a black eye and my lip was busted. Well, at least I hit a nerve. 

He drove into the forest and stopped getting out. I changed shirts cleaning up my face the best I could and followed. We were greeted by the Amazons and followed them deeper into the woods. 

About an hour later we were greeted by their tribe and the leader seemed pleased to see my father. 

He spoke to his translater. 

"He said that we may be able to strike a deal very soon. We just need to discuss a few more things. He also says we have prepared a feast to celebrate" 

Oh boy. 

We were brought to a table and the giant table was filled with food of many kinds. Wow, no wonder my dad has been gaining weight so quickly. We sat down and their leader sat beside my dad as they discussed plans for the future. Others joined us as they served our plates. And trust me when I tell you, my mom's servings are NOTHING compared to this. 

*Two hours later* 

I sat back and undid my belt letting my belly stick out 2 inches on my lap. Normally it's only an inch, but this meal was unbelievably huge. 

"The leader says He's pleased with your appetite Shadow. He wonders if you done this before" 

"Yeah. I was a lot bigger as a kid so I could eat whatever" 

The leader looked confused and talked to the translater. 

"He's curious what happened"

I looked to my left and saw father wasn't there. I gotta word this carefully. 

"I don't really know. Guess the school I went to just didn't really accept for how I was. So I lost the extra weight and built more muscle" 

"He says that must have been terrible" 

I shrugged. 

"He didn't lose it because of his school he did it because he had an eating disorder" 

I froze. The leader whispered to the translater. 

"He doesn't know what that is" 

"It means he starved himself for 4 months and had me worried. I thought he was gonna die" 

Yeah right. You encouraged it and told me to waste away for all you cared. 

".... He says that he is sorry for that happening. He didn't know that kind of thing existed. Did we trigger anything?" 

"No. I've been trying to gain weight because my son has a teacher meeting. He told me he would feel less vulnerable to bullying" 

"He says that is very brave. He also was wondering if you needed help" 

Well, considering my progress has slowed down it wouldn't be a bad idea. I then thought of something.  It was risky, and I probably would be literally killed cause of it. But, this was too good to pass up. My father doesn't know this, but I learned their language in school. I know what they've been saying this whole time, and my father won't know at all. I looked at them and spoke in their language this sentence: 

"No but my father needs it. His meetings usually don't let him eat much at all. That's why he keeps losing weight. Don't let him know though he's very self conscious about it" 

The leader was surprised that I spoke directly towards him but he agreed. 

When my father came back he had another plate the same size. He raised a brow. 

"He says that it's tradition for father's to eat more than the son. It represents dominance and strength" 

He mumbled a bit but agreed. By the time he was done he was almost passing out. Good. He has no idea what's coming. Father, it's payback time.
21 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 3 years
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Glitch454 3 years
Nope. It'll be explained later in the story.
Emberfeeds 3 years
do mean 1974?