
chapter 10

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It's been 3 weeks since they have been staying here, and since then I've gained about 40 pounds. It's not as much as I wanted, but it's enough for people to notice. My father has been a little bit more quiet since I went there because my plan was taking effect.

He had to size up his jacket, and now wears jogging pants instead of Jeans. The sharpness on his chin was gone and started to look fuller. His thighs were starting to lose their gap, his arms were starting to get softer, and his belly was starting to have a lot more softness to it.

Mother was happy about it saying he was always skin and bones, but he absolutely hated it. He avoided me all the time, and didn't even bother insulting me when he did. 

I was sitting down with both of them at the table, and I had my usual mom breakfast. Father was reading the newspaper not saying anything, while mother stirred her Tea. She left the room and I finished my food when I got a Phone call. I checked and froze seeing it was Dark. I got up and went to another room answering. 

"Dark I told you not to call me when you're on a school trip" 

"I know That's the problem We're coming home today" 

"What? Why you guys have another week" 

"Derek paid a bunch of hookers last night and the teacher was so mad he's giving us all detention and cancelling the rest of it" 

"Great. Well he's still here so I gotta think what to do" 

"Well hope you think of it fast because we'll be landing in an hour" 

I agreed and hung up. I pinched my nose squinting and tried to think. I can't bring him here, not when father is still here. Who knows what he'll do to him when I'm not looking. 

I turned around and froze seeing him. Not only did he probably hear everything, but I could tell he was already planning. 

"You touch Dark I'll fucking kill you" 

He rolled his eyes and punched me in the jaw making me land on my side. He grabbed me by the hair and pulled me up grabbing his knife putting it by my Eye. 

"Don't forget who is stronger boy. If you ever threaten me again, I will make sure you never see or hear again" 

He let go and walked away.
21 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 3 years
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Glitch454 3 years
Nope. It'll be explained later in the story.
Emberfeeds 3 years
do mean 1974?