Her crush

Chapter 4 - obesity

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“Do you want some lemon water Debbie?” Sarah yelled from the kitchen that morning.

“Eww yuck! No thank you! Could you grab me the quart of chocolate milk in the fridge please?”

“Chocolate milk for breakfast? Are you sure? I thought you were on a diet?”

“Either that or soda if we have any. Thanks Sarah!”

Sarah came to me in the living room and passed me my chocolate milk. I brought it to my plump lips on my chubby face and drank it all down.


“Thanks Sarah. I need the extra dairy in my see-food diet.” I smiled at Sarah and I was aware that she was examining my new face. I had started to finally put weight on my face and felt like a real fat girl now. Every time I looked at myself in the mirror I felt horny.

“Debbie, are you okay?” Sarah asked me whilst I was munching my breakfast and drinking my delicious mass gainer shake made with whole cream, chocolate sauce, Oreos and Ben & Jerry’s ice cream.

I put my fork through a pancake, bacon, sausage and mopped up some maple syrup and ketchup before drinking some of my shake. “Apart from being starving hungry *BRUHHHHHRRRRRP* I’m okay. Why are you asking?” I scooped out some ice cream from the pint I brought with me to the couch and shoved it in my mouth and purred at the delicious cold chocolatey flavour melting on my tongue and moving down my throat.

“Well you’ve gained a little more weight these last few months Debbie. You’re starting to look, well, really fat to be honest.”

If you were to see me sat on the couch now compared to a year ago, you probably would have agreed with Sarah. My cheeks had really swollen up and I’d finally developed a little sack of fat under my chin. I had actually managed to grow my boobs too. They were now a DD cup that hung lazily down my chest and lost all perkiness. I loved rubbing and squeezing them when I was in bed eating snacks. My arms lost all tone over the last few months. The only exercise they had now was bringing food to my greedy mouth and pleasuring myself every night.

My belly was full and round and even developing a separate chubby row up top. My beautiful long muscular legs that I used to love were so much thicker and coated in that sexy bumpy cottage cheese-like cellulite I dreamed of now. My thighs rubbed each other as I walked, and jiggled too. Their new thickness almost made me appear shorter.

I saw in the mirror how fat my heart shaped ass was now. I loved how fluffy it looked as it stuck out behind me. It was a hungry bum too, always eating my thongs and panties like dental floss. I developed cellulite and dimples on my ass which turned me on so much. It was like a mosaic on my skin of my new found fatness.

I still wanted more though. If I had to guess how much I had put on with all the food I had been cramming down my neck since that night I realised how turned on by my body I was, I think I was about 100 pounds heavier. Maybe I was 300 pounds now. I didn’t care. I had become a greedy, gluttonous, fat cow, and I loved it. I couldn’t stop imagining what an extra 100, maybe 200 pounds of fat would look I’m on my gorgeous body.

I stood up and felt my belly overhang the waistband of my shorts. I saw Sarah’s eyes widen as I turned around and showed her my dimpled thighs.

“Really?” I put my hands on my new gut that swelled out over my (what used to be) my loose pyjama shorts that looked painted onto my legs.

“I mean, I was overweight before. I didn’t think it would matter if I just kept eating the same.” I started bopping up and down and felt my belly bounce.

“Jesus. You’ve really let yourself go Debbie.”

“Mmm yeah, I have put on a few pounds haven’t I” I said as I slowly sat my fat ass back down, closed my eyes and rubbed my fat gut feeling a tingle down below. God I felt so hot.

“More than a few pounds I think Debbie. I hate to break it to you but I think you’re probably more than overweight now…maybe even obese.”

“Oh god yes.I'm so obese.” I started gently shaking my belly and jiggling my thighs with my left hand as I shoved some more greasy food into my mouth.

“Are you getting off on this? Jesus. You’re disgusting!” She wasn’t wrong, I felt so wet.

“I am though aren’t I? I’m so disgusting. An obese, disgusting woman.” I think the humiliation was turning me on too. The feelings I have about my new fat are so weird.

“I can’t talk to you like this! You’re being such a slob!”

“I am such a fat, obese slob…oh god, that feels so good!” I quickly grabbed the ice cream and stuck my chubby hand in it and fed myself. The ice cream dripped down from my plump lips to my sexy, flabby gut. I came so hard, thinking about what I had become.


“You ’re disgusting! Did you just...finish? On the couch? Thinking about your body?”

“Oh yeah I did. I am so wet right now Sarah.” I stuffed the last two mouthfuls of food into my mouth and downed the rest of my mass gainer. "Well, first breakfast is done, time for breakfast number two *BRAAAHRP*”. I ordered huevos rancheros and a burrito on Deliveroo. I loved Mexican food so much more now, it was so filling.

Sarah moved towards me on the sofa and sat down. “Debbie, I thought you were going to lose weight? What’s happened?” She put her hand on the bare skin of my thick thigh. My thighs had become so sensitive, probably because of all the new fat I piled onto them in such a short time.

“I did try to lose the chub. I jogged down the block but I felt so tired and out of breath. Then I went into the Burger King for some water…and a whopper…or whoppers…and cookies and milkshake and fries and I’ve never been turned on so much by my own body and reflection before.” I looked down at my sack of flesh that was my stomach with a smile as I rubbed it gently. “I just knew a few months ago that I wanted to explore this...this fat. Growing my body and eating all this delicious food is really turning me on and making me horny to tell you the truth. I think I’m going to keep growing and enjoying my food for a while. Besides, I look good and sexy as hell fat.” I shrugged.

“Okay…I guess I ‘m the skinny one now.”

Surprisingly Sarah didn’t look happy as she said this. She looked almost sad.

As Sarah got up off the couch I said, “Oh! Before you go do whatever you skinny people do could you grab me a bottle of soda and the cake I’ve got in the fridge for me? I’ve got some reality TV to catch up with!”

Sarah sighed and went to the kitchen for me as I laid my fat ass down on the couch and rested my hands on my belly. This is the life.
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Karenjenk 3 years
it would be cool if she was just telling her that he liked chubby to make her gain
and then she finds out its not true