Her crush

Chapter 5 - dump truck debbie

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As I woke up and slowly moved my thick wide legs off the bed to my bedroom floor, I heaved my obese body up and raised my pudgy hands to my eyes to rub the sleep away. I also had to brush crumbs and sugar off from my flabby sack of fat I now called my midriff.

“I definitely enjoyed myself too much last night”.

For the last few months I had really started to embrace my gluttony and super sexy fat body. I would look at myself in the mirror before bed and then eat whilst pleasuring myself. What can I say? I had become an extremely sexual fat cow.

As I sat on the bed I grabbed my panties from the day before (I was too lazy to grab a new pair). I slowly brought them up over my wide thunder thighs as I stood to try and get them over my fat ass. My pink pair of 4X panties are really feeling tight, I couldn’t wait for my Torrid order to come today. I squeezed my fat flabby sausage arms into an old baggy t-shirt that now was more like one of the crop tops I used to wear and as I waddled myself out my room I felt one of my inner thigh fat rolls jiggle against my FUPA which made my fat pussy tingle. My body was turning me on all the time now. I started to think maybe I should go on a diet just to stop myself being so obsessed with my own sexiness…nah, I’m too hungry to do that!

I slowly made my way down the stairs clutching onto the hand rail and finally parked my fat ass on the couch. I was starting to take up almost two cushions worth of space. I loved how wide I was becoming and how much space I was starting to take up. As I caught my breath I finally yelled out, “Hey Skinny! I’m going to order some breakfast from McDonalds and Wendy’s! What are you having?”

As Sarah came in from the kitchen to take a seat on the new chair opposite me, I could hear her panting for breath. I should explain that things had started to change not just for me, but for Sarah too this past year.

Now that I was the fat roommate with bigger boobs, and Sarah the skinny one, she started to miss being the chubby friend. She actually started helping me gain and grow by feeding me but what she also started doing was eating some of my delicious food and getting herself addicted to the greasy salty processed junk I had come to love too.

Sarah started putting on weight herself and saw in herself what I saw in me and even though she was still lighter than my now 480 pound tank of a body, she must have been at least 300 pounds herself. She sat in nothing but a tight bra with her fat tits being squeezed out of it, hands on her chunky legs with her floppy, stretch marked gut resting in between them and her new jowly double chin wobbling as she spoke.

“Just order me what you’re having Dump Truck, don’t forget the nuggets”

My new nickname was Dump Truck Debbie because of my wide, round ass that stuck out like a shelf. I liked it.

“Done and done. Mmm I gotta eat something to celebrate outgrowing this thong. It’s really riding up my ass now.”

“Don’t make me jealous of your fat ass again, you’ll just make me eat more!”

“What’s wrong with that?”

“Nothing. I just don’t want to be as unhealthy as you dump truck! You’re starting to look like shit” Sarah winked.

As I looked at her cute obese body, I started to think about myself and what I had become. In all honesty, I did look like shit. But I felt as sexy as hell. My beautiful long blonde hair had lost its colour and my roots started showing about half a year ago. As my arms got so heavy when they developed their own arm rolls, I struggled to comb and style my hair like I used to so I cut it into a bob myself. It framed my plump fat face perfectly as strands of greasy hair ended at my thick chin that used to be my neck. It was undeniable even to me now that I was hooked on salt, sugar and fatty junk foods. If it wasn’t processed, it probably didn’t taste good to me anymore.

I thought about how I used to go get myself food outside or even get around the house without feeling out of breath. I used to be so healthy. I was a gym bunny, but now if I was to enter a gym I’d be a gym piggy. Even the thought of all the fat and cholesterol inside my body was a turn on.

I looked down at my pale sack of soft stretched flab I called a belly and remembered how tan I used to be. As I jiggled it with my pudgy fingers I even noticed I couldn’t see my wrists. My forearms were so fat now that they covered them up. I had to sit with my legs so far apart now so my gut could fall in between them, and the bigger it got the farther apart my legs had to be.

My legs had changed too obviously as I graduated from obese to morbidly obese. My thighs were so bloated that the fat rolled over onto my calves which were now as big as my old thighs used to be when I was 180 pounds. Every day I would get turned on about how I caked my knees and ankles over with flesh and had so much hip and elbow flab that not a single bone on me was visible.

So yeah, I guess I really did look different. But I felt so sexy in myself and beautiful. My sex drive was through the roof almost all the time now. I still needed more.

“So I’m going to order some Domino’s pizza too!” I said with a smile.
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Karenjenk 3 years
it would be cool if she was just telling her that he liked chubby to make her gain
and then she finds out its not true