Her crush

Chapter 6 - growing girl

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Three months later and I finally reached 500 pounds. I was truly a massive slob of a woman. I couldn’t believe I gained weight for that stupid brother of my fat roommate. I’ve forgotten what his name was now, but I guess I’ve got him to thank for my newfound love of fat and my big sexy body. As I waddled to the couch with my tray of snacks and cake I felt so much relief in my heart and lungs when I sat my big wide ass down.


A message on my phone from my mom? I wonder what she wants.

“Hi Debbie! I hope you haven’t forgotten but your dad and I are flying in and coming to see you tonight! Love you! Mom xxx”

Oh crap, I can’t believe I forgot they were visiting! I haven’t seen mom and dad for so long now. Last time they saw me I was still their fit “little” girl. I anxiously started stuffing my face with more cake getting crumbs in between my saggy G cup boobs and on my pale stretch marked paunch. I might actually have to put some clothes on…

That evening as Sarah and I sat in the living room, I was anxiously stuffing Oreos into my greedy mouth.

“Stop eating Dump Truck! You’ll look a mess in front of your folks if you keep that up!”

“Mmmph I know, but mmmph my parents haven’t seen mmmph me like this mmmph yet”

“Didn’t you tell them you put on some weight at least?”

I swallowed and grabbed another four Oreos. Before shoving them down my fat neck I said,
“Well yeah, I told them I put on a few pounds but not that I’ve let myself go into becoming this big, beautifully obese queen of a woman!”

I stuffed the cookies in my mouth and brushed the crumbs from my tight t-shirt that was already riding up my gut. I had my fat calves and cankles on show because I just about fit into my cute pair of 4X stretch jeans. I couldn’t fit into shoes anymore so thought a tee and jeans would be just fine. I had managed to squeeze my hulking blob of a body into the shower too and actually washed under all my plush rolls for my parents. I kind of outgrew these fat pants, and couldn’t believe I actually managed to stuff my belly into them like cookie dough and button them. The difficulties I put myself through each day just helps me fuel my daily masturbation now. I’ll be thinking about it tonight that’s for sure. My big fat pussy was already tingling as I discreetly touched my FUPA.

Skinny Sarah looked presentable too. She wore a dress that showed off her juicy curves and dimpled thighs that would hopefully draw some attention away from my fat body. She did look tiny in comparison to me though with her small 338 pound body. I could barely fit in a car anymore. Maybe that’s why she stopped drinking mass gainer shakes, so that she could still drive.


“That’s them! Oh my god. What are they going to say when they see me?” My jowly cheeks felt like they were going red as my breathing became shallow and I struggled filling my fat body with oxygen.

“Don’t panic now Dump Truck” I was definitely panicking. “I’ll get the door. By the time you stand up they’ll need to check out of their hotel!” I know Sarah was only lightening the mood but I was still nervous, and hungry, as hell.

As Sarah waddled her way to the door I heard her greet my parents politely and show them the way to the living room. Then they came through the door.

“Debbie sweetie! How ar….” That pause though. I have never seen their eyes so wide. I mean, they needed to be to take me all in I guess but they were clearly dumb struck by my body.

“Hi mom! Hi dad!” I started to push myself up from the couch with my pudgy hands and I was already breathing heavily. I took heavy steps as I waddled towards them. I put my flabby arms out for a hug. My big wings of soft fat hung loosely under my arms almost like a bat, and I smiled showing off my thick double chin and full pink cheeks.

As my dad gave me a hug I could feel him struggle to get his arms around me as he pushed his hands into my plush back rolls.

“How’s my…little…girl doing?” he asked cautiously.

“I’m doing good thanks. I’ve been reading a lot, learning how to cook and discovering new cuisines and stuff” Of course I had to lie.

“Honey what have you done to yourself? You’re as big as a house! Don’t you go to the gym anymore? Are you eating right?” mom said as she finally piped up with a very concerned look on her face which to me, now looked gaunt.

“Of course I have mom! We’ve been eating great haven’t we Sarah?”

*BRUUHRP* “Excuse me. Yes of course, we sure have”

“You look morbidly obese Debbie! It’s just obscene to us. And you’re beautiful hair is cut too. What’s happened…”

“I had to cut it mom, it tired me out looking after it! And yes, I’m big and yes, I’m fat, but I love this body more than my thin one. I just feel…I just feel so much more womanly and so much…sexier.” I said this as I patted my fat belly. Oh how I wanted my square parents to hear it slap against my fat legs.
“I never feel hungry anymore and I feel nourished and satisfied, most of the time.” My words hung in the air awkwardly.

“Look, I hate to say this but it’s upsetting both your mother and I seeing you like this. We’ll send you some money to see a doctor or something but we’re going to check in to the hotel. Next time we see you, you better have sorted yourself out Debbie.”

I waddled back to the couch and sat my massive ass down. As my belly swelled forward, it burst the button from my jeans and the zip slowly went down, pulling my belly out from my jeans.

“I need to sit. Standing for too long tires me out you know?” I grabbed the bottle of Mountain Dew I left there and brought it to my lips. I swallowed mouthful after mouthful of that delicious sweet soda until the bottle was empty.


“Whew. Excuse me.”

My parents looked down at me as I sat with my fat belly hanging between my thunder thighs almost to my knees.

“That drink is just liquid sugar! I can’t believe my beautiful little girl has become such a big fat slob of a woman.” I mean, I wish it was liquid sugar but it was the sweetest soda I had. I shrugged my broad shoulders.

“At least I look and feel like a sexy goddess of a woman now.”

And with that, my parents left shaking their heads, clearly disappointed in my new body and attitude. I looked across at Sarah, and I was gently wheezing after that shouting match with them.

“So…pizza and ice cream then?” Sarah asked.

I nodded. “Anything to help me keep growing. I don’t care about being healthy anymore. I love being unhealthy! I want my belly to hang past my knees the next time I see them.”
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Karenjenk 3 years
it would be cool if she was just telling her that he liked chubby to make her gain
and then she finds out its not true