Her crush

Chapter 7 - we meet again

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So I used the money my dad sent me, but not for health expenses obviously. I spent it on food for the next couple of weeks. I stuffed myself so much. I put on another 15 pounds which went straight to my big round ass. I loved the way it wobbled now with every step my swollen feet took. I checked my butt out in the mirror and noticed more deep dimples and lines on it. I was a perfect picture of greed and sexy femininity in my eyes.

My parent’s concern over my health did get me thinking. If I keep on expanding my heart might struggle getting the blood all over my beautifully massive body. I might have a heart attack before the age of 30. I scared myself a little, but even that thought turned me on. A big sexy woman like me having a heart attack because of how big I grew myself. I closed my eyes and just wanted to put my arm under my belly and play with myself. My stomach roared in protest. What she wants though, she gets. She was my priority. I rubbed my beautiful flabby belly, “Don’t worry love, I’ll fill you up now.”

After I squeezed my ass cheeks into my thong and unbuttoned shorts and managed to squeeze my enormous arms and shoulders through my tank top which showed off my fuller cleavage. I’d really started growing fat girl boobs now and they must have been HH cups at least. My pale skin really showed off the veins in my fat tits which I adored. They made me feel like a real sexy heifer now. I don’t have time for constricting bras though; I needed room to grow them after all.

I started my morning waddle to the kitchen to grab some morning snacks. I really fancied some sweets. Chocolate bars, cake, cookies, M&Ms. That’s a good appetiser before breakfast I thought as I rubbed my belly apron.

Before I entered the kitchen I heard Sarah and a man talking. They were laughing and talking about school, television shows, family and such.

“If you think I look good, you should see Debbie now!” Sarah cackled.

He must have been a friend of hers. I sluggishly waddled past them as they sat on the dining table, keeping my eyes on the prize – the fridge.

“Morning Dump Truck!” Sarah chirped at me.

“Morning Skinny” I mumbled as I grabbed my cake out of the fridge. I placed it on the counter and grabbed a fork, leaning and letting my belly hang as I shovelled chunks of cake into my mouth.

“Hi Debbie, great seeing you again” The man of mystery finally opened his mouth. I turned around and looked at him whilst chewing on my cake. Was that?


“That’s me. How’ve you been? You’re looking really well” Jamie said with a genuine smile. He still looked so handsome and he was looking at me. All of me.

“I’ve been doing good thanks. Feeling good a lot lately.”

I really didn’t know what to say. I had such a crush on this guy and now he was back. I was so much bigger than him now. He liked chubby girls though, not huge heifers like me, right?

“That’s great. You look great. I mean, it’s great you’re looking good, uh I mean feeling good…”

He sounded nervous. We looked at each other as I slowly ate another piece of cake.

“Well I’m going to go take my snacks to the couch. It’s been so lovely seeing you again Jamie.”

I really made a point of leaving. I wanted to show off my big sexy body badly. As I slowly walked myself out, I made an effort of rubbing my thighs together and moving my hips and butt side to side. I felt his eyes burning a whole into my vast backside.


I paused. My eyes raised and I smiled. I knew it. I had him.

“Sit and eat here with us and chat a bit. It’d be great catching up with you Debbie.”

“Oh? If Sarah doesn’t mind?” Sarah smiled and pulled out two armless chairs for me. “Okay, thanks” I smiled and sat myself down on the two chairs.

Breakfast soon became more snacks, which became brunch, then a big lunch of course. We chatted (I ate) and played board games (I ate), moved to the living room to watch movies and eat fast food (I ate so much McDonalds and KFC) and drink beers. By 8pm Sarah was already passed out on the couch and my bloated belly was flopped in my lap and out of my shorts long ago.

“You sure have learned how to eat since I’ve been at college Debbie!” Jamie told me as I scooped out ice cream from my second pint.

“Well a fat girl’s got to eat, but I haven’t eaten so much in a while. Maybe you’re bringing out the best in me?” I said with a wink and ice cream covered lips. “And I got big for you by the way.”

“Oh? For me? I never realised.” Jamie sounded genuinely surprised.

“Sarah told me you were a chubby chaser, but it doesn’t look like you are since you didn’t get in touch with me after those cute chubby photos of mine. Then I discovered how sexy I felt growing and getting heavy and well, here we are” I said as I shook my swollen gut for emphasis. “I must be drunk! I’m talking so much!” I snorted.

Jamie put his hand on my wide flabby thigh.
“I noticed you had gotten chubby that time two years ago. But you were still too skinny for me...”

“Wait a minute. You thought I was skinny then? But your ex-girlfriend was that weight?”

“She was. But I made her fatter. I mean really fat and heavy. She got up to 450 pounds and then split up with me. She didn’t want to grow anymore.”

“Wow…so that explains why you’re flirting so hard with me tonight then” I looked at his hand. “Well kiss my fat face you idiot”

Jamie lent into me with his slim body against my hanging flabby gut and oversized saggy shapeless boobs. He held his hand under my double chin and kissed my plump sweet mouth slowly. It felt like time slowed down. As Jamie backed away he looked at me and sweetly said, “I think you’re the sexiest woman I’ve ever seen”

“Am I…the fattest woman you’ve ever seen too?”

“God yes. You’re so beautifully fat and round. You’re the most gorgeous morbidly obese woman I’ve ever seen.”

That was like music to my ears. I filled my mouth with the last scoops of ice cream and slowly rocked forward to get up, hearing the couch groan as I did. Jamie looked at me as I waddled towards the stairs.

“Well come on. You want to fuck my big fat pussy don’t you?” Jamie quickly stood up and followed me to my room. “Oh, and bring up the rest of Skinny’s pizza. You didn’t think this fat belly of mine was full did you?”

I knew he was watching my wide ass shake and sway with each laboured step up the stairs. When I got to my room I shut the door and pulled my shorts down. I turned around letting Jamie see my fat dimpled ass cheeks as I pulled my pretty thong out of my crack, and my tree trunk legs caked in cellulite and varicose veins.

“Jesus. Your butt devours your underwear!”

“Yeah it does” I grinned as I pulled my tank top off feeling my arms wobble and my saggy fat boobs move to the sides of my chest hanging lazily. I was like a middle aged woman who’d had triplets. “Now come and devour this fat girl! I’ve been hungry for your cock since I was a malnourished skinny girl!”

And with that command Jamie moved towards me with the pizza box in his hand and my bed squeaked as he pushed my fleshy form onto it. I spread my legs awaiting his member whilst my hands jiggled my thigh roll until I felt his shaft enter my slick, wet pussy. As his left hand pushed into my plush fat belly flesh and his right held a pizza slice in front of my face, I had never been more turned on in my life. My fat pussy was so sensitive to every thrust, every jiggle of my belly as it rocked back and forth like an ocean and my fat tits flopped back and forth towards my face in tune to the rest of me.

“You like that don’t you Debbie? You love laying on your pillowy ass getting fed and fucked like a fat cow don’t you?”

I moaned as I chewed the pizza slice he crammed in my face. I was already close to coming.

“You like being told how much of a gross slob of a pig you are. I can feel your fat pussy tighten as I humiliate your morbidly…obese…body!”

“Ohhhhhh fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!” I squealed as I came, my body wobbling as the orgasm went through me. Jamie grunted as I felt his hard member unleash thick squirts of cum into my uterus. My body felt so wet with sweat as I breathed heavily. “God I’m so unfit” I said wheezing my words out.

“Yeah you are. And so beautiful too. I hope you’re feeling hungry.”

“Of course I am. How did you know?”

“I know how to treat a fat girl who I want to fatten up” Jamie said with a wink.

He got up off my blob of a body sprawled on my bed, limp and lifeless. He put his pants back on and I heard him move downstairs rustling in the kitchen. He arrived back with a tray of cookies, brownies, chips, ice cream and soda.

“Oh, my hero!” I propped my body up so I was sat with my head against the wall and stretched my fat legs out and moved my double belly to my lap. Jamie rested the tray on my belly and started feeding me. “So *mmph* you want to *mmph* fatten me up?”

“Yeah, I do. I’ve always wanted to be with a real gainer. Somebody who would grow for me until...”

“Until they’re immobile?”

“Yeah…do you like the sound of that Dump Tru…I mean, do you like the sound of that Debbie?”

I picked up a brownie and looked at it in my chubby palm.

“Walking’s overrated” I stuffed the gooey treat in my mouth and kissed Jamie passionately.
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Karenjenk 3 years
it would be cool if she was just telling her that he liked chubby to make her gain
and then she finds out its not true