Her crush

Chapter 9 - i do

Our wedding went off without a hitch. I was everything Jamie dreamed of for a bride and I was everything I imagined I would be. I was almost bursting out of my dress since I weighed 618 pounds and my dress was measured for a 579 pound me. My cleavage was on show and looked tasteful even though I managed to grow some obscenely large J cup breasts. My dress did ride up my body somewhat, but I didn’t care.

If my guests could see my cellulite on my legs then I was proud. I felt like a beautiful painting that I had created with fine lines and dimples representing my growth, insatiable appetite, and beauty that my body was forced to expand to contain.

My father didn’t turn up to walk his fat ass of a daughter down the aisle so Jamie’s handsome father stepped in thankfully.

I was out of breath in front of Jamie but all I had to say was “I do” before I sat down for my wedding cake. It was a beautiful 3-tier almond amaretto masterpiece and it was all mine. It was the first thing I ate that day and I inhaled it. I must have looked like a real slobby mess with cake all over my face and crumbs dropping down to my cleavage, but I didn’t care. Jamie knew who he was marrying.

My maid of honour, Sarah, was a bit upset that she couldn’t have any delicious cake (I wasn't sharing), especially since her appetite had been unleashed by Jamie’s best man Stephen. He was a chubby chaser too and fell for Sarah’s curves as soon as he met her. She stalled at around 300 pounds but he finally convinced her to grow into her body and at close to 480 pounds her breasts had grown to an overblown K cup at least and her gut protruded out almost as much as mine did. She was kept well fed with all the cheap buffet junk food we had for the reception. I wanted the jankiest, trashiest food that I could stuff down my throat. As soon as I felt my dress rip along my thigh is when Jamie and I left our guests and consummated our marriage.

In our beautiful hotel bedroom I definitely wasn’t mooing this time. It was my big day after all. Jamie helped me out of my dress and got himself naked. I told him to lie on the bed and as he watched me waddle my heaving body to him, my thunder thighs rubbing and jiggling, double belly bouncing and fat tits swaying, I felt so warm and wet inside. Jamie’s cock grew and stood to attention as I approached and slowly climbed on the bed and moved my slit over it.

“I want you to feel my weight. Just feel how heavy you’ve made me my handsome husband.”

I sat my pillowy ass on his hips as his shaft slid into my pussy. I slammed my body up and down really enjoying the power. I could hear Jamie moan as my 618 pound mass hit him.

“Oh baby. You’re big and heavy, but you aren’t big enough!”

“Oh? You want me bigger do you?”

“God yes! I want to stick a baby in you and make you fatter!”

“Mmmmmmmm, squirt for me Jamie. Make me your morbidly obese baby mama!”

And a few seconds later with a grunt, Jamie erupted within me. I lay down next to him and he rubbed my bloated paunch.

“Fingers crossed mama.”

A week later and things at our new home returned to a normal pace and routine. I became Jamie’s live in cow wife and basically grazed all day on my favourite junk foods and snacks whilst he was working. Our place was perfect for a big girl like me – no stairs, wider doors, and all the furniture was reinforced. My favourite place was the two person (i.e. me) wide love seat which I binged food and television in. It was still a tight squeeze, but until I couldn't get out of bed anymore it would have to do.

I discovered I was pregnant a few weeks later and of course we celebrated with food. Jamie always told me I was eating for two now so I had to eat and drink twice as much. The extra doses of mass gainer really sped up my growth and by the time little Emily was born I had put on another eighty pounds and weighed in close to 700 pounds. My breasts had swollen to KK cups and were basically udders, or at least that’s what Jamie said they were now. I wasn’t the most active of moms since getting out of bed had become such a burden for me now. Four years ago when I was frail and skinny, I would never have imagined this. Being a mother bound to her bed because of her glorious, gorgeous weight.

I have been immobile for almost 5 years now and life was great. Jamie really looked after me. He said he was living his dream after all. He was a father to a beautiful little girl, and a husband to a beautiful, sexy, morbidly obese immobile woman.

He fed me, fucked me, washed me, and fed me more. I had my laptop on my belly, my giant heaving breasts laying in their own place to the sides of me on the bed, and the perfect view of the television on the wall since I could hardly see over my distended gut when I was laying down. I loved the body I had grown. I still felt utterly sexy and I was truly fat and happy in my life.

“Mommy monster!” Little Emily yelled at me in a cheeky tone with a bright smile on her face. She ran through my bedroom door on her little legs to me.

“Good morning Emily!” I wheezed through my CPAP mask. Emily bounded on to my bed and gave me a little cuddle.

“I think Emily’s hungry beautiful” Jamie said to me smiling as he followed Emily.

“Oh honey, here you are, help yourself.”

I nodded towards my right breast that lay on the bed to the side of my chest. Emily picked it up with her little hands and started suckling. Jamie removed my CPAP mask and pushed a button to make my electric bed raise my body up slightly. He kissed me with his hand on my plush cheek.

“Are you hungry too my love?”

“I’m absolutely starving.” Jamie said looking at me with true affection. “I’ll help myself after Emily’s finished then I’ll get you some breakfast my little heifer.”

“Maybe you should miss a meal or two handsome, you’re growing a little gut there yourself. If you don’t watch it you might be as big as me before long!” I chuckled whilst looking at Jamie’s stomach.

Jamie put his hand on his now protruding stomach.

“Ha! Can you blame me? I’ve developed a real dad-bod thanks to all your delicious cream you make my beautiful sexy cow.”

He kissed me again sweetly as I purred, feeling all warm down below. The only thing I miss is being able to touch myself. I have to leave that to Jamie now too.

“Okay Emily, go play with mom’s foot piggy’s. Daddy’s hungry now.”

Emily moved her mouth from my nipple, gave me a kiss and went to play with my toes which I couldn’t hardly feel now. My feet were so bloated and red. Jamie moved to my breast and started sucking me hard.

“You’re going to drain that jug quick if you’re not careful now honey.” Jamie grunted at me in reply. “And if I could be fed with the funnel this morning, I would appreciate that. I really can’t be bothered chewing.” Another grunt in response.

I felt like a massive sexy blob of fat. I was his massive sexy blob of fat. Now this, was the life.

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Karenjenk 3 years
it would be cool if she was just telling her that he liked chubby to make her gain
and then she finds out its not true