Feeding island resorts

chapter 3 - the misunderstanding

I thought I wouldn’t be able to sleep, but I was so tired from the trip that it didn’t take a minute before I fell asleep. When I woke up Kim was already in her uniform and was going through a flyer about the island.

“Did you know that they have a funnel feeding room? imagine hooking up a fat in one of those” she said handing me the flyer. Kim had a much more aggressive feeding style than me, even though I’d occasionally try some little toys my thing was the good old hand feeding. She, on the other hand, loved funnel feeding her feedees and, in her own words, forcing a slim guy to get fat made her horny.

At 6:30 am someone knocked at our door, it was our group leader, a chubby blonde girl named Sierra telling us we were late for our orientation.

As she walked us through some hallways we saw a diverse set of people speaking various languages, all in different uniforms, we made a turn and arrived in some kind of theater, we took our spots in the back row and looked around, before we could make any comment the guy on the stage started speaking.

“Now that our sleeping beauties arrived, we can properly start it” he said looking at us “Good morning, folks. My name is Tyson and I think you already met my assistants Sierra and Tony, they are your group leaders and their job is to make sure you all are doing your job correctly” he continued “as you can imagine you’re all here to entertain our guests, you’ll either feed them or be fed by them, always remembering that prostitution is forbiden in this island so we don’t provide those services. Your first assignment will be handed to you by either Tony or Sierra and the next ones will be sent directly to your watches, the assignments are untransferable, but relax, you won’t be given any task that you didn’t choose in the B-12 form. And finally, when the assignment is complete remember to collect the payment before leaving. Sierra’s group to the right and Tony’s team to the left, we all start at 7am. Good luck, everyone.”

As everyone was standing up we could see better our “coworkers” as kim blended in with the crowd I was the odd man out, everyone was either very athletic as kim or chubby, I was the only average one, but kim wasn’t paying attention, she was too busy flirting with the chubby asian guy two seats away from us.

We got in the back of the line to get our assignments and while Kim was still flirting with the asian dude I tried to befriend the tall muscular guy in front of me “Hey, man. How are you? My name is Joe. First time working here too?” I asked

“Hey, man. Nope, this is my third, my name is Alan” He replied while the line moved “You’ll love it, we work long hours, but we can always use some help” he showed me a flask with some red pills “some folks here come just for the money, but I also enjoy feeding the guests, seeing them blow up is really hot.”

We chatted about the job until we reached Sierra. We got our assignments and Kim and I would be working together.

“And the two rookies got.. mr. and mrs. Fitzgerald… oh they are tough! Very demanding and always go for large quantities, hope you can handle them” she said ushering us out “Kimberly will deal with Ben Fitzgerald and Joseph with Sarah Fitzgerald, they’ll be waiting for you in their house. Kimberly will have to grab a funnel and Joseph is required to wear a costume”

We left the building and the warmth of the rising sun bathed our faces, Feeding Island was stunning. We walked a block to a building named “Staff Support Station 25”, as we got to the front desk Sierra explained.

“This is a support station, there are 32 across the island, whenever a client requires any tool or costume you can come and ask for it, just point your watch to this reader and voilá you can withdraw it in the front desk. To return it you can drop it in any station or on the support trucks that circle the island during the day. Joseph, you can take your costume and go change in the locker room, it’s the second door on the left”

The guy behind the counter handed me two hangers and I went to change, I was expecting something more exotic, but it was just a suit, a white shirt and a tie. It fitted ok, the pants were a little bit tight, but were still comfortable.

A van with the island logo parked in front of us and we hopped in, Sierra was giving overall instructions about the island, she offered to teach us some techniques but we stopped here, it wasn’t our first time doing that. She then gave us a flask similar to Alan’s but with a blue pills inside “This job can be a little demanding sometimes, if you need a little help take one of this”

We stepped down and saw the van disappear when it made a turn. “Nervous?” I asked.

“A little bit, but I think once we get started it’ll go away. Do you know what these pills are?” she replied.

“uh that guy Alan had similar ones, I think it’s like something to give him energy or whatever. do you want to take one?” I said.

“What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” she said while we both swallowed one pill.

The house was easy to spot and the fact that the Fitzgeralds owned a house in Feeding Island was enough to make us know that they were very rich. We rang the bell and a lovely large man greeted us, he introduced himself as Ben Fitzgerald, but we could call him Ben, he said his wife Sarah was upstairs and would join us in a moment.

Ben was a big guy, probably 500lbs, around his 40s, he was already shirtless wearing his huge gut proudly. Sarah looked like she was about to leave to work in a fancy office, taylormade pantsuit, hair and makeup professionally done.

“I see you already met my husband. Miss Anderson, I believe you could start massaging my husband’s belly and when he’s satisfied you can start with the funnel, you’ll find lotion and some rope on that cabinet over there. As for you mr. Klein, follow me upstairs for your interview” she said in a very persuasive tone, I wished Kim good luck and followed Sarah upstairs.

She was beautiful, dark hair with piercing blue eyes, with at least 500lbs her boobs were perfect, but what really caught the eye was her tremendous back, needless to say that i was starstruck.

we entered an office with a huge classy wooden desk where Sarah used to work, she owned a fast food chain called Fitz Fries, I thought it was pretty cool that I used to feed Fritz Fries burgers to my feedees and now I was going to feed the owner of the place.

next to the desk were a recliner and 2 smaller tables filled with pastries, there were strudels, bear claws, macarons, cinnamon rolls, donuts, cream horns and eclairs, just the thought of feeding all those to Sarah started to make me hard.

She seated on her desk, grabbed a clipboard and asked “Shall we get started?”

I put my best smirk and said “I think feeding you in the recliner will be way more comfortable”

To my confusion she started laughing “Feeding me? Oh Honey, I think you didn’t understand what we are doing here. I’m going to feed you”

And then it hit me, Dan did sell us out.
30 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Starterman 1 year
Without the illegal parts, is there a location or an island like this?
Stevita 3 years
This was riveting from start to finish. I'm glad Joe and Sarah ended up together!
Unknown2None 3 years
Definitely worth the wait. This was a really good read, I don’t think I’ve been as invested in a story on here since To Feed Man finished up. Great work dude, looking forward to seeing more stories from you!
Bbman30 3 years
Very nice. Thanks for sharing this story
Felipe1 3 years
@Rmd2 There will be an Epilogue
Unknown2None 3 years
He did say that Ch.30 was the last chapter, so I’m eager to see whether this was all a fever dream for Joe or not.
Rmd2 3 years
Aww that's a bit of an unsatisfying ending. Needs a follow-up to see how everyone turns out and settles in life.
Unknown2None 3 years
I dunno, I’m hoping that they all manage to break free and get off the island!
Bbman30 3 years
I’ll have to wait and see how it ends but I really wanted Joe to be the fattest on the island. I hope they don’t escape lol
Felipe1 3 years
This story is coming to an end, chapter 30 will be the last one!
Bbman30 3 years
Oh Joe, shooting pass 300 going to almost 400lbs. You really are going to be the fattest on the island aren’t you?
Kim...she’s 300 hopefully she can fight the gain. I don’t want her spirit to be broken...
Tablesofacha... 3 years
More pleaseee
Unknown2None 3 years
So, I’m caught up to ch.20, and from how I’ve seen it, Kim is just Kim Pine from Scott Pilgrim lol
Bbman30 3 years
I hope this story keeps going for a while, the premise is great. Kim is going to finally gain some real weight but I don’t think she’ll catch up to Joe, he’s going to be the king fatty. I can’t wait for Dan to feed them hehehe
Bbman30 3 years
I think Dan is the “special project” someone was talking about in the earlier chapters. I love how fat Joe is getting. I’m glad the girls are starting to feed him, he’ll be 220 by his next weight in lol
Ffancy 3 years
Why do I feel like Dan has not gotten away unfed? Great premise and very nice story.
Bbman30 3 years
Yessss!! I’ve been hoping for funnel feeding to be incorporated
Felipe1 3 years
I meant Prologue lol, thanks warning me