Fat Wife

  By Towel

chapter 1

I love my wife and I love her obesity. A pile of flesh for devouring and expanding. When we dated she was chubby and soon enough she grew into a fat blushing bride on her wedding day. Warning and snickers were thrown soon around as fatter grew she did.

Belly pats and mistaken pregnant praise was heaped onto her already over burdened frame. Awkward denials would ensue and flushing cheeks soon followed. Waddling soon became her movement as walking was too graceful for a girl as fat as her. A hefty swing of her thighs to clear each other as they fight for what space they had left under the choking adipose. Heavy belly fat hanging, obscuring and permanently changing her shape as she grew wider.

Everything exaggerated itself; breathing, breast size, simple movements. You get the picture. Sex ironically was more intense for her the fatter she became. She was simply too unfit to physically do much in bed and would lay prone on her back or face down as I fucked her hard. Get immense fat tits would ripple as they crept over her already heavily loaded body. Wheezing with erotic need for more. On my behalf I had to work hard to hammer away at her plush pussy that was engulfed by fat and calories she had consumed. Wobbling and heaving her huge belly as we fucked saw her breathing become ragged and gasping. Her flushed and sweaty cheeks were a delight as she moaned and winded her chubby cheeks in pleasure.

More food, more fat, less clothes. Nakedness was wonderful for her and me. A body that was resisting containment must be heeded and a body like hers was a sin to cloak. Sprawling naked on a couch, food in hand my fat wife glutted herself more and more. With a double belly that fought with her tits that begged to be fondled and sucked. Her huge ass and fat encased legs that worked less and less. Her fat neck and face that worked so hard to consume and create her fine body of fat.

This fleshy pile of joy is my ever growing wife. Without restraint we engage in hedonistic pleasures that will continue to increase her girth.
1 chapter, created 3 years , updated 3 years
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