Witch in the woods

chapter 3

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The forest was treacherous after dark. Tree roots appeared without notice, mud puddles waited for a misplaced step, and at least two squirrels and a raven had skittered and shrieked at Natya for disturbing their sleep. Still, Natya pressed on. She had been in the forest many times, enough not to fear getting lost. But never this late, and never during a new moon. She kept touching the charmed ribbon in her hair, reminding herself that she was safe. Baba would not have sent her here if there was real danger.

After walking for over an hour, she found what she was looking for.

It must have been the oldest tree in the forest, a twisted giant, a wooden king presiding over his leafy court. Natya laid her offering of bread and honey at the tree’s roots. She touched her forehead to the soil. Her stomach grumbled. Backing away a few steps, she took a deep breath.

“Trees that grow wide, trees that grow tall,
Ancient fathers that see and know all,
Help your daughter, tell me the way
To see who will stay true when my beauty fades away.”

Natya’s words faded, swallowed by the dark.

She waited.


She waited some more.


She looked up, searching the leaves for any sign of a spirit or god coming to help her.

There was nothing but the wind.

At last, she had to admit defeat. Maybe she said the words wrong. Maybe her offering wasn’t enough. Or maybe the trees just didn’t care.

Natya turned to go home...and realized she had no idea where home was. She had made note of any twisted tree, oddly shaped rock, or unusual bush to mark her path home. But now none of those landmarks were anywhere to be found. Everything was suddenly different.

Natya took deep breaths, trying not to panic. Clearly the trees had set her on the path to her answer. Natya brushed her cheek with Baba’s ribbon. “Trust the trees…”

Since there was no sign of which direction was the right one, Natya decided it didn’t matter and just walked forward.

She walked far what felt like hours… hours… hours…

Was the forest getting darker?

Still walking…

Could the night really last so long?

Still walking…

Was she even moving in the same direction?


Natya’s feet dragged. She stumbled over roots, but kept plodding. She numbly let branches brush over her face, not caring about the leaves catching in her hair. She had lost all sense of time and place. Her feet ached, her breath came in ragged spurts, and her eyelids sagged with exhaustion. She couldn’t go on. She was exhausted… she was sleepy… but most of all, she was…

Her stomach growled loudly. “Quiet you…”, she mumbled. Her stomach didn’t listen. The ravenous gnawing grew stronger and stronger as she grew weaker and weaker.

She collapsed at the foot of a tree. Was it the same king tree as before? Natya’s head swam. She couldn’t remember. Her stomach rumbled like thunder. Natya curled into a ball, clutching her stomach, moaning. Something was in her pocket, something pressing softly into her hip…

Natya shot upright. The gingerbread! Hands shaking, she fumbled in her pocket, almost dropping it on the ground in her desperation.
The gingerbread was squished and misshapen, but it still smelled heavenly. The delicate pattern was still visible in the hint of starlight shining through the tree cover.

There was no hesitation this time. Natya shoved the huge slab into her mouth, for once not even considering her waistline. She almost cried at how good it was. She swallowed the enormous bite with a gasp, a gasp of relief and regret and longing for more. She licked her fingers and the wrapping for any rement, desperately searching her pocket for crumbs. Her stomach roared, nowhere near satisfied.

“Oh my, hungry little thing, aren’t you?” The voice cackled in amusement. A lantern flashed around the tree, momentarily blinding Natya. She blinked and squinted, trying to make out who had spoken. The lantern swung back to illuminate a round older woman, her dark hair tucked into a silk headscarf tied under her chin. She reminded Natya of her grandmother, but this woman stood straighter, had less wrinkles, and a much more commanding presence. Her eyes glittered down at Natya. Her lips quirked up at one end, as if she was laughing at a secret joke.

Natya scrambled to her feet, wiping her mouth guiltily. “I’m so sorry, babushka! I got lost and-”

The woman waved her hand irritably. “My name is Yunitsa, you will call me by my name!”

“Y-yes, um, Yunitsa…”

The old woman rapped at Natya’s shins with her cane. Natya yelped in surprise. “Bony legs! Like a chicken! And a waist I could fit in my fist!” Natya tried to object, but was interrupted by her stomach rumbling over the word “chicken”.

Yunitsa smirked. “Come with me, girlie.” She turned and walked into the dark woods, not even bothering to check if Natya was following.

Natya looked behind her. There was nothing but darkness. Her stomach rumbled. Without much other choice, Natya followed Yunitsa.


Yunitsa’s cottage was warmer and cozier than Natya would have expected for a woman living alone in the forest. A bright little fire burned in the corner, the oven glowed cheerfully, and a black cat was stretched out on the table, purring. “Shoo! Shoo!” Yunitsa waved her hand at the cat. He jumped down, complaining loudly. Yunitsa rapped a chair with her cane. “Sit down, Natya.”

Natya hesitated, alarmed. “How do you know my name?”

“How do you think? The trees told me!” Yunitsa laughed, “They told me a pathetic little girl was wandering out in the dark, and someone needed to come help.”

Natya sat down, relieved. “You’re the one the trees sent to help me!” She was so grateful that her words began to pour out in a rush, “You see, there’s all these people in town who admire me, and Mama wants me choose someone to marry by the summer solstice, and they’re all very nice, but I’m just afraid that none of them really-”

Yunitsa opened the oven door, pulling out a big pot of stew. Natya’s words trailed off as the savory smell hit her. Yunitsa thunked down a bowl as big as Natya’s head. She filled it to the brim with tender meat, large chunks of vegetables, and thick steaming gravy. Natya’s stomach growled, clenching in hunger. She tore her eyes away, mouth watering. “I-I can’t, I really can’t eat all that, it’s too much!”

Yunitsa grabbed Natya’s hand and gave her a fork. “In this house,” she said, her words resonating, “You will eat as much as you want.” She pushed the bowl toward Natya.

The savory smell of the stew, tinged with hints of garlic and parsnips, drifted up to Natya, swirling around her. She felt her willpower start to slip, crumbling under that wonderful smell. Her breaths came sharp and fast. Her head spun. Her heart pounded. Her hand moved almost of its own volition, bringing the fork to her mouth, loading with rich, fatty meat…

One bite was all it took. Natya dove forward, shoveling down the entire bowl, hardly stopping to breathe.

“Want some more, girlie?”

Natya’s stomach rumbled, despite all the stew she’s already gulped down. “Yes! Yes, please!”

Yustina watched the girl wolf down her second helping just as fast as the first. Natya didn’t even have time to finish swallowing the last bite before Yunitsa filled her bowl a third time. And then again. And again. And again. All the time, Yunitsa smiled at her secret joke.

Natya ate the whole pot of stew, finally falling back in her chair, stomach bulging, gasping for air. Yunitsa walked over with a huge cake covered in a thick layer of sweet honey sauce.

“Care for some dessert?”

Natya’s bloated stomach lurched greedily. “Yes!”


Natya woke the next day, still slumped over in her chair at the table. She tried to remember what happened last night. She couldn’t concentrate. Her stomach rumbled. She must have eaten last night, right? Why was she still so hungry? Wait… had her stomach grown softer during the night? How was that possible?

Her thoughts were interrupted when Yunitsa shoved a huge tea cake in front of her. “Thought you’d like a treat for breakfast.” Natya’s worries evaporated, all thoughts focused on the thick slice of cake Yunitsa was handing her. She crammed that slice into her mouth, reaching out for another and another…

Natya spent the rest of the day devouring plate after plate of food. As soon as Natya finished one treat, Yustina put two more in front of her. Blini stuffed with honey and jam, swimming in butter. Chocolate cake soaked in cream and rum. Soft round buns filled with fruit puree. Cottage cheese syrniki covered in glazed raspberries.

Natya’s stomach ached from so much food. But even when she felt ready to burst, Yunitsa only had to put another cake in front of her, and her stomach would roar, forcing Natya to lunge forward and cram more food into her taut and swollen belly. Finally, night fell and she collapsed back, exhausted, too full to think, too full to move, too full to keep her eyes open for one more minute.

Time passed, a hazy fog where the distinction between days was lost. The sun had no timekeeping authority anymore. The only clock that mattered was her stomach. She woke up with a ravenous hunger that drove her to eat till she could barely breathe. Then once she was too full to move, she collapsed back into a deep, digesting sleep. Over and over. Day after day after day.
7 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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UltraEvaSonGod 3 years
What a VERY cute and hot story hehe, Good job.
FatFeedeeDem... 3 years
Love the sheer size of her through this. I say it is good to let your gluttony ways escape. 😍
Piturekapiteka 3 years
Great way to end it, great storytelling, characters had closure and not just the main one, nothing was unnecessarily placed in the story, everything was there for a reason, a sign of great storytelling. Hats off to you.

Really liked how sweet the endin
Wk23 3 years
What a truly amazing and beautiful story. You have no idea how long I’ve been searching for something exactly like this. Thank you! So much. For sharing this amazing story
Hamgasmicall... 3 years
This was really well written! Can’t wait to read more.
Feedercadd123 3 years
Keep going this isssssss excellent work!! Can't wait tk see what happens next to the poor swelling girl 🤤
Piturekapiteka 3 years
Great story ngl
Nightfox28 3 years
Can't wait for the next chapter