The baker's master

chapter 2

“Why did you bring me my meal?” he had hoped he didn’t sound too harsh. He didn’t want to scare her away, he actually thought he might enjoy some company on this cold night.
“I let the maid get some rest. I thought it had been a while since I had seen you and I...”
“Mmm... Your meals give me great joy. You are an extremely talented baker.” He said as he was visibly enjoying his meal. Not realizing he had cut her off mid-sentence. He was always so kind to his servants. He never yelled at them or hit them. He could never bring himself to hit a serving girl, even if they did something wrong. Especially being at least three times their size. Even though he knew of many, many high-class socialites such as he who would bring such terror upon their servants. He really didn’t have a mean bone in his body.
“Do you require anything else master?” She stood in place, not moving from where she was standing waiting on his response. My goodness he was extremely handsome she thought to herself. I bet he is so warm under all his clothes. Goodness what was she thinking? She was a servant, she could not ever be with a man as powerful as he. And she certainly wasn’t in a brothel, not that she judged the brothel girls but she had a different calling in life.
“Yes, actually I do... I will understand if this makes you uncomfortable, but... I would really enjoy some company this evening. And I thought maybe you would like to join me perhaps? Indulge me in conversation?” He asked her with a pleading look in his eyes. The kind of look that screams “please don’t leave me alone.” How could she possibly say no to that face? Those blue eyes, his rounded cheeks, his full lips...
“I would be honored sir.” She moved closer to him he could see her reflection in the firelight. She was practically skin and bone. That was what was different about her. Why? Had he been overworking his staff? She was still absolutely stunning, but he felt bad in a way. Here he was eating nearly non-stop while his staff was wasting away right in front of him.
“Are you hungry?” He asked after clearing his throat. He didn’t want to offend her.
“I had dinner earlier sir.” She poured him a glass of water and one for herself.
“I surely can’t eat all this alone and it would be a shame if you didn’t at least try a bite or two, please?” She didn’t want to be rude or upset him. So, she put a little of the stew in a bowl and ate as politely as she could. She didn’t have nearly the table manners she wished she did. She was never trained because she was never to eat with such high socialites because that was not her place. She noticed he was nearing the end of his plate. “Would you like some more sir? I have plenty here.” He smiled and leaned back in his chair. “I would love some but I want to save a little room for that delicious looking cake.” He said with a wink. She stood up to dish him out more onto his plate. As she stood close to him she could practically feel the heat radiating off of him. He looked up at her and smiled. “You are so beautiful.” He cleared his throat. “Why did I say that?! Where did that come from? I can’t believe I just told my servant that she was beautiful. What is wrong with me?” She is going to be uncomfortable around me now. His thoughts were running away from him.
“You are too kind master. Any woman would be lucky to have such a kind, and devilishly handsome man like you.” Oh no. She crossed the line. “He’s going to ban me for speaking out of place.” She thought to herself and she finished giving him probably more food than she should have.
“Wait... did you just say I was devilishly handsome?” He looked at her quizzically.
“I... I am sorry master I spoke out of turn and I promise I won’t let it happen again. I know my place. I swear.” She turned away and started to take her seat. Why was she talking to him like she was afraid? She looked frightened. Was she beaten in her past? He quickly grabbed her forearm, gently, he didn’t want to hurt her. Her arms were so small!
“Master please don’t hurt me.” she said in nearly a whisper. He gently pulled her into his lap. He put his large hand on the side of her face, gently caressing her. “I will never hurt you. I promise. Please understand, I have never had anyone tell me I am handsome. Most women are repulsed by me.” It was in this moment she realized he was utterly lonely and wanted companionship of some kind. And goodness his hand was so big and so gentle. His middle took up most of the space between them and she could feel her body pressing into its softness. She had never touched a person so soft before! He felt so warm and inviting, like she practically melted into him. She closed her eyes as she felt his hand on her face and let out a faint sigh. She slowly opened her eyes, her green ones piercing into his deep blue ones. She placed a hand on his middle feeling her slender fingers sink into his fleshiness.
“Sir, I don’t know what to say. I mean you’re a powerful man and I am a lowly servant... You do feel so nice and warm. I have never been with a man of your... stature before and I would like the opportunity to make you happy if that is what you want.” She said as she rubbed her hands in small gentle circles all over his stomach and sides. She could feel how much of his body was overflowing. She felt so small compared to him.
“Is it what you want? I don’t want to force you into anything. I know it has been so long since I last saw you but I have been extremely attracted to you in a way that I can’t explain for quite sometime and seeing you tonight woke up all those feelings I had been hiding.” He couldn’t believe how she was exploring his body. She wasn’t doing it in a way as to make fun, but like she genuinely liked the way he felt. It was making it hard to speak.
She couldn’t believe how kind he was being. Most master’s would have taken what they wanted. But he actually cared about her and how she was feeling. “Yes, I do want that. I want the opportunity to see you, feel you. Feed you.” Oh no, why did she say that? Those were her darkest, deepest fantasies.
“Feed me?” He looked at her with a smile that said you’re a naughty girl. “Is that why you have been making me so fat? Because you like it?” She was a fly caught in a web.
“No... I just genuinely like baking and I know you enjoyed my meals so I made extra so you could enjoy yourself more...” She looked at him painfully bashful.
“Then why do you want to feed me?” He was going to get her to admit it one way or another.
“I just... I thought you may like it and I like knowing that you enjoy my baking. It makes me happy that you appreciate it so much.” She said gaining a little bit of her confidence back.
“Ah, so you DO want to fatten me up!” He said with a snicker. She was blushing a shade of red that almost matched his robe. “Well in that case, grab that cake. I am starting to get hungry.” He said as he rubbed his over-fed middle and gently patting it. He whispered in her ear “I don’t want you to stop feeding me that cake until I finish it. Is that clear?” He said in a low growl and with a dominance in his voice that she had never heard before.
“Yes master.”
“Well, what are you waiting for? Grab it and follow me to my bed chambers.” He ordered. He had waited his entire life for this moment, and he was certainly going to enjoy it. He was going to enjoy watching her writhe and wriggle...
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VintageRose1920 3 years
Thank you!
BeSoft 3 years
A story for my taste finally. That was the best by far for a long time! Hope you'll continue writing. Thanks!
Stevita 3 years
Love it! Very sweet and hot!
Built4com4t 3 years
Well done, most excellent. Very very arousing