The baker's master

chapter 3

“Yes master.” She was stunned, he never ordered her around like that. She hurriedly got off his comfortable lap, grabbed the cake and a pitcher of milk and carried it carefully up the stairs to his bed chambers. She was nervous.
She obediently followed him to his chambers. It was odd that she worked for him for the past few years and never saw his chambers she just now realized. Actually, it was odd they hardly ever saw each other, but again she was busy baking, and he was busy... well eating. As they climbed the stairs with dimly lit walls she admired the outline of his broad form. His backside jiggling with every step. She bit her lip as she balanced the cake and pitcher of milk. He opened the door to his bed chambers and allowed her to enter first.
“After you.” He said as he held one hand behind his back and his other gesturing forward, like a true gentleman. She was in awe of her surroundings. She never imagined anything so... so... immaculate! He certainly was a man of fine taste. Dark drapes descended from high ceilings. His bed was absolutely massive. She set the cake and pitcher on his ornate bedstand next to his bed. She really didn’t know where to begin. She wasn’t inexperienced by any means, but she was certainly inexperienced with him. He walked up behind her and placed his thick hands on her small waist instantly making her let out a soft sigh.
He whispered in her ear, “are you sure you are okay with this? I can be... quite a lot to handle. I have specific needs...” She nodded her head yes “I want to serve you master.” With that he spun her around to face him. She looked up at him as he started to take off his robe and draped it over his bed post. She could see that outline of his large body more closely. What would he think of hers once she took off her dress and corset? Would he lose interest? He gently started kissing her shoulders and her jagged collarbone. He reached his hands around to her back and started untying her corset. He let it fall to the floor.
Next, he started to slide her dress off her narrow shoulders. Each layer he took off he realized just how slender she was. Until she was fully nude standing in front of him. He could tell she was nervous. He was actually starting to get a little nervous as well, even though she was a bit slim she still had some curves to her and she was like an oil painting in his eyes. He stepped back admiring her beauty when she walked up to him and placed her hands on his sides. She started to gently unbutton his night shirt and she reached her hands around his mid-section feeling the widest part of his body. She smiled, she had always found large men attractive. She finally got his night clothes off and he sat in his bed with his back resting against the large headboard. His mid-section spilling into his lap. She had never actually fed anyone before but she had thought about it for a long time. She hadn’t noticed him pulling out a few items from the other side table drawer and laying them silently next to him on the bed. A few leather restraints and a riding crop. She turned to get the cake sliced and felt a mild sting on the side of her ass and she yelped. He gently whipped her, not wanting to break her fair skin.
“You’re taking too long.”
“I’m sorry master.” She hurriedly jumped on the bed straddling him as best as she could. Her slender legs spreading over his wide body. She grabbed the stand the cake was on and began to put each forkful in his watering mouth. He smacked her again with the whip causing her to yelp again. “Feed me faster. Stuff my face full.” He growled at her. “Yes master.” She said with an excited thrill in her voice.
She started giving him larger bites. She barely gave him any time to chew before shoving another forkful in. Realizing he may be getting thirsty she sat the cake down and poured a glass of milk for him. She raised it to his lips he swallowed the entire glass in just a few gulps. She hurriedly picked up the cake again and started force feeding him. The cake was a thick, dense pumpkin cake with creamy maple frosting. As he took each bite, he closed his eyes and moaned with pleasure. She shoved another forkful into his mouth and again poured him another glass of milk and he again gulped it down quickly. She noticed the restraints laying next to him in the bed. Now, it was her turn to control him. He had to be getting slow moving by now, less quick with his crop. He ate a large portion of the cake and he was starting to slow his chewing. She quickly grabbed the leather strap and forced it around his thick wrist and shoved his hand above his head as he was chewing in an almost dazed state. It wasn’t until she had one of his wrists secured above his head that he realized what was happening to him. Before he could say anything she shoved another piece into his mouth and forced his other hand above his head and secured with the leather strap. He wasn’t sure what to think, those straps were supposed to be for her! She had his whip too?
“Open up master. You have a long way to go before you finish this.” She said as she whipped the side of his thigh. She leaned down and whispered in his ear “You won’t be moving from this bed by the time I’m done with you.” He had a look of concern is his ocean blue eyes. “Oh master... Don’t look at me like that. This is what you wanted me to do. I am your servant after all. I want to make sure you’re absolutely satisfied.” She said piercing into him with her green eyes and with a smirk as she shoved another bite into his overfilled mouth. “My, my, master - you certainly have a large appetite this evening don’t you?” She said as she poured him another glass of milk and holding it to his mouth as he drank it slower than the other two. She gave him a hit on his thigh. “Drink faster master.” She said smiling gently at him as she started rubbing her other hand on his corpulent middle. She loved every roll, every time he jiggled when he squirmed from his minor whipping. Picking up the cake she realized he only had about a 1/3 left to finish.
His eyes slightly bulged when she showed him how much was left. Could he really finish it? He was starting to feel completely over-fed.
“Master, I know you can finish this. Maybe I can help you in a different way.” She said as she shoved a piece in his mouth and slid off his large lap. She could have sworn one of his thighs were larger than her waist! The way his arms looked restrained above him, his biceps were so thick one of them could have been the size of her thighs. He was absolutely corpulent. A rotund butterball. She really wished she knew how much he weighed. As she slid between his legs she took off his undergarments exposing his surprisingly thick cock. “Oh my! Big boy!” She exclaimed. She leant up to grab what was left of the cake with her hand and held it to his lips as she grabbed his rock hard cock and started to slowly lick his shaft, up and down. Looking up at him she stated “The faster you finish this the faster I finish you.” She said with a seductive smile. He let out a low growl as she shoved the cake into his mouth. He chewed as fast as he could and she wrapped her soft pink lips around the tip of his dick that was soaked in precum. She slid it into her mouth farther and he took another bite. He was moaning from pleasure and some pain from being so full. He wanted to cum so badly, it had been so long for him.
He took the last giant bite and she slid her mouth up and down as quickly as she could. As soon as he swallowed his last bite he came into her mouth and let out a deep guttural moan. She came up kissing his large stomach, licking his sensitive nipples, gently nibbling on them making him shutter and jiggle. Her cat-like eyes gazing into him as she gently undid his restraints. Wasn’t he supposed to be in charge?
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VintageRose1920 3 years
Thank you!
BeSoft 3 years
A story for my taste finally. That was the best by far for a long time! Hope you'll continue writing. Thanks!
Stevita 3 years
Love it! Very sweet and hot!
Built4com4t 3 years
Well done, most excellent. Very very arousing