The circus

chapter 2

The young girl walked to the circus tent and waited for the blonde-haired woman. She paced nervously as she waited. She turned around and there was the woman she spoke to earlier.
“Oh! I didn’t realize you were there!” The girl yelped.
“I’m sorry my dear, I didn’t mean to frighten you. Now let’s get you cleaned up.” The woman placed her arm around her shoulder and lead her into the circus grounds. Instantly the girl was taken so far from reality. She didn’t realize such talents existed! There were men walking on stilts, a woman making fire come from her mouth, beautiful women in sparkling corsets and feather headbands in their hair, exotic animals, and tramps. She could also hear live music being played. Everyone was wearing makeup and costumes, they all were practicing for their show that evening. She looked around completely amazed.
“Ah Milly, there you are! Could you please see that our guest is cleaned and ready for the tour tonight? She has worked so hard to be here and I thought she deserved a tour before the show tonight!”
“Sure thing Miss Rose. Come with me miss?” She asked unsure what to call her.
“M’name’s Olive ma’am.” The girl said nervously.
“Oh, aren’t you a polite one! Please, call me Milly!” She led the girl into a covered tent. It had a wooden soaking tub, with soaps, dried flowers, and perfumes nearby.
“Here you are lovely. You can undress over there behind the privacy screen.” Milly pointed towards the screen.
“I don’t have anything nice to change into...” The girl bashfully said.
“Oh dear, you’re at the circus! You can be anything or anyone you want to be! I think I know just the outfit that would be perfect for you! Now go get cleaned up and I’ll bring something for you to wear.” Milly said as she handed the girl a drying towel and a gentle smile.
Milly exited the tent and Miss Rose was outside waiting. So, what do you think of the girl? “She is a sweet thing. I think she will fit in perfectly here.”
“Good. I intend on keeping her here.” Miss Rose stated with a devious smile. “I wonder how she will react to our star attraction. I will bring her to him after she has bathed and changed.”
“I think that is a splendid idea. He needs the extra help after all.” Milly said with a giggle.

Olive enjoyed her bath. She used the scented soaps and soaked with the flowers. Milly arrived with the garments.
“Here you are deary! I found the perfect outfit for you!” Olive stood up. Her naked body soaking wet, the water dripping down her pert bare breasts and off her nipples. She grabbed the towel and dried herself. Milly handed her the clothing. A pink shade corset, stockings, a garter belt, and a high low ruffled bustle skirt with low heel Victorian style mid-calf length boots.
“Isn’t this a bit revealing for a tour?” The young girl asked Milly.
“I don’t think it’s anymore revealing than what anyone else wears around here. Miss Rose said you dreamt about joining the circus. This is your chance to be anyone, or anything you want to be. Whaddya say darlin’?” Milly said as she gestured around her. Olive put the revealing garments on and Milly put Olive’s hair back in a lovely braid.
“Well it would be nice not to be a coal shoveler anymore.” The young girl said. Milly led her into the depths of the circus grounds. They stopped at an overly large circus tent and Olive heard the sound of a... low grunt? Or maybe it was a groan perhaps?
“What is in here?” Olive stopped at the tent door and asked Milly.
“That is the tent of our main attraction. A man of proportions you can’t even imagine.” Milly said as she said ecstatically.
“Can I see?” Olive asked in an excited tone.
“Of course! You’re on the tour, aren’t you?” Milly replied happily. She dramatically opened the tent door and gestured for Olive to go first.
There he was, the circus attraction. He was the “famous circus fat man.” Olive’s jaw dropped and she quickly covered her mouth in a gasp. He was sitting on a large Tête-a-Tête. He had in front of him a tray of sponge cakes, cream, and fresh strawberries. He was the largest man she had ever seen. She knew of aristocrats who were portly and well taken care of. But he was immense! He looked up as soon as he saw the tent curtain open, the light from outside hitting his eyes making them look like a pool of honey, he squinted a bit. Milly quicky closed the curtain allowing Olive to quickly jump in before she close the flap. “Hello Mr. Marshall. We have a guest who wanted to see you before your show! Her name is Olive.” Milly stated enthusiastically. Olive stepped forward for Mr. Marshall to fully see her. He was used to seeing gorgeous woman around him. After all he was part of the circus and many women were made up so well. But Olive was different. He hadn’t seen her before. He took an inward breath. “It is quite the pleasure to meet you Miss Olive. I would properly greet you... but I am in the middle of getting ready for my show tonight...”
“It’s quite alright. I am honored to meet you. How do you get ready for your show exactly? What do you do?” She looked at him innocently and a little insecure because she was clad in more than revealing clothing.
“I will let you two get acquainted. I have some things to finish before the show starts tonight.” Milly said as she made her quick exit giving Olive no choice but to stay with Mr. Marshall.
“If you come closer, I will show you what I do.” He said with a grin.
Olive walked awkwardly closer to him and sat down next to him on the Tête-a-Tête, since there was no other place to sit, her corset forcing her breasts up and her posture to be straight and her thighs showing with her style of skirt. He couldn’t help but look down at her tantalizing legs, how inviting they looked., how smooth they looked, he wanted to enjoy himself between them. But for now, the sponge cakes would have to do...
She swallowed hard because she had never been this close to a man who was so big. He clearly enjoyed all the things brought to him and it showed. “I take a cake and pour some cream over the top of it and sprinkle these strawberries over the top before I take a bite.” He demonstrated what he did as he said it. He took a bite, his eyes closed and he let out a soft moan in pleasure.
“They do look tantalizing.” Olive stated as she eyed the large man beside her. His stomach taking up nearly all his lap. His thighs looked like they were the size of tree trunks. His wrists were so thick they had a soft roll on his wrists, his fingers were so large they looked like stuffed sausages. She couldn’t believe her eyes. He was truly immense. “How much do you eat in a day?” She blurted out, not being able to control her question.
“Probably more than you eat in a week. You’re a tiny little thing.” He stated flatly.
“Well, it isn’t entirely my fault... I’m forced to work in the mines and...” She trailed off feeling suddenly ashamed of herself.
“No I didn’t mean anything by it. You look... I mean... You are beautiful... Too beautiful for the mines. I am sorry I just meant you just are... You look amazing. You’re just small, that’s all.” He carefully worded his compliment. He hoped it was a compliment anyway. She started to blush.
“It’s 530, places everyone!” In came Miss Rose bursting through the tent door.
Olive looked at Mr. Marshall in a panic. “What does that mean?” Olive leaned in and whispered into his ear.
“It means that I am about to receive a feast.” He looked at her and winked.
“I don’t understand. Do I need to leave?” She asked frantically.
“No please stay. You may learn something. You may even be able to help me out!” He said with a wide grin. His wide cheeks flushing.
************************************* **
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BeSoft 3 years
I would gladly read if you make it darker. I find dark stories quite arousing.
VintageRose1920 3 years
Thank you! I thought about deleting it and changing some things to make it darker. I am still getting a feel for this whole writing thing.
BeSoft 3 years
I got a huge thing for contrast! Love that well written story!!
Built4com4t 3 years
Another good one :-) a bit fast paced maybe but an arousing read at the end