Locked down, and plumping up - part two (glorious stuffings)

chapter 2 - the cake

It was the kind of chocolate sponge cake the was perfectly moist. It wasn’t one of those that were so rich that they were tough to eat when the flavours built up and got to be too much, but one that it would be easy keep enjoying without realising how much you are actually eating. And even if you did, it was just so more-ish. It really did feel like it was staring at Sarah, tempting her. She was so full from her huge gluttonous meal, and maybe it was that she was approaching the end of her second bottle of wine, but that cake looked like a challenge.

How wonderful it would be to just stuff herself even more. Normally she would have shown some restraint, but wasn’t she getting delightfully chubby anyway? Surely, at this point it didn’t matter. And it was her birthday. Having to spend her birthday alone, she deserved to indulge in whatever pleasures she saw fit. And indulge she would. Wickedly so.

She hardly wanted to create more dishes for herself though. In fact, she had been eating so much but feeling so lazy recently that she didn’t know that she had any clean plates or cutlery left anyway. And if she was going to pig out so completely, why not fully commit? She pulled the box of cake in front of her and as she opened it the aroma only served to convince her further that she needed to devour it at all costs. Deep down, she even realised that she wanted it to help make her even bigger.

Sarah took a huge chunk of the cake with her hands and shoved as much as she possibly could into her mouth. The texture was perfect, and it almost seemed that the fatter she was getting the more she enjoyed her food. It was starting to make her really quite aroused. She hadn’t checked, but she was certain that she was more moist than the cake at this point.

Sarah continued to desperately scoop huge mouthfuls of the cake into her mouth, the tastes and textures taking her over and starting to make her moan. She alternated with sipping the remainder of her wine to wash it down. Suddenly she noticed that her hand had drifted down to her lower stomach, and she was caressing her belly fat. It felt absolutely amazing.

Rather than feeling self-conscious of her jiggling body or what she was doing, Sarah loved the idea of making herself so much fatter by doing this type of thing as much as she possibly could. It seemed increasingly irresistible the more weight she packed on. She knew she should stop, but in this moment she definitely couldn’t. Hedonism was clearly winning her over more and more.

Her chewing started to slow as she became more stuffed. Sarah breathed more heavily as she tried to handle consuming sensations of intoxication from the wine, the obscene amount of ridiculously fattening food and the idea of becoming a growing, hopeless ball of blubber. Somehow, the fact that she should have probably felt ashamed of her behaviour, but instead had a deep sense of pride, made the whole feat more exciting. She felt like she was growing fatter with every bite, and undeniably loving it. She had absolutely full control, but also none at the same time.

As she finished, Sarah flopped back in her chair dedicating all her attention to rubbing her flabby midsection. The pressure of doing so made her love-handles spill out of the back of her pants suddenly, wobbling in a way that Sarah could feel it. This in itself, made her cum.
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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