Down the elevator

chapter 3: william

I staggered into the space, head clearing from the trancelike state immediately as I entered. The doors slid shut behind me before I could turn and regret my decision, and I rubbed my head in confusion. There were no buttons that dictated what level I desired to go to, no indicator of which level I was on. The only thing I could see was a slight perforation on the wall, and that didn’t seem to budge. Suddenly, the box jolted to life.

A calming tune appeared from somewhere as the lift slowly descended. I had the vague thought of panicking, but the serene music eliminated that almost immediately. I even began to sway, before I could think about the fact I had no sense of rhythm and that I would never do this in front of anyone else. But the music overtook all common sense and the same feeling I’d experienced when seeing the button washed over me once again.

I had been cruising to the music for an unnaturally long time when a familiar chime echoed into my sluggish mind before a melodious voice began to speak.
“Max of Ella Crescent. You are about to enter a life very different from your current one, and after you’ve done so, there will be no going back. Do you accept?”
The words rang around in my head, slowly, as if they were stuck in slime. They seemed so appealing, yet a malicious twinge came along with them. I almost had to follow them!
“Ok.” I replied, although my voice quavered slightly, and the syllables slurred together.
“Excellent.” It called back. “To calm your nerves, take this cake.”
The perforation released a faint squeal and revealed a massive, delicious looking Choc-Strawberry cake that seemed familiar. Who cares about my diet anymore? I doubt that my mum will see me the same way after my life changes! The elevator once again jolted to life, but this time it seemed to tilt slightly. I grabbed the cake and took a bite. A flavor sensation exploded in my mouth, and immediately I had to continue. I coated my face with the delectable batter as I dug in, gobbling the entire thing up in less than 10 minutes.

I groaned in delight as I reached for more. I had collapsed to the ground in a pile of my own crumbs, but when my hands found the plate, it was empty! I was shocked that I had managed to eat the entire cake so quickly, let alone at all! I looked down to see my star wars t-shirt riding up above my belly, revealing a hugely bloated stomach. However stressed I was, though, the music calmed my sorrows perfectly. Just as I was about to drift into a sugar-induced coma, the doors slid open.

A man with multiple chins and massive cheeks stood there. As my eyes panned down, I discovered two massive moobs that resembled a woman’s breasts, and a stomach bigger than my entire body. His arms were about as thick as my waist, and my legs twice that. He wore no shirt, and all I could see was a pair of boxer briefs that were almost fully concealed by the swathes of fat that hugged his body.
“Hi.” He said, in a hypnotizingly deep voice. “I’m William.”
6 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 3 years
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BulkBrit 3 years
I’m really enjoying this story and would love to read more.
Likesmenwith... 3 years
Please write mote. This time wit weights and ]/or measurements of he progress. As weasel as the looks of family and friends who see you in you new gloriou,, sexy self.