Down the elevator

chapter 5: the bowls

The next few days were the best of my life. Having now embraced weight gain, I was free to try whatever William would make for me. That first night, he had provided what looked like a wedding cake, but truly read: Happy Fat Day, Max! I didn’t consider the specifics of him having this prepared, but devoured it all the same.
“Congrats again, bro! Here, try some of this homebrew stuff. It is SO good.”
He provided a jug full of golden, syrupy juice, and I took it in two hands. I was giddy on sugar and excitement, so I wasn’t thinking straight. I brought the jug to my lips and chugged the entire thing. Suddenly, I was completely enveloped in serenity. I couldn’t think whatsoever, the only feeling I was experiencing hunger. I collapsed in a heap on the ground, my fat spreading out around me.
“Oh, well… You weren’t meant to drink that much, but whatever.” William wore a concerned expression, and kneeled over beside me, placing a chubby hand on one of the fat rolls that had begun to develop on my back.
“Need. Food.” I groaned, rubbing my bloated stomach as it rumbled vigorously. I let out a big belch as William rose.
“I’ll always have food for you, mate!” He returned to his happy demeanor, seemingly ignoring the fact that I was lying on the ground. He brought out a few bowls of chips and a heaping of sauce. “Enjoy!”
I immediately consumed the entire course, and when I was done I couldn’t believe the amount of food I’d taken in. Passed out on the floor, temporarily immobile, this was a sign for what was to come.
Ignoring the bizarre occurrence on that night, William put me through what seemed to be challenges, testing my eating abilities while still having the usual meals. I was taking in at least 10,000 calories on a bad day. Once, I was laid down in a bathtub filled with vanilla pudding and was ordered to eat it all before I could leave. Another time, he set up a conveyor belt and tied me to the ground. I was to eat every food item that came down the belt before I could be untied. I loved this all completely & utterly, knowing that I was indulging my deepest seated fantasy. I only had to abide by one rule: from now on, I had to eat everything that I was served. The first time this came into play was in the next few nights.
It had been at least 10 nights since I’d burst out of my shirt and I was absolutely massive. If, before I had decided to get fat I was classed as obese, right now I must’ve been morbidly so. I now took up two seats on the couch and my queen sized bed was only now being utilised to its full potential.
I was at the dinner table, fat hanging over my legs, when William emerged from the kitchen with the most amount of pizza boxes I’d ever seen. My mouth immediately began to water as soon as he placed them on the table, thinking this would be our dinner, but soon he returned with twice the amount. My eyes must have been as big as one of the pizzas, as William looked at me and smiled.
“Tonight, we’ll be testing your true limits as a feedee. If you succeed, we will move onto stage 2.” He said as he resumed his seat at the table.
“Stage 2?” I questioned. He had never mentioned this before.
“Oh, nothing. You’ll see.” He replied, tapping his nose knowingly. “Now let's dig in.”
I certainly did dig in. Stuffing piece after piece into my mouth as if I was a machine, I dropped toppings onto my bare chest every so often, provoking a chuckle from my dining mate. I had easily cleared three stacks of boxes, an all time high for me, when I began to feel uncomfortably full. I looked down at my huge belly. It had almost doubled in size and most certainly tripled in dirtiness. Stretch marks coated it that weren’t there before, and I gasped in shock as I maintained the biggest hard on I’d ever experienced. In the midst of all this, William’s deep voice resounded from his end of the table. “You need some help with that?” I looked up in confusion to see the biggest stack of boxes yet towering ominously above me.
“Will, dude, come o…” He cut me off.
“You promised that you’d eat absolutely everything I served you. Now wouldn’t be the time to break that promise.” He patted his belly in a gesture for me to sit on his lap. I was worried that there’d be no space for me to sit but in true dude bro fashion, he assumed a manspread so that I could mount his tree-trunk thigh. As soon as I took my position, he began to funnel the pieces into my mouth at a speed that the flash couldn’t keep up with. I groaned in pain as I felt as if I could explode. After half an hour, all the boxes were empty.
“Nice job.” He grunted, clearly winded by such an obese fuck mounting his leg for so long. I noticed his pain and laboriously pulled myself off his body, which I was no longer hesitant in touching. I could hardly manage the slow waddle that I made towards my room, and my bed made a massive creak as I fell onto it.
For the rest of the night I twisted and turned. I was still so hungry, even after consuming three times my body weight just hours prior. Against my better will, I rolled off the bed and slowly made my way to the kitchen, my lard-like legs chafing against one another. In a hungry rut, I opened the massive fridge, before noticing my mouth was deathly dry. I reached for the first bottle I saw and chugged it. Immediately I knew I had made a mistake.
Immense hunger overtook me and all I could think was to eat. I looked around in a frenzied panic, and I caught sight of four, extremely large mixing bowls. Grabbing them all in my jiggly arms, I could barely make it back to my room without ripping off the covering, but somehow I made it to my bed. Sitting there like a child on Christmas, I ripped off the glad-wrap one by one, unable to sustain my animalistic hunger any longer. Each one had a creamy, thick batter like substance in it, but I cared not for the details. I shook with anticipation as I brought the first bowl up to my mouth. Slurping like a madman, I poured the entire bowl down my throat in one gulp. Suddenly, I felt more uncomfortably full than I ever had before, so much so that a normal person would have admitted themselves to the doctor. However, my hunger was not satiated. I gulped down two, three and finally four more of the insanely fattening substance, and I came harder than I ever had before. I can’t describe how full I was at that moment. I was beyond bursting point, probably beyond humanly possible. I looked down at my belly. I gasped in horror and extreme arousement as it morphed, changed before my eyes, inflating, growing, pushing and pulling my skin so far that I could no longer see my growing feet. My fat wobbled like lard as it pushed up and out, rumbling the foundations of the house. Chin after chin violently emerged and my breasts popped and crackled as they tripled in size. My briefs exploded off as another wave of cum detonated from my mon pubis. I had no idea that I had just taken in 4 bowls of pure fat magic. My bed collapsed in a huge heap. A belch erupted from my mouth and rattled the chandelier above my head. What had I done?
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BulkBrit 3 years
I’m really enjoying this story and would love to read more.
Likesmenwith... 3 years
Please write mote. This time wit weights and ]/or measurements of he progress. As weasel as the looks of family and friends who see you in you new gloriou,, sexy self.