A holiday reunion

chapter 4 - 2011 (continued)

Once the idea of dieting was out of my head, I was really able to relax and enjoy my newfound love for eating. As my body got bigger, so did my hunger. It now took more to make me feel full, and I did not hesitate to satiate that hunger. I used to not be able to finish a full meal, and now I was leaving the table and heading straight to the kitchen for dessert. Tyler and I would text each other when we were feeling extra stuffed, or if we happened to feel exceptionally fat that day. we'd half make fun of each other, half encourage each other.
As I added calories to my daily intake, the numbers were creeping up on the scale. 197, 198, 199....I was getting dangerously close to the 200 mark. I realized that it was a pipe dream that I'd be able to button any of my current pants, and most of my shirts were struggling to contain my belly, so I was forced to go buy some new clothes for the winter.
In the dressing room, I really got a look at how my body had changed. There were mirrors all around the small room, and I could see myself from every angle. I stood there with my shirt off, examining where all my new pounds had attached themselves to my torso. Most of the weight settled in my big doughy belly, seemingly defying gravity as it pushed out in front of me. I could see from the behind view that some of the pounds were spreading out on either side, forming two rounded and jiggly love handles. My chest had softened, showing signs of a pair of sprouting man boobs. My neck looked thicker, my face fuller, and even my butt was rounder.

By the time Christmas came around, I had added even more fat to my body, sailing past the 200 mark. I weighed myself on the day of my family gathering and was topping off at 216, meaning I had gained over thirty pounds this year, and weighted more than Tyler did when I first saw his expanded body.
My family was not as polite this year than they had been the year prior, and I received a lot of comments on my gain. The comments ranged from surprise to concern to teasing, but none of them bothered me. I knew I was getting fat, and felt good about it, and every person that noticed added encouragement for me to keep going. My dad had gained a bit of weight that year as well, and kept bringing me cookies, and other foods to try. I think he enjoyed having an eating buddy, as he was used to my mom and sisters nagging him about his expanding midsection. Late in the evening we decided to weigh ourselves to see who had gained more, my dad still besting me by about ten pounds.

A few days later I was on my way to meet up with Tyler at his parents house. I was excited for him to see how much I had been able to gain since our camping trip, around twenty pounds in a few months, and wondered if he'd gained as much.
When I saw him, I could tell he definitely had. It was almost unbelievable how much he'd expanded in that short time. He told me he didn't know his exact weight, but knew he was past 260. He said he started officially dating that girl Rachel from his work, and she was constantly bringing him snacks at his desk. She had also gotten really into cooking, and was making him big heavy meals every night. They spend the weekends at home, watching Tv and Movies, while she feeds him delicious food all day long. He said he was the happiest he had ever been, and was seriously starting to doubt that he'd ever try to get back down to his old size.
Tyler's parents were both bigger than last time I had seen them, and they both were not shy to point out my gain. His Dad told me if I didn't slow down I'd get as big as his big fat son. We all laughed. His mom prepared way too much food, and the four of us caught up and ate for the next few hours.
At around ten o clock Jane came home from her waitressing job. She'd been staying at her parents house since the divorce, and was working double time to try and get out of there and back on her feet. I hadn't seen her since last year, but thought she looked good in her work clothes. If I had to guess I'd say she'd gained ten pounds or so since I saw her last, and her almost too small button up really showed off her curves.
Eventually Tyler's parents went to bed, and it was just me, him, and Jane hanging out. We all snacked on some mozzarella sticks that Jane brought home from her restaurant. All the feasting got to Tyler, and he nodded off in the Recliner, while Jane and I continued to chat. She picked up a cold mozzarella stick and took a bite.
" I should not be eating this" She said. I wondered if she'd noticed me looking at her full belly. I asked her why.
" I need to lose some weight," she answered "I want to get back to my pre marriage size....so I can start dating again."
"Why would you need to do that? I think you look great." I said.
"You have to say that." She blushed. "Seriously though, my ex hated that I let myself go. It was a big factor that led to the divorce."
"I think the fact that he was a major a-hole is what led to the divorce. If he doesn't like you as you are.....he's crazy." I wanted to tell her that I had a crush on her since we were kids, and that she was the most beautiful girl I knew, and that her added pounds only made me more attracted to her. "You should find a guy that likes you how you are. That way he won't be upset if you gain weight after marriage."
"Haha. Yeah, that makes sense." She said sarcastically. " It's been impossible to lose weight living in this house. And my genetics aren't great....I mean look at my parents, and at Tyler. He used to be in great shape, and now he's in....well, that shape." She pointed at Tyler, who's shirt had ridden up, showing a sliver of his bloated enormous belly.
"Yeah" I said, "I guess it's contagious." I patted my own growing gut.
" I think you look good." Jane said.
"Thanks." I replied.
We both sat quietly for a moment. I could sense a tension between us. I wished that Tyler wasn't in the room, if we were alone I may have made a move. I was a little more shy than usual in this area, as I hadn't been with anyone since Gina, and especially not since I started getting fat. The two of us continued snacking and talking for another few hours before I realized how late it was, and decided I should head home.
Jane walked me to the door while Tyler snored in the living room. She gave me a hug, and I had to exercise some serious control to keep from getting noticeably too 'excited' at the feel of our bellies squishing together. We both agreed that we definitely shouldn't go a year without seeing each other again. I didn't know for sure but I had a feeling that Jane was thinking what I was thinking.
As I drove home I fantasized about what could happen if Jane and I were together. I thought of us spending time together, living together, even getting fatter together. I thought of how she'd look without clothes, and imagined us waking up together, naked in bed. Admittedly, this wasn't the first time I'd thought of Jane this way, but for some reason it seemed real. like we were in a place where something could actually happen.

The next morning I woke up to the sound of a text. I expected it was from Gina (who was STILL bothering me by the way), or from Tyler saying sorry he fell asleep. Maybe even from my Mom, nagging me about my increasing weight. I checked my phone.....and it was from Jane.

"hey :)"
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Canuck 3 years
i am loving the pace of this one, too. it adds a feeling of realism, with the passage of time. nice work!
RFBurton 3 years
Outstanding story so far! Well written with a nice pace and VERY different from so many....I look forward to the continuation!