A holiday reunion

chapter 5 - 2012

The text from Jane lead to more texts and that eventually led to us making plan to hang out. That plan became a date, which led to more dates, and by February we were seeing each other almost everyday. Most of our dates consisted of us going out to restaurants and stuffing ourselves with huge dinners. When we would hang out at my apartment we would both be constantly snacking, and when we were at her place (her parents house) her mom was constantly feeding us.
Things were going really well, and Jane and I continued our gluttonous dating lifestyle for the next few months. Neither of us mentioned it, but the constant eating was having an effect on both of our bodies. I noticed Jane was buying some new, very flowy outfits, though I could definitely see (and feel) some expansion. My clothes on the other hand were getting dangerously tight, and by April the numbers on the scale had climbed to 236.
When I looked at my shirtless body in the mirror I couldn't believe that this was my torso. After spending so much of my life as a skinny guy, anyone describing me now would probably start by saying "he's pretty fat..". Jane and I had not been intimate yet, and I wondered how she'd react to seeing me without a shirt. I thought of the time Tyler told me he could tell how fat I was with a shirt on, and realized Jane definitely knew how fat I was already. I noticed she was always feeling my belly and love handles when we'd kiss.
I took a picture of my shirtless physique and texted it to Tyler.

Tyler: Woah! Is that Photoshop?

Me: Lol. Nope that's me. I'm almost 240...

Tyler: Dang! my sister must really be taking care of you. According to my Mom you've been taking care of her as well....

Me: Lol, shut up dude. We've been having a good time together.

Tyler: Jk. Don't worry about it Rachel's gained a few pounds too.

He sent me a picture of him and Rachel at the beach in swimsuits. Rachel was in really good shape when they started dating. She hadn't gained much, but was definitely starting to get a chubby belly, and her thicker thighs were starting to show some fat dimples. Tyler on the other hand looked huge.

Me: Yeah she looks a bit chubbier than I remember, but why is she hanging out with Doug Heffernan from King of Queens?

Tyler: HAHAHA. I see the resemblance. That pic's from our California trip last month, I had a doctor checkup when I got back and weighed in at 290. Maybe I should chill a bit before I get over 300...

Me: Ha yeah right. You'll be well over 300 by Christmas. Heck the way your sister and Mom feed me maybe I will too.

Tyler: I'll have my mom reinforce the chairs.

Me: Haha. Ok gotta go I'm getting ready for a date with Jane.

That night Jane said she wanted to come over and cook me dinner. She made us some recipes she got from her mom, and I could see the apple didn't fall far from the tree. She made WAY to much food for the two of us to eat, but that didn't stop us from trying. I felt so stuffed at the table I had to unbutton my pants. Every time my plate was empty Jane would fill it again, and I would eat as much as I could.
After dinner, we decided to get some ice cream and watch a movie. When I got up from the table I struggled to get my pants closed, but didn't want to be impolite and let Jane see my open fly. We grabbed two heaping bowls of chocolate ice cream and made our way to the couch.
As I let my heft drop onto the couch I heard a "pop", and realized my pants button couldn't contain my stuffed gut. I looked down at my open fly, then to Jane, feeling slightly embarrassed. That feeling didn't last long as Jane and I both started to laugh. Jane took a big bite of her ice cream, and then set the bowl down. She reached over slowly, grabbed the zipper pull on my fly, and slowly pulled it the rest of the way down. She then put her hand on my engorged belly and started to rub. The feeling was so good that I could feel myself starting to get hard.
Jane lifted my shirt, exposing my gut. I could tell she liked what she saw. She bent down and kissed me, just above my belly button. She continued to kiss while rubbing my swollen belly and doughy love handles. She looked up at me, almost to ask "is this ok?". I grabbed my shirt and pulled it the rest of the way off to show her that it was.
Jane moved down to the floor, kneeling between my legs. She struggled to pull my tight pants down past my big butt, followed by my boxer briefs. I looked down at her and could see myself rock hard, standing just beyond the huge mound of my gut. She stroked it a few times before leaning over and taking me into her mouth. I leaned forward, loving the feeling as Jane's forehead bounced off of my belly. I rubbed her shoulders and looked at how enormous and round her buttcheeks had become.
Jane stopped sucking and looked up at me. She crawled up until she was straddling me there on the couch. I felt the weight of her heavy body push down on me. She felt heavier than I expected she would. She reached up and pulled her oversized sweater over her head, showing me a too tight bra and the beautiful soft full belly I had been dying to see. I pulled down her tight yoga pants, as she removed her bra. I felt like I was living a dream. The woman I had desired for so many years had grown plump right alongside me, and each added pound made her more and more attractive. I guessed that if I had gained 20 pounds since Christmas, she must have gained as much, if not more.
She lifted herself up and inserted me inside her. The next five minutes were spent with our bodies squishing and jiggling together in perfect rhythm.
After, we went to the bedroom where we could lay naked together, caressing each other's bodies until we fell asleep.
8 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 3 years
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Canuck 3 years
i am loving the pace of this one, too. it adds a feeling of realism, with the passage of time. nice work!
RFBurton 3 years
Outstanding story so far! Well written with a nice pace and VERY different from so many....I look forward to the continuation!