Stacy feeds lara

chapter 5

"Holy Shit", thought Lara to herself, while grabbing two handfuls of her now soft bellied midsection with her strong and capable hands. Sitting there all bloated and yet happy on her barstool, Lara thought, "How the hell did this happen?"

She'd been bulking up for Stacey the last six months. Stacey liked her stronger and yes bigger, but Lara knew this was starting to get out of hand. She'd only "bulked up to eventually shed down, right?", Lara asked herself, not really sure of the answer. Bulking up to shred down was the lie she told herself whenever looking at how downright chubby she'd become. But right then, while holding a considerable amount of fat between her fingers, Lara instinctively understood that she'd let Stacey get too carried away with all of these "cheat days", sometimes cheating more days in the week now then working out.

"I've gotta get control of all of this"she thought to herself, whilst pinching off now a thickened roll of belly fat. Lara knew she should be grossed out by her new Zaftig look, but she wasn't. In fact, she was anything but. Somehow over eating and getting drunk like this suited her, made her horny, and more importantly made her feel right at home.

"Stacey likes my curves and I love them", thought the drunken and sated Lara while massaging her belly.
The thought came through the fog of a stuffed belly and too many drinks, but still managed to make Lara incredibly wet.

Lara felt only a twinge of guilt while while sipping down yet another extra large martini glass full of her red, sweet, and calorie laden alcoholic mixed drinks. The horny and drunken Lara had no idea how many fattening and enebriating cocktails she'd already put down, but something from her former Spartan lifestyle told Lara that what ever the number of drinks she was on, it was already four or five too many.

However, Lara's self, deprecating comment to herself had little to do with how much she was drinking, and a lot more to do with the size and softness of what she saw while looking down. The once former rock hard and Chisled 180lb amateur bodybuilder was now replaced with what Stacey called "her hot and sexy, 260 pound professional powerlifter". And while it was true that Lara was stronger now than ever before, it was obvious to see that Lara had sacrificed her cardio and cutting for pure strength.

All those extra calories and heavy lifting had made Lara very strong. The extra strength came in handy during Lara's day hours as a construction worker, but sitting her alone, waiting for her lover to come back from the restroom, the horny Lara felt fat... and she liked it.
6 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Djfex 3 years
please continue this at some point smiley
I'm still looking forward to an ending
Karenjenk 3 years
I love how this started and she was being manipulated.
Very enjoyable read this afternoon
Growingsofter 3 years
Fatraveler 3 years
keeps getting better!
Jimbo021289 3 years
Fantastic as always
Azismiss 3 years
Looking forward to more!
Inthecourt 3 years
Glad you're writing! Seems interesting.