The Birthday Gift

  By Cheddar

Chapter 1 - the pills

“Happy birthday!” Alice cheers, as she hands Max his present.

It’s a small, wrapped box with a bow on top. Max holds it in his hands, gives it a shake, and tries to guess what might be inside.

“A . . . bracelet?”

Alice laughs, “No – it’s just . . . well, you should open it.”

Max grins and gives her a quick peck on the cheek, “You really didn’t have to get me anything, you know.”

“I know. I just . . . thought this might be fun?” she pauses and then quickly adds, “We don’t have to use them. Ever. If you don’t want. It’s okay.”

Now Max is really curious. He tears open the small package and takes a look at what’s inside.

“Pills?” he asks, examining the small, white tablets.

“Yes – they’re those . . . um . . . weight change pills?”

Max’s eyes widen. These are those pills everyone has been talking about. Originally used on movie sets to help actors “get into character” and put on few pounds for certain rolls, the pills have gradually gained popularity outside of Hollywood.

Max reads the package:
“At least a 100lbs. gain guaranteed! *
*results may vary
Effects last 7-8 hours.”

He looks up at Alice. Her eyes are swimming with concern. A few weeks ago, he told her about his . . . interests. This must be her way of acknowledging his big secret.

“Again,” she reaffirms, “We don’t have to use them, if you don’t want. I just thought . . .”

His smile widens, “No, this is the perfect gift. Thank you.”

Max leans in and plants a kiss on her lips. He places one hand on the small of her back and pulls her closer.

Then, he pulls away, a question swimming in his mind, “Should I use them, or . . . do you want to? Would you feel comfortable with that? I don’t want you to feel pressured or anything.”

Alice grins up at him, “Why don’t you use them tonight, birthday boy? And, then I’ll use them tomorrow?” Her voice is low and husky. Max feels an erection start to press against his pants.

He nods and then starts to pull her toward the bedroom, “Let’s test these things out then, shall we?”
3 chapters, created 3 years , updated 3 years
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