Not for my tastes

chapter 2

Vik hadn’t asked any questions when he saw the boss return with Isei. Isei, the woman practically attached to his side. She’d gone from trailing behind him, to brushing up against the boss.
Kjetil didn’t say or do anything. He allowed the behaviour, for now. Until he figured out her deal.

He hadn’t been sitting in the car for very long though, when he felt a bit of hunger. It was subtle at first - that faint bit of emptiness in his stomach, but not enough for him to feel bothered by it. Well, it wasn’t long before he WAS bothered by it. Within minutes, he’s gone from peckish, to a quiet growl rising up in his abdomen. He raised a hand briefly to rest on his stomach - Isei next to him, shifting slightly, as though she’d heard the noise his body just made. She probably had. She was leaning into him, eyes closed.
“Vik,” the driver nodded, acknowledging that he was listening to Kjetil.
“Let’s get something to eat real quick.”
Vik didn’t think much of it, only nodding. “Okay. What are you in the mood for?”
“Anything, really.”
Vik didn’t like how non specific that was. He was a bit worried in disappointing the boss, but didn’t say anything on it. “Okay. It’ll be a bit more before we get near the main town again, though.”
“That’s fine.” His stomach gurgled, as if to say, no, it’s not fine. He lowered his hand and went to cross his arms. He shifted his legs - growing a bit more uncomfortable as his hunger slowly increased - except it felt as though he hadn’t eaten at all in a day or two within minutes passing.
His eye briefly maneuvered to Isei, who looked as though she were sleeping. What was in that vial? Or..maybe he was reaching, trying to assume it had come from that vial. Drinking sugary water didn’t cause hunger, did it?
“What do you want?”
He looked to Vik. “Something big.” Vik raised an eyebrow, which was barely visible through the sunglasses he wore. “Like, anything.” Kjetil sighed. Specific foods weren’t on his mind - food in general was. His stomach was demanding for it to be fed. He sank into the seat, keeping his arms crossed.
“Okay. Anything for her?”
Isei. He shook his head. She was sound asleep, he realized, as he nudged her with his arm. No sense in waking her up.
Vik nodded. “I won’t be long, this place isn’t busy, thankfully!”
Thankfully. Kjetil crossed his leg over the other, unfolding his arms. He stiffened when Isei slumped over, right into his lap.
The woman that lay on him, had medium length, lose black hair. Her features seemed content - yet, she was still sleeping. Again, his stomach growled.
“Mmh..” Isei stretched, and Kjetil continued looking forwards, not looking down at her, even when she opened her green eyes. A sharp moment of realization caused her to sit up, a surprising contrast from before. She sat right back into her side of the backseat, giving him a nervous glance, but Kjetil didn’t say anything. No talk. Just hungry.

So, so hungry.

Vik arrived back at the car - he’d gotten something for himself, but handed a fairly large sized paper back back to Kjetil. “Hope it’s to your liking.” He didn’t reply.
Kjetil dug into the bag first, and received a burger. If he was being honest, he wasn’t a huge fan of burgers. But with hunger like this, he didn’t care. He just took the wrapping away, and bit into it.
Isei glanced over to Kjetil. His entire attention was dedicated to feeding himself at the moment. Did she know, what she had done? She had - the woman wasn’t so innocent after all, but she wasn’t going to admit that.
Kjetil finished the first burger quickly. In total, there were two more burgers. In the cup holder, a large drink. He reached forwards and took a sip, presumably to wash things down before he resumed his feast.
Isei hadn’t broke eye contact with the man next to her - almost locked in a trance. The focus of her staring hadn’t noticed, but Vik sure had, looking into the mirror to see the strange woman peering at his boss with no shame in her viewing. The boss was also eating quite quickly, he realized. Was the boss a big eater? He didn’t eat in company of the boss very often. The boss soon retrieved his fries, and began to chow down on them, too. They didn’t last long.

Even through his binge, Kjetil realized that, he wasn’t feeling much fuller. At least, not as much as he should, having consumed more than he usually would. He finished off his last burger and set aside the paper bag, inspecting his leather gloves for any remains. He brushed crumbs off of his jacket, before reaching forwards and taking his drink. It was then when he met eyes with Isei, who briefly blushed, turning away.
He held his contact a bit more, then leaned back, sipping his drink. He was definitely suspicious of Isei, now. It all started with that vial.
And he was still hungry. He stiffened, uncomfortable with that fact. He recognized that he had eaten a lot. He didn’t understand why he was barely affected.
And then, she offered him another vial. “Here. It’ll make you feel better.”
This vial was black. At least, filled with black liquid. He eyed it suspiciously - Vik did too, getting ready to start the car again, yet he couldn’t help but be curious at this exchange that was about to happen.
Given what had happened to him previously, Kjetil was wary. He set down his drink and reached forwards, grasping the vial. It was different, wasn’t it? So it had to do different stuff. Same as before, he tilted it to his lips, drinking it in one go. It was..tasteless.
Vik and Isei watched the entire time in silence.
He swallowed, and handed back the vial to Isei, brushing his finger by his lips again.
This time, things seemed to react quicker in his body. And right away, Kjetil felt a relief as his hunger left him. Yet a relief wouldn’t stay for long. Remember how he found it odd, that he wasn’t feeling full?
He was missing that immunity now.

His stomach seemed to grow tight, gurgling - letting him know it was full. It wasn’t tight in a very comfortable way, though - Kjetil couldn’t remember the last time he felt so full - he adjusted his legs, his expression seemingly changing to one that looked more uncomfortable.
“Boss? Are you alright?” Vik questioned.
“I’m..” He raised a hand to his mouth, pausing, then lowering it. “..Fine,” he said, once again lifting his hands to cross them. He only noticed by looking down that his stomach was slightly bloated - had he only just noticed because he was feeling the effects? Thankfully - for him at least - it wasn’t as visible though his jacket.
Vik held silent, nodding. “Okay. We’re heading back now,” he told him, starting the car again.

If he had to guess, that clear liquid made him hungry - and unable to feel any extreme degree of fullness. But that black liquid took away the effects, taking him back to reality. He loosened his seatbelt, not liking the way it pressed into him. He wasn’t sure how this had happened, any of this. What Isei was, what she wanted. There had to be some sort of motive!
His eye flicked over as Isei grabbed something on the seat - the space between them, she held up one fry, that he’d most likely dropped before. She brought it to her lips and bit into it.
It wasn’t going to be long before they arrived back at the place. Then, he could figure out what exactly Isei’s deal was...or maybe lie down a bit, and let himself digest first - he sunk back into the seat, his stomach sloshing with a particularly big bump.
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