Abdication abdomen

chapter 2

Marcus’s mind was spinning. He loved his uncle. He could never do what his father asked of him. But he was a Roman. He could not disobey his father. What was he supposed to do?
He thought back to the evening. Had his uncle really been letting his duties slide? But then he thought about his father. Clearly this was just a pretense. Domitius’s expandíng waistline was just the excuse Tiberius was looking for. Clearly it had nothing to do with this… Marcus thought back to the way everyone was looking at his uncle. That condescending, disrespectful look they all had on their face…. Maybe this could really be made about his uncle’s growing belly. It evidently was a problem, judging by the faces at the feast, one that could potentially cost him his emperorship.

But Domitius and he had worked very hard to campaign for the emperorship. His uncle was a great leader. That must be why his father was asking this of him. Marcus knew that his father meant business, once he had set his mind to something like this. Could he be stopped, talked out of this? „No way!“, Marcus thought out loud. Marcus would never kill his uncle, but if he refused, someone else would try. What if he warned his uncle? Would that stop it? He thought back to previous mutinies. Most of them had succeeded, and that ones that didn’t drove the emperors paranoid. He thought back to his uncle lying in his lectus, belly round and relatively carefree… and he decided that his idea was the best option. He knew he could get his uncle fattened up so much that the Senate could officially abdicate him or even better, talk Domitius into resigning himself before they did. It wouldn’t be the end of the world and there was so much they could do together outside of politics…

Marcus decided to act quickly, before it was too late. He knocked on his father’s study. When Tiberius called him in, he was sitting at his desk, holding a quill. Marcus wondered whether his letter had anything to do with his plans for his brother. „I have thought about what you are asking of me, Father, and I have decided that I will help you become Emperor.“ „I am very glad to hear it, my dear Son.“ „However…“, Marcus continued, while Tiberius raised an eyebrow, „… I think there is a better way.“ „Don’t even try to save your little buddy’s life, Marcus. He has brought this all on himself.“ „My little buddy is YOUR brother, need I remind you? And I know this is Roman politics, but does family mean nothing to you? Besides… what I have in mind will benefit you as well.“ „How is Domitius being alive going to benefit me?“ „If the emperorship is vacant, do you really think you will be the only candidate to fill it?“ „The Senate is involved, they favor me. This is happening, Marcus.“ „The Sentate?!“ „Careful, Marcus. I am the Senate.“ „No, you are not the Senate. You are A Senator, one out of 500.“ „Oh, how you underestimate me, Marcus. You think I am just another Senator?“ „I am quite aware of the role you play in the Senate, not least thanks to Uncle’s position. But are you sure that you are the only Senator who has any political ambitions, or financial, for that matter. I am sure some of your buddies would support someone richer over you in a heartbeat.“ „Careful, Marcus!“ „Think rationally, father. What could bring you a stronger claim than the support of the current emperor?“

„Domitius? He would never roll over and back me. He is a wuss, sure, but even he would never do that.“ „You’ve seen the way people looked at him today. You may have exaggerated, but his weight gain has certainly not improved his standing.“ Tiberius’s eyes flashed. „Remember what he said to me today, for everyone to hear? He will take anything I bring him. Those were his words.“

„You want to fatten up your beloved uncle and get him to abdicate and support my claim?!“ „Yes.“ „That’s absurd. Not even Domitius is pathetic enough to let you do that to him.“ „I know he will. Think of what that will do for you. Having him getting all fattened up, only to bow down to you and declare you the better man, just giving the emperorship up to you. Who else could swoop in?“ Marcus knew his father well. He knew exactly about the brotherly rivalry and he was certain about what the image he had planted in his father’s head did with him.

Tiberius thought for a while. He crossed his hands behind his back and started pacing again. „This is insane. Even if it worked, what would the Romans think of me, having a brother like that?“ „What would they think of you if you had him killed. `Just another emperor who got his position through mutiny.` This is a much more creative and dignified plan.“ „Oh, I don’t know about dignified. I know which way I would prefer to go out.“ „I’m sure you do, but you’re not Domitius.“ „No, I am not… I will think about this.“ Marcus nodded and started heading to bed. „And Marcus… I’m glad you have decided to step up for the family.“ Yes. I choose my family over anything. Good night, Father!“ „Good night, Son!“
2 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 3 years
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Sir Doge 3 years
Hopefully more chapters soon