The woman who fell from the tree

chapter 2

The woman had gripped her jaw and held her fast. She smiled against Morgan’s mouth, took a deep breath, then exhaled.

“Mmph?” was all Morgan could squeak out before an intense blast of air forced its way down her throat. Her body stiffened. She stood stock still while another blast came in, and another, then another still.

A curious sensation built up in Morgan’s stomach as the woman kept pushing air into her. The stiffness she felt centered on her abdomen. Morgan clutched her stomach, her latte tumbling to the ground. Where a soft, squishy paunch settled on her hips before now arose a tautness, straining against her coat.

With her face still pressed against her captor, Morgan could only whimper and grunt as she realized she would soon run out of room in her coat, hastily unbuttoning and shrugging it off as best she could manage. As the coat slipped off her shoulders and to the ground, it gently caressed her backside—but it felt different.

Understanding dawned on her as she grasped her glutes. They, too, had swollen, straining her leggings.

“Oh, no!” she thought. “What’s happening to me?!”

But the woman kept forcing blast after blast of air into her. Morgan groaned and squeaked and pulled against her but it was no use. Puff after puff swelled her further. What was previously a cute belly blossomed into a taught, distinct paunch; at first straining against the elastic of her pants before eking out, a broad crescent of creamy flesh.

Even Morgan’s chest swelled too; pushing against her bra, visibly-overfilled cup lines creating dips in her shirt. Creaks and pops fell through the air like the dying leaves and dry twigs around them.

It seemed like an eternity, heavy breath after heavy breath coursing into her body, it taking every single one and then accommodating more… but finally, the woman stopped.

A distinct pop! sounded as she pulled away. Her hands still on Morgan’s shoulders, she leaned back and cocked her head. A full, pregnant moment passed before Morgan realized she was waiting for her to speak.

“What did you do to me?! Turn me back! Call a doctor!” She shouted anything that immediately came to mind. Morgan struggled in the woman’s grasp but she still held fast.

The woman remained as she was, a smile curling one end of her mouth. She watched her captive for a moment, eyes slaking up and down her twice, before leaning in again.

“Oh no you don’t!” Morgan exclaimed. She twisted her head back and forth, trying to evade her captor’s advance again.

The woman still caught her mouth; this time, planting a closed-mouth peck. It was brief and sweet. The woman smiled and kissed her again; this time on her cheek. Then again on the other. And more yet, feathering her jawline. Morgan squirmed in her grasp, trying to twist away, but her efforts were ineffective.

At long last, the woman released her and took two long steps back.

Before Morgan could register that she had been freed, that familiar warmth, comfortable and hazy, blossomed again.

Deep inside her rotund middle, the warmth roiled. It coursed through her whole body; from her swollen bosom to her fingertips; from her strained belly button to her toes, caressing every inch of her from the inside out as it swirled… every inch.

Morgan gasped and grasped her stomach, one hand instinctively slipping under its curve. Her hand fumbled, grasping to slip under the waistband of her leggings but her continuously and now-rapidly swelling stomach had taken too much of the finite room left in its elastic; far too tight for her to even slip a credit card in.

“Oooh,” Morgan’s earlier cries of protest had simmered to sultry with a hint of confusion humming beneath. She closed her eyes and bit her lip, in part to avoid eye contact with the strange woman staring at her with a hungry lust and equally in part to focus on the peculiar sensation growing inside her. The warmth building within and the cool air against her ballooning body sent a shiver up her spine and down below where she could no longer reach.

Within moments, Morgan could no longer even clench her thighs as more swells surged in her. They thickened from plump, to bloated, to starkly turgid, keeping up pace with every other part of her body. With a comical fwoomp, her arms shot upwards, jutting straight out from her shoulders at a slightly upward angle. The surges of growth in her midsection had begun to globularize from her hips to breasts as the pressure found more and more of her body to fill from the inside out.
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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CuddlesMcBK 2 years
You know, I thought my inflation fetish had gone away years ago... but then I read this story, and it came roaring back. I think the descriptions of how it feels for Morgan as she inflates are what really sell this- so many other fics just kind of leave i
UltraEvaSonGod 3 years
This is very good, no this is very SWELL hehe. I love it, and I can't wait for more.
GrowingLoveH... 3 years
I really love how masterfully you mix horror and eroticism. I envy your writing skills. (Note: a small problem at the end)