Doctor's visit

chapter 5

On Liza’s 9th month, 2 weeks before giving birth, she felt her belly touch the cool wood floor when Mac helped her stand from the bed. Liza wheezed between sobs, as Mac tried to comfort her, rubbing her largest belly roll, but secretly, he was ecstatic. He slapped his wife’s belly, and the two watch Liza’s multiple rolls jiggle for several seconds. Mac said “Looks like I got myself a Jabba the Wife!”

The same day, Mac was playing with the kids, making block towers when Liza shuffled into the playroom. On Dr. Hayes’ orders, he had gotten Liza to do some light exercises, walking around the home, to keep her joints moving.

Liza felt every ache in her body as she shuffled, stopped to catch her breath, and then shuffle again. Since Liza had seen her babies’ bond more with the nanny, she wanted to greet her kids.
As she shuffled towards them, Mac looked up and smile. He looked at his wife’s belly apron, amaze to see it move left and right, like a pendulum. Dr. Hayes was in a couple days ago, and had weighed Liza, coming in at a whopping 653 lbs – 158 additional pounds packed into her belly.

As Liza moved towards her son, she tripped on her belly fold. It felt like slow motion, as she felt herself falling forwards. Mac saw his wife falling forwards, seeing her belly swing forward, knocking the block towers. Luckily the kids were out of harm’s way, but once she fell, Mac saw every fold of flesh shake, and he heard a loud thump. Her body shook for 10 whole seconds.

Lia felt her body shake, and she laid there, on her belly, stun. When she had recovered, she wheezed and panic. “Mac…Mac…the…ba…by…” she wheezed, and tears started to well up.

Mac, when he recovered from the shock, quickly went into the action. The nanny, who had heard the thump in the other room, came running into the room, and shock, to see her female employer trying to push herself up, but looked like she was flapping, or what looked like flapping, her arms and legs, weighed down by skin folds.

Mac told the nanny to take the kids, who were crying now. The nanny took them into the other room, and Mac surveyed his wife, taking in the damage. She was now crying, trying to get up but was unsuccessful. Blocks which she had taken down, were scattered around her, and Liza could also feel some she was lying on, stabbing into her.

Mac moved the surrounding blocks out of the way, and he tried to roll his wife, but he grunted and fail, realizing she was too heavy. At this point, Liza was crying. “…by…call….doc…tor…Hayes. ”

Mac nodded and got up, rushing to the garage. “I will, but I got to get you on your back. Don’t move.”

Liza, nodded, and stopped moving, but fear overcame her. She wouldn’t be able to forgive herself if her baby was injured, or worse.

What seemed like minutes, was actually seconds, as Mac came back from the garage. He had orange cones in his hands, and sometime else Liza didn’t recognize. Working urgently, Mac put 3 of those unfamiliar things under Liza – 2 staggered, under her belly, and one under her fat knees. Then Mac pressed a button, and Liza heard a motor running, and felt her side, on top of Mac’s contraption, rise. She realized it was an inflation tool, and started to cry harder, realizing what had become of her – an immobile blob of pure fat, too heavy to get up on her own and for her husband to help her roll over.

When the inflation tool had risen up 6 inches, Mac then, with all his might, pushed Liza from her largest belly roll, onto her back. She made a thud, and she felt every part of her body shake.

Mac turned off the tool, and went over to his wife, urgently touching her belly rolls and putting his head on different parts of his wife’s massive belly, trying to hear for a heart beat. , he got his phone out and called Dr. Hayes. Liza tried to frantically reach for her belly, in an attempt to feel the baby’s kicks, and rub the stinging pains that the blocks had made on her pale fleshy skin, lined with angry purple stretch marks. But her stomach was so far descended, and with her arms weighed down by their own layer of fatty flesh, Liza couldn’t raise her arms no more than an inch off the ground, much less reaching towards her belly. After several fail and desperate attempts, she gave up, lying her head and arms on the ground, and crying out of embarrassment and shame for how far she’s had let herself get.

“Doc. We need you!” Mac snapped into the phone. “Liza fell on her belly. She’s on her back, but we’re afraid the baby has been harmed…..ok. Thanks.”

Mac clicked off his phone, got up and put the orange cones around his wife.

Liza was still wheezing and blubbering. “What…did…he….say?”

Mac finished putting the last of the cones down, went over to his wife, bent down and slowly massaged her belly.

“He’s on his way.”

“Mac…I…can’t….live…with …my….self….if…the…ba…by…is hurt….” Liza sobbed.

Mac shushed her, rubbed her belly in slow circular motions and tried to comfort her, but he too was concern.

Dr. Hayes finally came in half an hour, although for the parents, it felt like hours.

When he came into the room with his portable ultrasound, he was appalled at what he saw.

Scattered blocks, and Liza, resembling a beached whale, human form, on her back, wheezing and sobbing, surrounded by orange cones. Mac was knelt beside her, rubbing her belly.

Dr. Hayes swiftly came and knelt on Liza’s other side.

He frowned, but worked swiftly, unpacking the portable ultrasound. “What happened here?”

“Liza tripped on her stomach. She fell on her belly. I had to use an inflation tool to help lift her and turn her over. Her body shook when she hit the floor. We’re worry about the baby, because she fell flat on her stomach pretty hard, and on some blocks.” Mac explained, as Dr. Hayes rubbed the gel over Liza’s massive stomach.

He was not surprised to see his patient, so obese, only wearing a bra and underwear.

Only Liza’s wheezes could be heard, as Dr. Hayes moved the wand around her stomach.

“The baby’s ok” Dr. Hayes said after a few moments. He took his stethoscope, and placed it on different parts of her stomach, until he confirmed the heart beat thumping.

He wiped off the gel, and then patted Liza’s apex of her gut.

Liza whimpered and wheezed in relief, and Mac let out a sigh, and gave his’s wife’s sausage like hand a squeeze.

“You’re very lucky. But maybe now you’ll hold off on the chips!” Dr. Hayes poked her belly, watching it jiggle.

Liza tried to nod, her face reddening.

As Mac walked the doctor out after he had packed up, Liza put her hands on her belly, trying to feel her baby kick. However, because her belly was so big and round, and she had multiple rolls, Liza could only touch her side, hardly near where her baby was kicking.

Mac came back in and knelt beside her, and her eyes widen when she saw he had a cake in his hand…the black forest cake that was going to be the twin’s birthday cake for tomorrow.

“We’re so lucky, Fatty cakes,” he said, kissing Liza’s sweaty forehead, and then on her massive flabby chin. He then worked his way down her mountain of a body, a round blimp. He kissed each breast, the size of a melon. HE counted her body folds – 3 in total – and then got to the apex of her gut, the belly button. He loved playing with her protruding belly button, even though Liza tried to protest – she was so self conscious of her body. In fact, she whimpered and now tried to protest and roll to her side, but of course she’s so heavy, and Mac chuckled, seeing his blimp of a wife, move unsuccessfully. What he saw was his wife’s fat body, a shapeless mountain of flesh, covered in angry red and purple stretch marks on her pale skin, move and quiver on the floor. He gently touched Liza’s belly button, and then push on it slowly – it was firm and only went down 1 cm, but Liza felt it, squealed and let out a fart.

She reddened. Mac chuckled some more and kissed her belly button. Then he took the cake, and handful by handful, shoved the cake into his wife’s mouth while she cried.
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Th3f4t5ide 3 years
Your writing is pretty good, but the way you described Liza in the first couple of chapters had me thinking she was 600-700lbs. Finding out she was only 411 kinda took me out of it.

People at 411lbs don't normally have THAT much trouble getting around
Layla 3 years
this is so hot! I love all your humiliation stories smiley