Doctor's visit

chapter 6

"Alright Liza, we're going to get ready to push. You got to help us out, ok?" Liza's Dr. Morris said, as he and 4 nurses, 2 on either side of Liza, helped him lift up Liza's large stomach, and put it on a make-shift sling, just above the doc's head, where he was positioning himself to deliver Liza's baby.

He looked over Liza's mountainous belly, to see Liza, her face grey, tired, and breathing heavily and slowly. An oxygen mask covered her large face, and heart monitors covered her chest, and 2 over her belly. She nodded, barely.

Mac, by his wife, wiped sweat off her forehead. The baby was 2 weeks later than the predicted due date, and Mac had managed to topple his wife's weight to be 701.5, pounds.

The doctor focused back in position, shaking his head in disgust. His patient was nearly killing herself, putting her and her baby's health in jeopardy like this.

"Alright Liza, I see the baby's head crown. Give me one good push."

Liza, sweating, moaned, and gave a push, but with so much effort and her being so out of shape, it barely made a difference. After two more failed attempts from Liza, the doctor order one of the nurses - the lightest one - to go on top of Liza's belly, "pushing" on her stomach. Dr. Morris still kept demanding Liza push, and Mac, coached his wife, wiping sweat off her forehead. The nurse, Tina, kept pushing with frustration, on top of Liza's belly, and Liza started to cry, because it hurt, having her belly pushed on by a petite woman on top of her, and she was so embarrassed of what she'd become, and scared for her child.

What if her child died because it was stuck in her?

Finally, the baby came out, crying. Mac sighed in relief, resting his head on Liza's chest, like a billowy pillow. Tina got off Liza's belly, and poked it disgustedly, "You selfish pig," she muttered under her breath, where no one heard her.

The doctor, after cutting the baby's unbiblical cord and cleaning it up and wrapping it, gave the baby to Mac.

"It's a girl," he said, and then poked Liza's deflated belly a few times, "maybe now you can lose the 500lbs you've gained through all of your pregnancies!"

Liza, still breathing heavily with her oxygen mask, was so tired, she started to feel herself fade, and her eyes got heavy. She started to feel them closed, not even being able to see her child.
6 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 3 years
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Th3f4t5ide 3 years
Your writing is pretty good, but the way you described Liza in the first couple of chapters had me thinking she was 600-700lbs. Finding out she was only 411 kinda took me out of it.

People at 411lbs don't normally have THAT much trouble getting around
Layla 3 years
this is so hot! I love all your humiliation stories smiley