A christmas cookie wish

chapter 1

It was a week before Christmas, the one that’s usually filled with visiting family. Ever since Zoe and Beth lived together, they went to each others families parties. And then they went to their work Christmas party, so the two always got something Christmasy to wear. For Zoe, this usually meant a cute, form fitting dress, with an air of sexiness to it. Unfortunately Beth was not so lucky. She had grown up chubby, and even when she tries she just can’t trim down. None of the larger dresses were flattering for her figure and she would always just go with an ugly sweater. Other than weights, the girls looked like sisters with their blonde hair, although Beth’s was less blonde from her greasy diet. Zoe had greyish blue eyes and Beth’s were green and both were 5’6. Beth had always wanted to lose weight, but she stayed chubby, plateauing at 240, Zoe had always tried to help her diet but Beth would always give in to temptation. Zoe on the other hand, had always been thin. She loves to eat, but for the most part she controlled how much she ate, and Zoe also would go for runs every morning.

The week started with Zoe’s side of the family, then they went to Beth’s family. Beth’s family always over did it on the cookies, and the girls always took a ton hoe with them, but Beth usually ate most of those. Sweets were one of Zoe’s weaknesses and she would lose control and eat way too many. Every party they went to, Beth would just stare with jealousy at how small and form fitting Zoe’s dress was. “You know, you could have gotten a dress too, instead of a silly ugly sweater” Zoe said as she caught Beth’s stare. Beth replied, “it’s harder than you think…” as she walked into the other room and picked up a plate of cookies and walked back towards Zoe. Beth said ever so quietly, “I really wish she could understand how hard it is to find clothes my size” As she made her wish, a special glimmer of sparkles shimmered over the cookies, Beth reached the plate out and offered one to Zoe. “Okay, but just one, I can’t let myself eat too many cookies”
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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PilsburyDoug... 3 years
I have one in the works with a princess switching places with her maid and weight gain being involved, another just realisticish one about the lockdown, and then i had one with a ghost processing me to make me fat but i lost it and don't feel like re-writ
PilsburyDoug... 3 years
decent, working a lot so not much time to write
PilsburyDoug... 3 years
Yes, its me, although i'm not thin anymore lol, but its stories i imagined myself gaining in, and like, different ways to transform myself
Theswordsman 3 years
I notice the name zoe in alot of stories you write is it all the same person