A christmas cookie wish

chapter 2

Zoe grabbed a snowman frosted sugar cookie. As she sank her teeth into the cookie, she tasted the frosting on her tongue. The sweet flavor filled her mouth as she finished the cookie, the same glittery sparkle covered Zoe as had the cookie. Her eyes twinkled as a hunger filled her. She immediately grabbed another cookie, and then filled her own plate. By the time the night was done, Zoe had over stuffed herself full of cookies. She then packed up a whole container of cookies for herself, usually Beth only takes a container they share. Zoe then found herself drawn even more to the cookies, she could never keep herself from holding back, and within days the whole container of cookies was empty. Luckily Beth’s Aunt dropped off ore cookies because they had too many left over.

Zoe’s new appetite didn’t just stop with cookies either, any sweets, which she already struggled to say no to, she had no power to resist. This was mostly lost to Zoe, she was just eating and not caring, Beth noticed Zoe’s new lack of restraint and began purposely buying snacks Zoe would love. Eventually Zoe began to put on weight, she acted like it was invisible though and still wore the same size. During the summer Zoe had gained around 50 pounds over the past five months, making her noticeably pudgy, with a jiggly belly most women would not show off. Zoe seemed to not even notice, she would buy larger outfits but then act like they were the right size.

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3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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PilsburyDoug... 3 years
I have one in the works with a princess switching places with her maid and weight gain being involved, another just realisticish one about the lockdown, and then i had one with a ghost processing me to make me fat but i lost it and don't feel like re-writ
PilsburyDoug... 3 years
decent, working a lot so not much time to write
PilsburyDoug... 3 years
Yes, its me, although i'm not thin anymore lol, but its stories i imagined myself gaining in, and like, different ways to transform myself
Theswordsman 3 years
I notice the name zoe in alot of stories you write is it all the same person