The ride

chapter 3

The next morning, I pulled in to get some gas. I heard a familiar voice behind say, "Good Morning."

"Good morning", I replied. As I turned around, I must say that she looked stunning. Her clothes fit, but you could tell she had put on a little weight since then.

"You look amazing this morning."

"Thanks. This is one of my few outfits that still fits somewhat."

"Climb in, I'm just about done with this." I finished pumping the gas, and got in the driver's seat.

"I wasn't able to get any donuts for the ride..."

"That's ok. I made a little something. They're cake bars with a bit of chocolate filling. I made a few of them, but I didn't want to carry two bags, so I stuck them in the front of my computer pack."

She handed me one, and as I bit into it, my taste buds went haywire.

"If you don't want to carry those around all day, you could stick a couple in that lunchbox on the floor..."

"So, that means you like them?"

"Yes, very much so."

As I drove, we talked some.

"Do you have a lot of research today?"

"Yes. Today, I plan to research state parks today. Do you have a lot to do at the end of the week?

"Not really. A tune-up on an S10 and a diesel that won't start."

"Do you always get the diesels and pipeline trucks?

"Yes, unless it's changing tires or something like that. I'm the only one there who is certified. But, enough about work... If you're not doing anything tomorrow, maybe we could visit a park or two..."

"Yes, I'd like that. Maybe we could pack some food, and have lunch in the park."

"Sounds like a good idea to me. I'll pick you up at 10?"

"That's ok with me."

A plan it was then. I dropped her off at the Library, and headed on to work. At work, the boss called me into his office, and asked if I would be able to pick up a trailer Saturday and bring it back to the shop so we'd have it Monday morning. I told him about my plans, and he asked if I would go ahead and take a truck - if I had time pick it up Saturday and if not, pick it up before Monday. It was an uneventful day at work, and was soon time to go home.

I got the F550 service truck, and headed to the library. I saw her waiting outside, and got out so she would see me.

"Did you trade in your truck today?"

"No, my boss needs me to pick a trailer up before Monday. I told him I had plans, but he said to take the truck anyway. The store where it's at is up around where we are going, and they're open until 11pm. It just needs picked up sometime before Monday. If you don't mind, we can pick it up on the way back. If you do, I can get it later."

"That's fine. So..."


"I was in the library most of the day today, and didn't get to eat much, so now I'm starving..."

"Did you have something in mind?"

"Do you like hot dogs?"


As I drove, she told me how to get to a small restaurant beside a creek on the other side of town. She said they have twelve hot dogs for thirteen dollars. I parked the road hog off to the side, and walked around to help her down. We walked up to the window and ordered twelve hot dogs with chili and mustard, and three of those with a little ketchup. I got a Dr. Pepper and she got a coke. Soon, the hot dogs were ready, and we went to a bench to sit down. My first bite was amazing. I was going to comment, but noticed she was a couple bites ahead of me.

"These are good hot dogs."

"Yes. I found this place a few months ago, but I don't make it over this way much."

We continued to eat. After number four, I slowed down to let her get ahead. I stopped at number five. She finished number six.

"You can have that one", I said.

"Are you sure?"


I watched her eat the seventh hot dog. Her shirt was stretched tight across her belly.

"Are you up for dessert?"

"I look like I swallowed a basketball, but their ice cream is really good here. I'll go get us a couple of cones."

"I'll have a twist."

I watched as she made her way up to the counter - what a sight it was. A couple minutes later, she came back.

"What are those?"

"These are large cones. They put them upside down in a thirty-two ounce cup so they don't melt everywhere."

I notice that the cone was perched a couple inches above the top of the cup. It seemed that with every bite her belly got a bit rounder. She reached down and unfastened her top button to
make room.

We decided to leave and finish our ice cream on the road.

On the way home, we talked some and continued to eat.

As she patted her belly, she said, "Would you mind taking me on to my apartment? It's just a couple of blocks past the bus stop. I don't feel much like walking..."

"That is ok with me."

We got into town, and she gave me directions to her apartment. I parked in front, and got out to help her down. As she got down, her arm brushed my shirt.

"Feels like you got enough to eat..." She poked my belly playfully.

I walked with her up the steps and sidewalk to the door. She leaned forward, stumbled - off balance, caught herself and gave me a peck on the cheek.

She opened the door, and said, "You can pick me up here tomorrow."

I said goodnight, and she shut the door. As I got in the truck, I couldn't help but wonder what tomorrow would bring...
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