The broken leg

chapter 3 - becoming an ex jock

Three weeks had passed. Despite the order from the doctor for Dallas to be up and moving his movement was limited to using the bathroom and showering. Practically living in his sweats, Dallas handnt gone up stairs to his bedroom in over a month. Over a month of waiting on her spoiled son hand and foot, and keeping him well stocked with fattening greasy foods had no doubt taken its toll on Dallas. Where his abs once cut sharp lines in his speedo, his torso now bowed forward with the solid bulge of a former jock’s paunch. Dallas would absent-mindedly rub his hand across his stretched tee shirt as he lazily watched the TV. His once small love handles now poured out on either side. The waistband of his boxers was getting far too tight and he needed to get to his room to change. Dallas called to his mom to fetch his clothes for him but she was too busy making him his 4th snack of the day. Deciding he would do this on his own, using his thick chubby arm Dallas hoisted himself out of the chair stopping for a minute to catch his breath. he swaggered on over to the stairs. With each step his new large bubble butt swayed. He claimed the stairs pausing half way through to wipe the sweat from his forehead and catch his breath. As he entered the room he looked around for something to wear. With his casts off now, he range of options had increased, however his newly added girth had unfortunately decreased them as well. He grabbed a pair of basketball short. He thighs had grown larger and he stepped them into the shorts he realized how large he had gotten. Dallas shifted his padded bubblebutt around until he was in the right position; he spread his chunky thighs and pulled up the shorts up over his rotund ass. The shorts were skin tight. Having worked up a sweat he laid down in his bed and called his mom for some grub. She soon came running with a tray full of deep fried twinkies and chocolate dipping sauce. Dallas consumed each one with marked speed, holding two at a time and funneling them into his mouth. He yelled for more. Dallas knew he was getting chunky. But he couldn’t stop eating, he loved the food. He needed more.
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